
Ve572 Assignment 2 solved

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Question1 (5 points)
Consider the following data we used in class
> tidyr ::who
and recall we tidied the data in class use the following,
> who _ tidy _ tb = who %>%
+ gather (
+ new_ sp _ m014 : newrel _ f65 , key = “tmp”,
+ value = ” counts “, na.rm = TRUE
+ ) %>%
+ mutate (
+ tmp = stringr ::str_ replace (
+ tmp , ” newrel “, “new_rel”)
+ ) %>%
+ separate (
+ col = tmp , sep = “_”,
+ into = c(“new”, ” type “, ” sexage “)
+ ) %>%
+ select (-new, -iso2 , -iso3 ) %>%
+ separate (col = sexage ,
+ into = c(” gender “, “age”) ,
+ sep = 1)
(a) (1 point) Convert tidyr::who, which is a tibble, into a data.table, name it who_dt.
(b) (1 point) Convert who_dt, which is wide, into a long format, name it who_long_dt.
(c) (1 point) Create new columns type, gender, and age in who_long_dt.
(d) (1 point) Select columns country, year, type, gender, age, and counts, name it nwho_dt.
(e) (1 point) Use rbenchmark::benchmark to compare the two implements. Set replications=10.
Question2 (8 points)
Consider the following five datasets provided by the library nycflights13,
> airlines ; airports ; flights ; planes ; weather
You might find the following useful when comes to join different relational data together,
> help ( inner _ join )
> help ( left _ join )
> help ( right _ join )
> help ( full _ join )
(a) (2 points) Compute the average delay by destination, then join on the airports data
so you can show the spatial distribution of delays. Here is an easy way to draw a map
of the united states:
> library ( nycflights13 ); library ( dplyr ); library ( ggplot2 )
> airports %>%
+ semi _ join ( flights , c(“faa” = ” dest “)) %>%
+ ggplot (aes( lon , lat )) +
+ borders (” state “) +
+ geom _ point () +
+ ggplot2 :: coord _ quickmap ()
Dr Jing Liu
Assignment 2
Due: June 19, 2018
You might want to use the size or color of the points to dispaly the average delay for
each airport.
(b) (2 points) Add the location of the origin and destination, that is, lat and lon, to
(c) (2 points) Is there any relationship between the age of a plane and its delays?
(d) (2 points) What happened on June 13, 2013? Display the spatial pattern of delays,
and cross-reference with the weather.
Question3 (7 points)
Consider the 2008 flight data we used in class, 2008.csv.bz2, which is about 100MB and
800MB when uncompressed into csv.
(a) (1 point) Setup a ffdf folder and read the data into R using read.table.ffdf, name
(b) (1 point) Use fread to read the file and name it as flights_2008_DT, and run the
following linear regression model
> flights . LM =
+ lm( DepDelay ~ DayOfWeek + DepTime + CRSDepTime + ArrTime + CRSArrTime
+ + UniqueCarrier , data = flights _2008_ DT )
(c) (2 points) Perform the usual regression analysis to improve the model. i.e. variable
selection and simple transformation.
(d) (1 point) Run the final model use instead of flights_2008_DT.
Use rbenchmark::benchmark to compare the two implements.
(e) (1 point) The whole flight data is very big, 1987-2008 along is about 16G, which means
your laptop will not be able to handle it as a whole. It can be download Here .
Download at least one more year, i.e. 2007, to refine your regression model.
(f) (1 point) Use rbenchmark::benchmark to compare the two implements when data size
increases. If you have a really powerful laptop, you might have to download a few more
years to see the difference.
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