
COMPSCI 2XC3 — Lab 2 solved

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5/5 - (1 vote)

The goals of this lab are as follows:
1. Analyze timing data.
2. Identify potential pitfalls/errors which data can contain
3. Reverse engineering implementations based off timing data
You will submit your lab via Avenue. You will submit your lab as a .zip. Within your .zip
there will be at least two documents:
• report.pdf (or docx, etc.)
You may include other .py files in the .zip file if you wish. Only one member of your lab
group will submit to Avenue – see the section below for more details on that. Your report
.pdf will contain all information regarding your group members, i.e. name, students number,
McMaster email, and enrolled lab section. This will be given on the title page of the report.
For the remainder of this document, read carefully to gauge what other material is required in
the report. Your report should be professional and free from egregious grammar, spelling, and
formatting errors. Moreover, all graphs/figures in your report should be professional and clear.
You may lose grades if this is not the case. Organize the report in a such a way to make things
easy for the TA to grade. You are not doing yourself any favors by making your report difficult
to mark!
Timing Data [30%]
On Avenue you’ll find a corresponding file with this document named lab2_data.xls. There
are three data sets, one for each function f(n), g(n), and h(n). Give your best determination
of how each of these functions is growing in n. In your report, include discussion and graphs
for each function. You must include appropriate analysis to verify your claims.
Python Lists [70%]
How well do Python lists perform? What methods of the list would you want to perform well?
How are Python lists implemented? This portion of the lab will have you analyze Python lists
and answer these questions with the data to back up your claims. You will be analyzing three
methods specifically:
• copy()
• append()
• lookups, i.e. L[i]
Copy [10%]
Using the timeit library perform experiments on copy() to determine its complexity. In your
report include the following:
1. A description of how you chose to test the copy method.
2. Observations and conclusions made from your experiments.
3. Evidence to back up your observations and conclusions (you should include at least one
graph here).
4. An explanation as to why copy() performs in the manner it does.
Lookups [20%]
Create a list containing 1,000,000 arbitrary values. Run a timing experiment where you measure
the time to perform a single lookup on each of the one million indices. However, before you run
the experiment, document in your report any predictions you have regarding the data. Does
your data match your prediction? Plot the data via a scatter plot and include it in your report.
There are 1 million data-points… I do not suggest copy and pasting from the console. Discuss
what potential problems are present in your experiment. How would you fix these issues?
Redesign and rerun your experiment. Again, include a scatter plot in your report alongside any
conclusions you have regarding the runtime of lookups for Python lists.
Append [40%]
Create a timing experiment which builds a list with one million values by appending a single
value to it one step at a time. Measure the time it takes to complete each of these appends.
Similar to your Lookups experiment, document in your report any predictions you have
regarding the data. Include the scatter plot of your experiment. Discuss the data compared
to your predictions. As before with the Lookups what potential problems are there in your
experiment which in turn cause potential anomalies in your data?
From here I want you to proceed on your own, exploring the data and performance of appends.
Conduct whatever experiments you wish, but include your reasoning, predictions, graphs, etc.,
in your report. For any claim you make, back it up with empirical evidence (you can’t just say
you think things to be so).
I searched Python list method complexity, this was one of the first links which came up:

Runtime Complexity of Python List Methods [Easy Table Lookup]

Do your experiments agree with the claims made there? Be precise!