
CCPS310 Lab 6 – AVR III solved

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In this lab, you’ll make beautiful music using PWM with Arduino and a passive buzzer.
Lab Description
Using the frequency/duration format we saw in the lecture material this week, create a
song. If your code works and plays a tune that isn’t just random and arbitrary values for
frequency and duration, you’ll get full marks. I feel like I’ve worked you all hard enough in
this course, so let’s finish on something fun and easy.
I will give honorable mentions to my favorite songs, and to those who clearly put in a lot of
thought and work.
You don’t have to create your own song from scratch. This would require more musical
theory than I can reasonably expect. There are online resources for this you can discover.
Here is a website with many examples:

Songs for Arduino

The code used here is far more sophisticated than what we saw in class, but the frequencies
and durations are there for you to adapt to your own code.
• Your song should be at least 5 seconds in duration and repeat after one second of
silence. Feel free to make it as long and elaborate as you like.
• The output PWM signal should be on Arduino Pin9, just like we saw in the slides. I will
test your program on the very simple buzzer setup from the slides as well (pictured
• Beyond this, that’s it. Implement an example you find online, or, if you’re musically
inclined, translate your own favorite bit of sheet music into a buzzer tune.
Labs are to be submitted in groups of 1-3! If working in a group, only one person should
submit. Clearly indicate in the submission the names of all group members. Submit a single
source code file under Lab #6 on D2L. I will supply my own pitches.h file. You don’t need
to submit a picture of your circuit.