
COMP2401 – Assignment #2 string manipulation solved

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In this assignment, you will write three programs that involve string manipulation and array
manipulation. The assignment will involve implementing a 12-bit Hamming Code encoder and
decoder. ALL of your code must be written neatly with proper indentation and have a reasonable
amount of comments. If you do not, you will be losing multiple marks.
In telecommunications, data gets transmitted back
and forth over networks (which may be wireless).
When transmitting data, it is possible that the data can
be corrupted. We will consider how to detect the
occasional corruption of bits and how to repair them
by using an error-correcting coding scheme called a
Hamming Code. We will consider a 12-bit Hamming
Code … where 8 bits are data bits and 4 bits are
known as parity bits. The data bits represent the
original data being sent over the network, while the
parity bits are extra bits added to detect and repair the
This assignment has multiple parts to it. First, you
will write encode.c to encode the 8-bit data into 12
bits by adding parity bits. Then you will write
decode.c to decode the 12-bit data back into 8 bits
again. After you get this working, you will run a
program given to you (called corrupt.c) which will
corrupt your 12-bit hamming code sequence. Finally,
you will uncorrupt the sequence by writing a fix.c
program to identify and repair the corrupted bits.
(1) Encoding
To take an 8-bit byte value (e.g., such as an
ASCII character) and encode it into a 12-bit
hamming code sequence, you need to place
the data and parity bits in specific locations
as shown here.
Consider the character ‘S’ which has ASCII
value 83 whose 8-bits are shown here in
green. To convert to a hamming code, we
will create an array to hold 12 bits and insert
these 8 data bits into the positions indicated
in blue. Then, the remaining 4 positions will
be the parity bits (in yellow…although the
values are not shown here).
Note that the numbering of the original bits is in the opposite direction as the hamming code bits.
Download the encode.c program. It contains a main() function that prompts the user for a string of
(up to CHAR_LIMIT) ASCII characters which will be stored in the transmitString array. The code will
repeatedly call the encode() function to encode each character from transmitString into a long bit
sequence array called encodedCharacters … which is an array of exactly 12*charCount chars such
that each char is either a ‘1’ or a ‘0’. Here, for example, is what will be stored if “ABC” is entered:
transmitString: ABC
encodedCharacters: 100010010001010110010010010010000011
To do the encoding, you will need to determine the 8 data bits of each character and insert these into
the encodedCharacters array at the correct location. Then you will determine the 4 parity bits and
insert them into the correct locations as well. Here is how to determine each of the 4 (shown in red)
parity bits. They are determined by adding up the data bits (as shown) … and then checking if the
sum is odd or even. If the sum is odd, then a ‘1’ is used as the parity bit, otherwise a ‘0’ is used.
Consider an example. Assume that the user string “ABC” was entered … looking at the ASCII codes,
we can determine the data bits (underlined) as well as the parity bits (not underlined) as follows:
65 = ASCII code 01000001 with hamming code sequence = 100010010001
66 = ASCII code 01000010 with hamming code sequence = 010110010010
67 = ASCII code 01000011 with hamming code sequence = 010010000011
The encoded characters array will contain (12*charCount) characters, plus an extra „\0‟ (I think that I
made the array a little bigger for you just in case). So here is what we would have:
encodedCharacters[0] = “100010010001”
encodedCharacters[1] = “010110010010”
encodedCharacters[2] = “010010000011”
But you will not be hard-coding these values like shown here … you need to build up these strings.
So, the first 39 chars in the encodedCharacters array will be as follows (notice the ‘\0’ chars added):
The code for storing these strings in the encodedCharacters array has been given to you in the
main() function. You MUST NOT alter the main() function . You are just responsible for building up
the bitSequence array in the encode() function. You can treat this bitSequence array as if it was a
char array of size 13.
Test your code to make sure that it encodes the characters properly before you continue:
student@COMPXXXX:~$ ./encode
student@COMPXXXX:~$ ./encode
student@COMPXXXX:~$ ./encode
(2) Decoding
Download the decode.c program. It contains a main() function that prompts the user for a Hamming
Code sequence (which is a string of 1s and 0s and MUST be a multiple of 12 in length). It then
decodes the characters by extracting the data bits and determining which ASCII character it
represents. Note that this is the reverse of what has been done in the encode.c program:
student@COMPXXXX:~$ ./decode
student@COMPXXXX:~$ ./decode
student@COMPXXXX:~$ ./decode
Note that the input string is a multiple of 12 characters, not 13. That is, there is no ‘\0’ character after
each 12-bit sequence. The ‘\0’ char was only required in encode.c for printing purposes. As a result,
you can actually copy the output from encode.c and paste it as input to decode.c for testing. Do this
instead of actually typing in all the 1s and 0s when you are testing things.
