
CS 261: Data Structures in CS : Assignment 0 solved

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Introduce Yourselves
About You
Write a one page essay in which you introduce yourself.
Questions you might want to address include the following:
Where are you from? What was your major in your previous degree? Why did you decide to
attend OSU? What are your interests (beyond data structures of course!)? What hobbies do you
enjoy? What do you intend to do after graduation? What would you like to be doing in five or
ten years? Do you have an interest in research? Why does computer science have a perception
problem (ie. many young students don’t look to CS as a major that they want to pursue…why do
you think that is the case?). What would make our intro classes more interesting…more
Or, you can use your own approach to introducing yourself.
Programming Experience
In a separate section of your report I want you to tell me what your previous programming
experience has been. What languages you know, how many years of experience you have with
each, what programming-related classes you have taken, and for each language you list
the platforms you have developed on and the build environment you have used ((command line,
MS visual studio, Code::Blocks etc)?
Environment Setup
Get a C programming environment up and running on your machine (both locally and on our
ENGR UNIX host)!. You can use any suitable programming environment with a debugger (Ex. ,
Eclipse, Code::Blocks, Netbeans, Xcode, Visual Studio etc.). Use ‘ssh’ client to access
‘’ or ‘’. I have uploaded help slides
reviewing development environments as well as compiling/executing on All
assignments will be compiled and executed on (follow the instructions
provided in the gcc tutorial. Please use this server to compile and test your code before submission).
Please take help from the Instructor and the TAs to get your IDE installed properly and compile/
execute C program by this week. Remember- the sooner the better.
Write a Simple C program, for example write a code in C ( name it printPrime.c ) for printing out
integer prime numbers in an infinite loop until the execution of your code is stopped by the user.
Comment your code following one of the guidelines provided in the folder “Programming_AssignmentCoding_Guidelines” in Canvas. You must compile and run it on your IDE and also compile and run it
using gcc on flip server. Capture the screenshots.
Turn In:
. An electronic copy, yourName.pdf, must be turned in via both Canvas and TEACH. Copy
and Paste the introduction about yourself on Piazza under “Introduction” folder. You are
encouraged to add your photograph so that your peers know you by your face and become
a good friend.
. Source code andd Screenshots of your first executed C program (using your IDE and the
command prompt on the flip server). You must also turn in the printPrime.c file.
1) Your Introduction – 5
2) Setting up the IDE and source code writing & compilation of C program – 25
Write your first C program for this course: