
CS 2261 HOMEWORK 03 Extended Mode 3 Game solved

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Extended Mode 3 Game

Purpose: To build a more complex game in Mode 3 to further your
understanding of: structs, arrays, and pooling.


In this homework, you will be making a more complex game in Mode 3. This must be
something different than what you implemented for HW02 or any of the labs.
Examples of games you can use for inspiration are at the bottom of this PDF.
The design of this game must be more complex than “catching/dodging falling boxes” or
basic “pong”. We are leaving this one more open ended so that you can push yourself
creatively and see what fun game you can come up with! You are free to choose one of the
examples we provide, but you are also free to create your own original game (if you choose
this option, please speak with a TA first so that we can ensure it is on the expected difficulty


Your game must use the following:
● At least one struct
● At least one array
● Object pooling

● A state machine including at least the following states:
○ Start
○ Pause
○ Game
○ Win (and/or lose)

■ It is okay if your game is a survival based game, and therefore only has
a lose state
○ You must be able to navigate between the states in some way (e.g. pressing
button START while on the Start state takes you to the Game state, beating
the game while on the Game state takes you to the Win state, etc.)

● At least four moving objects
● At least four buttons used for input
● Collision that matters (i.e. something must happen whenever two different objects
hit each other)
● A readme.txt file

○ An instruction manual (of sorts) that tells a player how to play your game
● Only a minimal amount of flicker

Your code must have the following:
● At least three .c files (this time more than just main.c and myLib.c)
● At least two .h files
● Good organization (see tips below)
● Meaningful comments

Examples of games at the complexity level we expect:
● Tanks
● Simple flash games (e.g.
● Simple Neopets games (
● Old Atari games, like Asteroids (


● Start early. Never underestimate how long it takes to make a game!

● When splitting code between multiple files, put code that will be useful in multiple
games in myLib.c, and code specific to this game in main.c or other files. Those other
files should be specific to a concept (response to collision, a specific state of the state
machine, etc.).

● Organize your code into functions specific to what that code does. Your main
method should not be very long at all!

● Having update() and draw() functions that you either call directly in main() or call
in another function that is called in main() is helpful.

● Make sure the order of calling your functions takes into account waiting for vBlank
at the correct times to minimize flicker.

● Build upon the myLib.c and myLib.h files from previous assignments.

● Feel free to reference the Recitations files on Canvas to review concepts.

● Feel free to reach out to the TAs if you have any questions!

Submission Instructions:

Compress your entire project folder, including all source files, the Makefile, and
everything produced during compilation (including the .gba file) into a single .zip file.
Submit this .zip on Canvas. Name your submission HW03_FirstnameLastname, for
example: “”.