
CSC373 Assignment 2 solved

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1. (20 pts) Short answer questions. For each question answer TRUE/FALSE. If you answer
TRUE provide a brief justification consisting of at most 3 short sentences (for majority of
these questions, one short sentence suffices). If you answer FALSE provide a small counterexample. Long and complicated justifications as well as unnecessarily large and complicated
counter-examples will lose marks. Guesses without justification receive 0 marks.
Note: for some of the false statements below it might be hard to find a counter-example.
You are encouraged to give it your best shot, but if you notice that you are spending
disproportionate amount of time, you are encouraged to consult the web. If you find a
counter-example on the web you must understand it, internalize it, and write it up from
memory. In addition, you must cite the resource that you used (this won’t cost you any
mark deductions), and you are still responsible for correctness of the example (i.e., you can’t
blame the source if it ultimately turns out incorrect – there is plenty of wrong information
on the web).
(a) An undirected graph with n vertices and at most n − k edges has at least k connected
(b) The shortest-paths tree computed by Dijkstra is necessarily an MST.
(c) Suppose that we have computed an MST. If the weight of each edge in the graph is
increased by 1, the computed spanning tree remains minimum with respect to the new
(d) In a weighted directed graph with positive weights, Dijkstra might call the update()
procedure (aka Relax() procedure, see CLRS 24.3) on the same edge more than once.
(e) Maximum flow in a network with integral capacities is necessarily integral.
(f) We are given a weighted graph and a shortest path from s to t. If all edge weights in
the graph are multiplied by a positive constant, the given path remains shortest from
s to t with respect to the new weights.
(g) Suppose we run DFS on a directed graph G = (V, E) and we find a vertex with discovery
time 1 and finishing time 2|V |. Then the entire graph must be strongly connected.
(h) Ford-Fulkerson method runs in polynomial time assuming that capacities are positive
(i) Ford-Fulkerson method terminates on all input flow networks with capacities that are
positive real numbers.
(j) Undirected graph G = (V, E) is called k-regular if degree of every vertex is exactly k.
Girth of the graph is the length of a shortest cycle in G. For example, the simple cycle
with 5 vertices is a 2-regular graph of girth 5. We claim that there is no 3-regular graph
of girth 5 on 10 vertices.
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CSC373, Assignment 2
2. (20 pts) Design an efficient algorithm for the following problem:
Input: Undirected graph G = (V, E) in adjacency lists representation with unit edge
costs. Vertices s, t ∈ V .
Output: The number of distinct shortest paths from s to t.
(a) Briefly describe your algorithm in plain English.
(b) Describe your algorithm in pseudocode.
(c) Formally prove correctness of your algorithm.
(d) State and justify the running time of your algorithm.
3. (20 pts) You have a server that can be attached to two electrical outlets simultaneously.
The server runs uninterrupted as long as it is attached to at least one electrical outlet. The
server is located on a rolling cart that can be moved freely within the rectangular room (the
room has no obstacles). Looking at the room from above and seeing its plan, you know
the coordinates of n electrical outlets given by (xi
, yi). Currently the server is attached
via a single power cable of length ` to the electrical outlet s. You would like to move the
server without any interruptions to electrical outlet t. For that purpose you can purchase an
additional power cable of length L and move the server from one electrical outlet to another
until it reaches t. You would like to find out what is the minimum length L of additional
power cable that you need to purchase to accomplish this task. Design an O(n
log n)-time
algorithm to compute the minimum value of L. Note this problem is assumed to be entirely
2-dimensional – length in this problem refers to the regular Euclidean 2D distance.
Input: {(xi
, yi)}
i=1 – positions of electrical outlets; ` – length of the given power cable;
s, t ∈ [n] – starting and terminal electrical outlets
Output: minimum value of L such that we can move the server from s to t uninterrupted.
(a) Briefly describe your algorithm in plain English.
(b) Describe your algorithm in pseudocode.
(c) Provide a concise argument of correctness of your algorithm. You may use results
proven in class/textbook, but make sure to cite them accurately.
(d) Justify that the runtime is O(n
log n).
4. (20 pts) Consider the following network graph.
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CSC373, Assignment 2
(a) Compute maximum flow f and minimum cut (S, T).
(b) Draw the residual graph Gf – don’t forget to state the capacities. Indicate the minimum
cut (S, T) in the residual graph by circling S and T.
(c) An edge is called constricting if increasing its capacity leads to an increase in the value
of maximum flow. List all constricting edges in the above network.
(d) Find a small (at most 4 nodes) example of a network graph that has no constricting
(e) Describe in plain English an efficient algorithm to find all constricting edges. Argue
correctness by using results from lectures/textbook. State the running time of your
5. (20 pts) Consider a flow network G = (V, E), s, t, c with integral capacities together with an
additional edge-price function p : E → N. The value p(e) denotes the price to increase the
capacity of edge e by one unit. Suppose we have already computed maximum flow f in the
network. Now, we would like to increase this maximum flow f by one unit by increasing
capacities of some edges. The goal is to do this with the least possible cost. Design an
efficient algorithm to compute which edge capacities to increase.
(a) Briefly describe your algorithm in plain English.
(b) Describe your algorithm in pseudocode.
(c) Provide a concise argument of correctness of your algorithm. You may use results
proven in class/textbook, but make sure to cite them accurately.
(d) State and justify the runtime of your algorithm.
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