To decode, the main() function has been written such that it takes the bit sequence in from the user
(as the recvString array). It then calls the decode() function which takes 12 characters from that
string and returns the corresponding ASCII char that it represents. This char is then stored in the
decodedCharacters array. You MUST NOT alter the main() function. Instead, just write the
decode() function. You can treat the incoming bitSequence array as if it was a char array of size 12.
You just need to extract the 8 data bits from the sequence and determine the character to return.
Test your code before you continue.
(3) Corrupting
The corrupt.c program has been given to you. Like the decode.c program, it will take in a bit
sequence in from the user (as the recvString array). It then randomly flips one bit in each of the 12-
bit sequences. The bit flipped may be a data bit or it may be a parity bit. If a parity bit was flipped,
this will not affect the decoded output … as would be shown in the decode.c program output.
However, if a data bit is flipped, this will alter/corrupt the decoded results. Test this corrupt.c
program by corrupting some encoded bits and then try decoding to see the result of the corruption.
student@COMPXXXX:~$ ./corrupt
student@COMPXXXX:~$ ./corrupt
student@COMPXXXX:~$ ./corrupt
You should take the corrupted bit sequences and try them out with the decode.c program to see
what the result is:
student@COMPXXXX:~$ ./decode
student@COMPXXXX:~$ ./decode
student@COMPXXXX:~$ ./decode
There really is not much else to do in this part of the assignment … no code to write … just test it out.
Keep in mind that the code flips random bits … which will differ each time that you run. Also, in
some cases, if a parity bit is flipped, then you may not see a change in the decoded output for that
character … it may look the same.
(4) Fixing
Now we will find those corrupted bits and fix them! Download the fix.c program. It contains a
main() function that prompts the user for a corrupted Hamming Code sequence (which is a string of
1s and 0s, a multiple of 12 in length and comes from the corrupt.c program). It then finds the
corrupted bit in each 12-bit sequence and fixes it by flipping the bit back. As before, the main()
function takes in a bit sequence into the brokenString array. It then calls the fix() function with the
12 character array representing the bit sequence. The fix function should then copy
over the bits from the brokenSequence array into the fixedSequence array, making
sure that the broken bit has been flipped back. To determine the corrupted bit …
see below.
Assume, for example, that data bit d10 has
been flipped. As when encoding, you will
need to add up the data bits that corresponds to each parity bit and determine if the total is odd or
even. Then you can check if the parity bit matches. Below, this is done for all 4 parity bits. As it
turns out, parity bits p2 and p8 (shown in yellow) are the ones that do not match. We then just sum
up the unmatched parity bit numbers (i.e., 1, 2, 4 or 8). In this case, 2+8=10. This tells us that bit 10
is the bit that was flipped. So … we just need to flip bit 10 back and we are done 😊.
Here is another example, where we corrupted a parity (i.e. p2) bit instead of a data bit:
When we check the parity bits … we will find that only p2 does not match. That means that bit 2 is
the flipped bit. We might not notice this on a decode operation, since none of the data bits were
affected. However, if this bit sequence was to be sent out a second time over the network, we would
want to make sure that all the parity bits have been corrected. So we should still flip back bit 2 to 0.
Test your code by using the corrupted bit sequences:
student@COMPXXXX:~$ ./fix
student@COMPXXXX:~$ ./fix
student@COMPXXXX:~$ ./fix
As a final test, you could take the output of the fix.c program and run it through the decode.c
program and you should get the original ASCII characters that the user encoded.
You can actually use pipes (i.e, | characters … more on this later in the course) to test all programs
together, one after another without having to enter user strings each time like this:
student@COMPXXXX:~$ ./encode | ./decode
student@COMPXXXX:~$./encode | ./corrupt | ./decode
student@COMPXXXX:~$./encode | ./corrupt | ./fix | ./decode
Submit all of your c source code files as a single tar file containing:
1. A Readme text file containing
 your name and studentNumber
 a list of source files submitted
 any specific instructions for compiling and/or running your code
2. All of your .c source files and all other files needed for testing/running your programs.
3. Any output files required, if there are any.
The code MUST compile and run on the course VM, which is COMP2404A-F19.
 If your internet connection at home is down or does not work, we will not accept this as a reason for
handing in an assignment late … so make sure to submit the assignment WELL BEFORE it is due !
 You WILL lose marks on this assignment if any of your files are missing. So, make sure that you hand
in the correct files and version of your assignment. You will also lose marks if your code is not
written neatly with proper indentation and containing a reasonable number of comments. See
course notes for examples of what is proper indentation, writing style and reasonable commenting).