CS2810 OOAIA: A2 solved


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Problem Statement
The problem is to maintain an inventory of items under additions and deletions. The items are
pens and pencils. There are three classes Inventory item, Pen, and Pencil. Each class has data
members and member functions, as mentioned below. Each object of the Inventory item class is
related to the object of class Pen and Pencil using unique id. So, the deletion of the object of the
class, either pen or pencil with id say 23 leads to deletion of the object of class inventory item
with the same id (This must be implemented using destructor logic). However, the deletion of
objects of a class inventory item is not possible. Apart from insertion operation and deletion
operation, the print operation should print all the objects of the specified class in ascending
order of their id.
Data Structures
Inventory item class has the following interface:
 Inventory Item (id: int, price: float, manufacturer: string, type: string)
 ~Inventory Item()
 int getId()
 float getPrice()
 string getManufacturer()
 string getType()
Note: Exact method names can be changed.
Pen class has the following interface:
 Pen (id: int, width: float, color: string, style: string)
 ~Pen()
 int getId()
 float getWidth()
 string getColor()
 string getStyle()
Note: Exact method names can be changed.
Pencil class has the following interface:
 Pencil (id: int, width: float, hardness mark: string, point size: string)
 ~Pencil()
 int getId()
 float getWidth()
 string getHmark()
 string getPointsize()
Note: Exact method names can be changed.
Also we recommend to use static arrays (as explained below) to store the object references of
each class.
Static Data Members
When a data member of a class is declared as static, only one copy of that member is created
for that class and is shared by all the objects of that class. All static data is initialized to zero
when the first object is created if no other initialization is present. Static members are mainly
used to maintain values that are common to the entire class.
static int count; // static variable
static int arr[N]; // static array
class staticExample{
static int count;
// data members
//member functions
int staticExample::count;
Note: The type and scope of each static member variable must be defined outside the class
definition. This is necessary because the static data members are stored separately rather than
as a part of an object.
Input Format
First line of input contains an integer t denoting number of operations.
There are total type of 3 operations:
Addition operation: Operation creates object of type inventory item, pen and pencil
So operation is followed by data (as shown in sample input).
Deletion operation: Operation d delete object having particular id.
Note: delete operation can’t delete object of class inventory item. Object of this class can be
deleted only by deleting object of class pen or pencil with same id. Delete operation deletes the
object of class either pen or pencil based on where matching id is present.
Print operation: Operation will print all the objects of class inventory item, pen and
pencil respectively in sorted order (according to id).
Each Input file has certain number of “blocks”. Each block has a set of addition operations
followed by deletion operations followed by a set of print operations. The addition operation
adds some inventory items then some pens and then some pencils. The IDs for the pens and
pencils to be added are chosen from the inventory items that have just been added in the same
block. The deletion operations delete certain number of pens and pencils. The set of print
operations just uses to print the state of the inventory items.
Note: The deletions in a block could be a pen/pencil that was added in any of the previous
blocks. The additions are “independent” in the sense that each block adds items with a unique
set of IDs
1 <= t <= 1000 Output format Each line in output file represents particular object of class either inventory item or pen or pencil as shown in sample output. Sample Input 17 a 10 23.32 abc xyz a 11 43.4 cdf uvw b 10 3.32 ghi lmp c 11 34.43 jkl omn a 20 23.32 abc xyz a 21 43.4 cdf uvw a 22 67.3 abc pqr b 20 3.32 ghi lmp d 10 d 11 p q r d 20 p q r Sample Output 20 23.32 abc xyz 21 43.4 cdf uvw 22 67.3 abc pqr 20 3.32 ghi lmp 21 43.4 cdf uvw 22 67.3 abc pqr Explanation First thirteen lines of input forms the single block. Out of them first eight line are for addition operation. Next two line are deletion operation and last three line are print operations. Hence output after processing the first block is: 20 23.32 abc xyz 21 43.4 cdf uvw 22 67.3 abc pqr 20 3.32 ghi lmp Note: how delete operation: ‘d 10’ deleted both the objects of class inventory item and pen. Also note that when object of class pen/pencil is added in a block and later deleted in some other block, it is never "re-added" also ids are unique around the classes pen, pencil and are subset of id present in inventory item class. Deletion of objects with missing id is not permitted. Challenge link https://www.hackerrank.com/cs2810-a2