Concepts tested by this program:
Read Files
JUnit Tests
Create an application that will check for valid passwords. The following rules must be followed to create a valid password.
- At least 8 characters long
- At least 1 numeric character
- At least 1 uppercase alphabetic character
- At least 1 lowercase alphabetic character
- No more than 2 of the same character in a sequence
Hello123 – OK
AAAbb123 – not OK
Aaabb123 – OK
When the application begins, the user will be presented with a screen that states the above instructions for creating a password, two text entry boxes for typing in a password, and three buttons.
If the user wants to check a single password, they will type in the password in both boxes and select the “Check Password” button.
If the user wants to read in and check a list of passwords, they will select the “Check Passwords in File” button, be presented with a file explorer, and select the file to read from. Those passwords that failed the check will be displayed, with their error message.
If the user presses the “Alt” key, a letter will be underlined in each button label. That letter is the “mnemonic” that can used as a shortcut(Alt plus the letter) to execute the button.
If the user hovers his cursor over a button, a tooltip will be shown.
The Data Element
The Data Structure
ArrayList of Strings
The Data Manager
Create a PasswordChecker class that implements PasswordCheckerInterface. The PasswordChecker class will have at least two methods: One method that checks the validity of one password that returns true if the password is valid and that throws an exceptionif invalid.One that checks an ArrayList of passwords and returns an ArrayList with the status of any invalid passwords. The ArrayList of invalid passwords will be of the following format:
<password><space><message of exception thrown>
Create exception classes for each exception listed in
Always check for the length of the password first, since that is the easiest and fastest check. Once the password fails one rule, you do not need to check the rest of the rules.
- Provide buttons to allow user to check validity of one password or a file of passwords.
- Ask the user to enter the password and to re-typethe password. If the two are not the same, inform the user.
- Create a tool tip and a mnemonic for each of the buttons.
- Use a FileChooser for the user to select the input file.
- Use methods of PasswordChecker to process the passwords.
- Use try/catch structure to catch exceptions thrown by PasswordChecker methods
Provide exception classes for the following:
- Length of password is less than 8 characters (class LengthException)
Message – The password must be at least 8 characters long
- Password doesn’t contain an uppercase alpha character (class NoUpperAlphaException)
Message – The password must contain at least one uppercase alphabetic character
- Password doesn’t contain a lowercase alpha character (class NoLowerAlphaException)
Message – Error
- Password doesn’t contain a numeric character (class NoDigitException)
Message – The password must contain at least one digit
- Password contains more than 2 of the same character in sequence (class InvalidSequenceException)
Message – The password cannot contain more than two of the same character in sequence.
- For GUI – check if Password and re-typed Password are identical (class UnmatchedExcpetion)
Message – The passwords do not match
- The file will be in the following format:
One password per line
- Note: If you check for the uppercase before the lowercase – you will receive the uppercase exception
Displayed to user:
- Note: If you check for the uppercase before the digit – you will receive the uppercase exception
Displayed to user:
Displayed to user:
Displayed to user:
Displayed to user:
6.Based on the file above:
Displayed to user when selects Check Passwords in File
Assignment 1 Grade Sheet – Spring 2016
Name ____________________________
CheckList for Assignment 1 is included and completed 1 pt _____
Class documentation – Javadoc for all user created classes 3 pt _____
Class Description, @author
Method description, @param, @return
Test Cases 8 pt _____
JUnit Test Class
Implement STUDENT test in
PasswordCheckerTest given you
UML Diagram 3 pt _____
Lessons Learned 5 pt _____
In 3+ paragraphs, highlight your lessons learned and learning experience from working on this project. How did you do? What have you learned? What did you struggle with? How will you approach your next project differently?
Internal class documentation (within source code) 16 pts _____
Class description using Javadoc
Author’s Name, Class, Class Time, @author
Methods commented using Javadoc, @param, @return
Additional comments as needed
Program user interface 6pts _____
Clear to user how data is to be entered
Output is easy to understand
Received correct output
- Public tests (given to you) 6pt _____
- Your test written for PassworkCheckerTest 6 pt _____
- Private tests 10pt _____
Program Detail
- PasswordChecker class 12pts _____
- Method to check validity of password
- Method to check validity of ArrayListof passwords
- Implements PasswordCheckerInterface
- GUI classes 12pts _____
- Uses methods of PasswordChecker
- Displays status of password entered by user
- Buttons have tooltips and mnemonics
- Reads from a file and displays illegal passwords
- Stores contents of file in ArrayList
- check if user entered password and
Retyped are not the same
- Exceptions classes 12pts _____
- Class for each invalid password rule
- Class if password and re-type passworddon’t match
Total 100 pts _____