
College Tour project solved

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Your team is to write a software that reads data and stores it in a data
structure of your choice. Your program must have the ability to hold
the names of at least 20 college campuses (the initial data contains
11 campuses) and their corresponding traditional souvenirs (up to
seven per campus). Your program will be used to allow perspective
college students to plan their college experience. Your team will need
to provide the ability to modify information related to the traditional
souvenirs (such as adding new souvenirs, changing a price of a
souvenir, or deleting a souvenir).
Displaying the initial information:
1. Display the list of college campuses and their distances from
Saddleback College.
2. Display all the traditional souvenirs for any given campus.
Planning a trip:
3. Provide the capability to visit the initial 11 college campuses
starting at University of California, Irvine (UCI).
a. Plan the trip starting at UCI then visit each of the other
college campuses in the most efficient order (recursively
choose the campus closest to the previous campus)
b. Display the total distance traveled
4. Offer the option to plan the shortest trip starting at Arizona
State University (ASU).
a. Obtain the “number” of college campuses to visit
b. Visit the “number” of college campuses specified
(including at Arizona State University (ASU))
c. Plan the trip starting at Arizona State University (ASU)
then visit the closest college campuses to ASU, then visit
the closest college campus to that college and so on
(recursively choose the campus closest to the previous
d. Display the total distance traveled
College Tour
e. Allow the college student to purchase multiple traditional
souvenirs when visiting the college campuses
5. Offer the option to plan a custom trip
a. Allow a college student to select the starting college
campus they wish to visit
b. Then allow a college student to select all other college
campuses they wish to visit
c. Plan the trip starting with the selected campus then visit
each of the other college campuses in the most efficient
order (recursively choose the campus closest to the
previous campus).
d. Display the total distance traveled
e. Allow the college student to purchase multiple traditional
souvenirs when visiting the college campuses
6. When taking any trip:
a. A college student can purchase multiple traditional
b. Your team must keep track of the number of traditional
souvenirs purchased at each campus
c. Display the total amount spent at each college campus
and a grand total for all campuses visited
7. Maintenance (administrator only – requires a password to gain
a. Provide the capability to add new college campuses and
their corresponding souvenirs by having your program
read from an input file given to the class
b. Provide the capability to change the prices of the
traditional souvenirs
c. Provide the capability to add new traditional souvenirs
d. Provide the capability to delete traditional souvenirs
8. Provide the capability to visit the 13 college campuses starting
at Saddleback.
a. Display the total distance traveled
College Tour
b. Allow the college student to purchase multiple traditional
souvenirs when visiting the college campuses
Please let me know your partners by January 29th (three points will
be deducted from your scores if you do not meet this deadline). All
projects are due by March 23
. No late projects will be accepted.
Your team must demonstrate your project to me before it will be
graded. Each teammate must identify their accomplishments on the
project. Not all team members will necessarily earn the same score.
1. Design a very readable, easy to use interface to demonstrate
your program.
2. Contingency handling should include addressing invalid input.
3. Write at least 10 agile stories (including description, tasks, test
scenarios, and story points) before any software is developed.
The team must follow the Scrum process (the Scrum master
must document all meetings and the product owner must
document the backlog).
4. Submit the following UML class diagrams
a. Three use cases
b. One activity diagram
c. Three state diagrams with your project.
5. Submit a test plan.
6. All changes must be persistent between executions.
7. Submit a discussion the Big-Oh of your project for at least five
8. Identify all the data structures used
9. Each team must use a version control system (only team
members should have access to their repository), graphical
user interface tool, automated documentation tool, and an Agile
management tool. (GITHUB, DOXYGEN, WAFFIO.IO,
graphical user interface using software such as QT, etc.).
First checkpoint – February 24th
Second checkpoint – March 9
Final checkpoint – March 23rd
College Tour
The project will be graded using the following scale:
Checkpoint 1 4
Checkpoint 2 4
Meet requirements 65
Coding Style/Style Guide 2
Use of multiple C++ data structures (2
points per data structure) 6
User interface 2
Test Plan 3
Adherence to Scrum/Team Rules 4
Big O (1 point for each method) 5
Contingency handling 1
Total 100
Continuous Integration (extra credit) 3
Total with extra credit 103
Final demonstration meeting:
1. Be prepared to demonstrate all project’s requirements within
the 20-minute timeframe.
2. All team members must be present.
3. Turn in Agile planning poker cards
4. Demonstrate DOXYGEN and Agile management tool
5. Each teammate must identify their accomplishments on the
project and assess their teammates via e-mail.
6. Submit all your project artifacts
a. Code, test plan, agile stories, scrum log, coding standards,
team rules, UML diagrams (class, use cases, state
diagrams, data structures used, Big Oh analysis