
CMPT 412 Project 1 Digit recognition with convolutional neural networks solved

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2. Overview
In this assignment you will implement a convolutional neural network (CNN). You will be
building a numeric character recognition system trained on the MNIST dataset.
We begin with a brief description of the architecture and the functions. For more details,
you can refer to online resources such as Note that the
amount of coding in this assignment is a lot less than the other assignments. We will not provide
detailed instructions, and one is expected to search online and/or reverse-engineer template
A typical convolutional neural network has four different types of layers.
Fully Connected Layer / Inner Product Layer (IP)
The fully connected or the inner product layer is the simplest layer which makes up
neural networks. Each neuron of the layer is connected to all the neurons of the
previous layer (See Fig 1). Mathematically it is modelled by a matrix multiplication and
the addition of a bias term. For a given input x the output of the fully connected layer is
given by the following equation,
f (x) = W x + b
W, b are the weights and biases of the layer. W is a two dimensional matrix of m × n
size where n is the dimensionality of the previous layer and m is the number of neurons
in this layer. b is a vector with size m × 1.
Convolutional Layer
This is the fundamental building block of CNNs. Before we delve into what a convolution
layer is, let’s do a quick recap of convolution.
As we saw in our lectures, convolution is performed using a k × k filter/kernel and a W ×
H image. The output of the convolution operation is a feature map. This feature map
can bear different meanings according to the filters being used – for example, using a
Gaussian filter will lead to a blurred version of the image. Using the Sobel filters in the x
and y direction give us the corresponding edge maps as outputs.
Terminology : Each number in a filter will be referred to as a filter weight. For example,
the 3×3 gaussian filter has the following 9 filter weights.
When we perform convolution, we decide the exact type of filter we want to use and
accordingly decide the filter weights. CNNs try to learn these filter weights and biases
from the data. We attempt to learn a set of filters for each convolutional layer.
In general there are two main motivations for using convolution layers instead of fullyconnected (FC) layers (as used in neural networks).
1. A reduction in parameters
In FC layers, every neuron in a layer is connected to every neuron in the
previous layer. This leads to a large number of parameters to be estimated –
which leads to over-fitting. CNNs change that by sharing weights (the same filter
is translated over the entire image).
2. It exploits spatial structure
Images have an inherent 2D spatial structure, which is lost when we unroll the
image into a vector and feed it to a plain neural network. Convolution by its very
nature is a 2D operation which operates on pixels which are spatially close.
Implementation details: The general convolution operation can be represented by the
following equation:
f (X, W, b) = X ∗ W + b
where W is a filter of size k×k×Ci, X is an input volume of size Ni ×Ni ×Ci and b is 1×1
element. The meanings of the individual terms are shown below.
In the following example the subscript i refers to the input to the layer and the subscript
o refers to the output of the layer.
● Ni – width of the input image
● Ni – height of the input image (image has a square shape)
● Ci – number of channels in the input image
● ki – width of the filter
● si – stride of the convolution
● pi – number of padding pixels for the input image
● num – number of convolution filters to be learnt
A grayscale image has 1 channel, which is the depth of the image volume. For an
image with Ci channels – we will learn num filters of size ki × ki × Ci. The output of
convolving with each filter is a feature map with height and width No, where
If we stack the num feature maps, we can treat the output of the convolution as another
3D volume/ image with Co = num channels.
In summary, the input to the convolutional layer is a volume with dimensions Ni × Ni × Ci
and the output is a volume of size No × No × num. Figure 2 shows a graphical picture.
Pooling layer
A pooling layer is generally used after a convolutional layer to reduce the size of the
feature maps. The pooling layer operates on each feature map separately and replaces
a local region of the feature map with some aggregating statistic like max or average. In
addition to reducing the size of the feature maps, it also makes the network invariant to
small translations. This means that the output of the layer doesn’t change when the
object moves a little.
In this assignment we will use only a MAX pooling layer shown in figure 3. This
operation is performed in the same fashion as a convolution, but instead of applying a
filter, we find the max value in each kernel. Let k represent the kernel size, s represent
the stride and p represent the padding. Then the output of a pooling function f applied to
a padded feature map X is given by:
Activation layer – ReLU – Rectified Linear Unit
Activation layers introduce the non-linearity in the network and give the power to learn
complex functions. The most commonly used non-linear function is the ReLU function
defined as follows,
f (x) = max(x, 0)
The ReLU function operates on each output of the previous layer.
Loss layer
The loss layer has a fully connected layer with the same number of neurons as the
number of classes. And then to convert the output to a probability score, a softmax
function is used. This operation is given by,
p = softmax(W x + b)
where, W is of size C × n where n is the dimensionality of the previous layer and C is
the number of classes in the problem.
