Problem 1. (10 Points) James 6.8.1
Problem 2. (10 Points) James 6.8.3
Problem 3. (10 Points) James 6.8.5
Problem 4. (10 Points) James 8.4.5
Problems 5 to 7 use classification trees and logistic regression to classify the
Federalist Papers.
Question 5. (20 Points) Use your code from Homework 3 to read in the Federalist Papers and
create document term matrices dtm.hamilton.train, dtm.hamilton.test, dtm.madison.train,
and dtm.madison.test. For each term matrix, create a vector of 0’s and 1’s to indicate the author
of each document, with Madison documents given values 0 and Hamilton documents given values 1.
(This will be the response variable for each document) Combine the document term matrices and
vectors of 0’s and 1’s to create two data frames: one that includes all training data and one that
includes all testing data. At the end, in each data frame, the number of rows will be the number of
training (or testing) documents and the number of columns will be the total number of words in the
dictionary plus 1 (for the response variable). Also give names to columns of the data frames. The
column labels for the covariates are the dictionary words (hint: use as.vector(dictionary$words)
to get a vector of words) and the column label for the response is y.
a. (10 Points) Use tree classification to predict the author using the training data. Apply the model
to the testing data. Specifically, in R use rpart classification with Gini impurity coefficient
splits. Then compute the proportion classified correctly, the proportion of false negatives, and
the proportion of false positives. Plot the tree with labeled splits.
b. (10 Points) Now use tree classification again, but this time with information gain splits, to
predict the author. Apply the model to the testing data. Then compute the proportion classified
correctly, the proportion of false negatives, and the proportion of false positives. Plot the tree
with labeled splits. Are there any differences between the two plots? If so, what are they and
why do you think they arose?
Question 6. (20 Points) Create centered and scaled versions of your document term matrices.
(Do not center and scale the labels.) We will use these for regularized logistic regression with
a. (2 Points) Could we use an unregularized logistic regression model with this data set? Why or
why not?
b. (8 Points) Use glmnet to fit a ridge regression model on the training data. Apply the model
to the testing data. Then compute the proportion classified correctly, the proportion of false
negatives, and the proportion of false positives. Find the 10 most important words according to
the model along with their coefficients.
c. (10 Points) Use glmnet to fit a lasso regression model on the training data. Apply the model
to the testing data. Then compute the proportion classified correctly, the proportion of false
negatives, and the proportion of false positives. Find the 10 most important words according to
the model along with their coefficients. Compare the “important” words selected by ridge and
lasso. Are the words different? What about their relative weights?
Question 7. (20 Points) We can use feature selection to remove features that are irrelevant
to classification. Instead of calculating the probability over the entire dictionary, we will simply
count the number of times each of the n most relevant features appear and treat the set of features
themselves as a dictionary.
a. (10 Points) A common way to select features is by using the mutual information between feature
xk and class label y. Mutual information is expressed in terms of entropies,
I(X, Y ) = H(X) − H(X | Y ) = H(Y ) − H(Y | X).
Show that
I(Y, xk) = X
test = k | y = ˜y)p(y = ˜y) log p(x
test = k | y = ˜y)
test = k)
1 − p(x
test = k | y = ˜y)
p(y = ˜y) log 1 − p(x
test = k | y = ˜y)
1 − p(x
test = k)
Hint: First check the formula for Mutual Information online and see how it can be derived from
entropies. Also note that
H(xk) = −(p(x
test = k) log p(x
test = k) + p(x
test 6= k) log p(x
test 6= k))
b. (10 Points) Compute the mutual information for all features; use this to select the top n features
as a dictionary. Use the document term matrices from the resulting dictionary for all four of
the methods in questions 5 and 6: tree classification with Gini splits, tree classification with
information splits, ridge logistic regression, and lasso logistic regression. (Hint: subset your
previously computed matrices/data frames.) For each method use the testing set to compute
the proportion classified correctly, the proportion of false negatives, and the proportion of false
positives for n = {200, 500, 1000, 2500}. Display the results in three graphs (each graph will now
have four lines). What happens? Why do you think this is?
Question 8. (25 points) James 8.4.10
Note: To begin this problem, you should execute library(ISLR) and data(“Hitters”) to load
the data set.
Question 9. (20 points) James 10.7.1