This layer also computes a loss function which is to be minimized in the training
process. The most common loss functions used in practice are cross entropy and
negative log-likelihood. In this assignment, we will just minimize the negative log
probability of the given label.
In this assignment we will use a simple architecture based on a very popular network
called the LeNet (
● Input – 1×28×28
● Convolution – k = 5, s = 1, p = 0, 20 filters
● ReLU
● MAXPooling – k=2, s=2, p=0
● Convolution – k = 5, s = 1, p = 0, 50 filters
● ReLU
● MAXPooling – k=2, s=2, p=0
● Fully Connected layer – 500 neurons
● ReLU
● Loss layer
Note that all types of deep networks use non-linear activation functions for their hidden
layers. If we use a linear activation function, then the hidden layers has no effect on the
final results, which would become the linear (affine) functions of the input values, which
can be represented by a simple 2 layer neural network without hidden layers.
There are a lot of standard Convolutional Neural Network architectures used in the
literature, for instance, AlexNet, VGG-16, or GoogLeNet. They are different in the
number of parameters and their configurations.
3. Programming
Most of the basic framework to implement a CNN has been provided. You will need to
fill in a few functions. Before going ahead into the implementations, you will need to
understand the data structures used in the code.
Data structures
We define four main data structures to help us implement the Convolutional Neural
Network which are explained in the following section. Each layer is defined by a data
structure, where the field type determines the type of the layer. This field can take the
values of DATA, CONV, POOLING, IP, RELU, LOSS which correspond to data,
convolution, max-pooling layers, inner-product/ fully connected, ReLU and Loss layers
respectively. The fields in each of the layer will depend on the type of layer.
The input is passed to each layer in a structure with the following fields.
● height – height of the feature maps
● width – width of the feature maps
● channel – number of channels / feature maps
● batch size – batch size of the network. In this implementation, you will implement
the mini-batch stochastic gradient descent to train the network. The idea behind
this is very simple, instead of computing gradients and updating the parameters
after each image, we doing after looking at a batch of images. This parameter
batch size determines how many images it looks at once before updating the
● data – stores the actual data being passed between the layers. This is always
supposed to be of the size [ height × width × channel, batch size ]. You can
resize this structure during computations, but make sure to revert it to a
two-dimensional matrix. The data is stored in a column major order. The row
comes next, and the channel comes the last.
● diff – Stores the gradients with respect to the data, it has the same size as data.
Each layer’s parameters are stored in a structure param. You do not touch this in
the forward pass.
● w – weight matrix of the layer
● b – bias
param_grad is used to store the gradients coupled at each layer with the following
● w – stores the gradient of the loss with respect to w.
● b – stores the gradient of the loss with respect to the bias term.
Part 1: Forward Pass
Now we will start implementing the forward pass of the network. Each layer has a very
similar prototype. Each layer’s forward function takes input, layer, param as argument.
The input stores the input data and information about its shape and size. The layer
stores the specifications of the layer (e.g., for a conv layer, it will have k, s, p). The
params is an optional argument passed to layers which have weights. This contains the
weights and biases to be used to compute the output. In every forward pass function,
you are expected to use the arguments and compute the output. You are supposed to
fill in the height, width, channel, batch size, data fields of the output before returning
from the function. Also make sure that the data field has been reshaped to a 2D matrix.
In the past, we asked to provide some visualization of results for every single step. However,
there is no meaningful visualization until we implement the forward functions of all the layers.
Once you implement all the layers, run test_components.m, then copy/paste the visualization
results into the report. Those images should look like the following. (test_components.m was
provided by courtesy of Matthew Marinets from the class of 2019 Fall at SFU).
Q 1.1 Inner Product Layer – 1 Pts
The inner product layer of the fully connected layer should be implemented with the
following definition
[output] = inner_product_forward(input, layer, param)
Q 1.2 Pooling Layer – 1 Pts
Write a function which implements the pooling layer with the following definition.
[output] = pooling_layer_forward(input, layer)
input and output are the structures which have data and the layer structure has the
parameters specific to the layer. This layer has the following fields,
● pad – padding to be done to the input layer
● stride – stride of the layer
● k – size of the kernel (Assume square kernel)
Q 1.3 Convolution Layer – 1 Pts
Implement a convolution layer with the following definition.
[output] = conv_layer_forward(input, layer, param)
The layer for a convolutional layer has the same fields as that of a pooling layer and
param has the weights corresponding to the layer. Do not worry about a field “group”,
which is set to 1 in this assignment.
Q 1.4 ReLU – 1 Pts
Implement the ReLU function with the following definition.
[output] = relu_forward(input)
Part 2 Back propagation
After implementing the forward propagation, we will implement the back propagation
using the chain rule. Let us assume layer i computes a function fi with parameters of wi
then final loss can be written as the following.
To update the parameters we need to compute the gradient of the loss w.r.t. to each of
the parameters.
where, hi = fi(wi, hi−1).
Each layer’s back propagation function takes input, output, layer, param as input and
return param_grad and input_od. output.diff stores the . You are to use this to
compute and store it in param_grad.w and to be stored in param_grad.b. You are
also expected to return in input_od, which is the gradient of the loss w.r.t the input
Q 2.1 ReLU – 1 Pts
Implement the backward pass for the Relu layer in relu_backward.m file. This layer
doesn’t have any parameters, so you don’t have to return the param_grad structure.
Q 2.2 Inner Product layer – 1 Pts
Implement the backward pass for the Inner product layer in inner_product_backward.m
Putting the network together
This part has been done for you and is available in the function convnet forward. This
function takes the parameters, layers and input data and generates the outputs at each
layer of the network. It also returns the probabilities of the image belonging to each
class. You are encouraged to look into the code of this function to understand how the
data is being passed to perform the forward pass.
Part 3 Training
The function conv_net puts both the forward and backward passes together and trains
the network. This function has also been implemented.
Q 3.1 Training – 1 pts
The script train_lenet.m defines the optimization parameters and performs the actual
updates on the network. This script loads a pretrained network and trains the network
for 3000 iterations. Report the test accuracy obtained in your write-up after training for
3000 more iterations. Save the refined network weights as lenet.mat in the same format
as lenet_pretrained.mat. The accuracy should be above 95%.
Q 3.2 Test the network – 1 Pts
The script test_network.m has been provided which runs the test data through the
network and obtains the prediction probabilities. Modify this script to generate the
confusion matrix and comment on the top two confused pairs of classes (why they are
confusing and etc.)
Q 3.3 Real-world testing – 1 Pts
Obtain real-world digit examples. Show the results of your system on at least 5 examples, which
you obtained yourself (e.g., downloading from Internet, scribble yourself, taking an image
yourself). For this step, please manually crop a bounding box containing each digit as opposed
to Part 5, which requires you to find a digit automatically.
Part 4 Visualization
Q 4.1 – 1 Pts
Write a script vis_data.m which can load a sample image from the data, visualize the
output of the second and third layers (i.e., CONV layer and ReLU layer). Show 20
images from each layer on a single figure file (use subplot and organize them in 4 × 5
format – like in Fig 4). To clarify, you take one image, run through your network, and
visualize 20 features of that image at CONV layer and ReLU layer.
Q 4.2 – 1 Pts
Compare the feature maps to the original image and explain the differences.
Part 5 Image Classification – 2 Pts
We will now try to use the fully trained network to perform the task of Optical Character
Recognition. You are provided a set of real world images in the images folder. Write a
script ec.m which will read these images and recognize the handwritten numbers.
The network you trained requires a grey-scale image with a single digit in each image.
There are many ways to obtain this given a real image. Here is an outline of a possible
1. Classify each pixel as foreground or background pixel by performing simple
operations like thresholding.
2. Find connected components and place a bounding box around each character.
You can use a matlab built-in function to do this.
3. Take each bounding box, pad it if necessary and resize it to 28×28 and pass it
through the network.
There might be errors in the recognition, report the output of your network in the report.
Appendix: List of all files in the project
● col2im_conv.m Helper function, you can use this if needed
● col2im_conv_matlab.m Helper function, you can use this if needed
● conv_layer_backward.m – Do not modify
● conv_layer forward.m – To implement
● conv_net.m – Do not modify
● convnet_forward.m – Do not modify
● get_lenet.m – Do not modify. Has the architecture.
● get_lr.m – Gets the learning rate at each iterations
● im2col_conv.m Helper function, you can use this if needed
● im2col_conv_matlab.m Helper function, you can use this if needed
● init_convnet.m Initialise the network weights
● inner_product_backward.m – To implement
● inner_product_forward.m – To implement
● load_mnist.m – Loads the training data.
● mlrloss.m – Implements the loss layer
● pooling_layer_backward.m Implemented, do not modify
● pooling_layer_forward.m – To implement
● relu_backward.m – To implement
● relu_forward.m – To implement
● sgd_momentum.m – Do not modify. Has the update equations
● test_network.m – Test script
● train_lenet.m – Train script
● vis_data.m – Add code to visualise the filters
● lenet_pretrained.mat – Trained weights
● mnist_all.mat – Dataset
Here are some points which you should keep in mind while implementing:
● All the equations above describe the functioning of the layers on a single data
point. Your implementation would have to work on a small set of inputs called a
”batch” at once.
● Always ensure that the of each layer has been reshaped to a 2-D