
B555 Programming Project 4 solved

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Overview: Gaussian Processes
In this programming project we will be working with Gaussian processes using the RBF kernel and
the polynomial kernel with degree 1 (i.e., linear) kernel.
Data for this assignment is provided in a zip file on Canvas. We have 4 datasets,
crime, artsmall, housing, 1D whose files per train/test and features/labels are organized as in
project 2.
The first 2 datasets are drawn from project 2 but we normalized the features and labels and reduced
the size of the train and test sets to reduce the run time for the project. 1D is a 1 dimensional
artificial dataset where we can visualize the predictions.
Implementing GP
Mean and Covariance functions: We will use a zero mean function. The covariance functions we
use are exactly as in lecture slides. C(x1, x2) = δ(x1, x2)
β +
k(x1, x2), where k(x1, x2) = (x
1 x2)+1
for the linear kernel and k(x1, x2) = e
for the square exponential (a.k.a. RBF) kernel.
In matrix form, this looks like C(X, X) = 1
I +
αK(X, X) and when examples in X are distinct
from examples in Z we get C(X, Z) = 1
αK(X, Z).
Predictive distribution, derivatives, and model selection: The equations for the log evidence, predictive distribution and derivatives w.r.t. α, β, s are given in the slides. As suggested in
the slides, for model selection in this project you should perform gradient ascent on ln α, ln β, ln s.
Note: implementing the GP equations normally requires some care to avoid numerical instability in
calculations (for example using the Cholesky decomposition to avoid computing inverses). However,
for this project a direct implementation of the equations works fine.
Optimization: Initialize α = β = 1 and s = 5, except for dataset 1D where s should be initialized
to 0.1 (of course s is only relevant when using the RBF kernel). For model selection use gradient
ascent on the log values of hyperparameters with learning rate of η = 0.01 for up to 100 iterations.
You should track the value of the log evidence during optimization, and can stop the optimization
early if the log evidence does not change “too much”. Specifically let a be the log evidence before
the update, b be the value after the update and c = (b − a)/|a| be the relative change. Then we
can stop the optimization if c ≤ 10−5
Notes: It is a good idea for debugging to make sure that the log evidence is increasing, i.e., b > a,
with each gradient step. Setting the learning rate is tricky in general but using the value specified
works well for our datasets. Similarly, the results are somewhat sensitive to the initial value of s
but the values above yield good results for our datasets.
We will use MNLL (mean negative log likelihood) on the test set. The negative log likelihood
on example i is NLL = − ln N (ti
, vi) where mi
, vi are the mean and variance of the predictive
distribution. Then we have MNLL = 1
ln N (ti
, vi). In addition, to compare to results with
Bayesian Linear Regression we calculate the test set MSE: MSE = 1
(where in project
2 we had mi = m>
N φ(xi)).
Visualizing performance on the 1D dataset: For dataset 1D run the algorithm until it stops
and record the final learned function. Then visualize the results as follows. The true function for
this dataset is: if x > 1.5 then: f(x) = −1; if x < −1.5 then: f(x) = 1; otherwise f(x) = sin(6∗x).
Plot the true function, and the mean of the predictive distribution with ± 2 standard deviations
around the mean, where x is in the range [−3, 3]. This should be done with both the RBF kernel
and the linear kernel, i.e., provide 2 such plots.
Performance as a function of iterations: Run the algorithm, on each of the 4 datasets, with
both the RBF and linear kernels, and record the test set MNLL performance as a function of the
number of training iterations. To save in compute time (since evaluation of GPs is time consuming)
evaluate the prediction every 10 iterations, and after the last iteration (for example, if the algorithm
stops at iteration 33 you will have evaluations at 0,10,20,30,33 iterations). Then plot the MNLL as
a function of the number of training iterations. Thus we expect 8 plots from 4 datasets ∗ 2 kernels.
Comparison to Bayesian Linear Regression: In addition to
the above, record the values of α, β and test set MSE after the last
iteration (i.e., when the algorithms stops). Tabulate these results
and compare them to the results of Bayesian Linear Regression,
either by running your code from project 2, or taken from the
table on the right.
dataset MSE α β
crime 0.5 357.5 2.6
artsmall 0.716 141.4 4.23
housing 0.288 20.4 4.0
1D 0.39 7.5 1.9
Discuss the results: With all these results recorded, what can you observe w.r.t. the performance
of the algorithms? Are the BLR and GP with linear kernel behaving similarly w.r.t. α, β, MSE
as expected?1 How does the performance of GP compare when changing RBF vs. linear kernel?
What are potential advantages or disadvantages of each method?
1Note that there is a small difference in feature space because of the addition of +1 in the kernel version so they
may not be identical. But this does not affect the results significantly.
Please submit two separate items via Canvas:
(1) A zip file with all your work and the report. The zip file should include: (1a) Please
write a report on the experiments, include all plots and results, and your conclusions as requested
above. Prepare a PDF file with this report. (1b) Your code for the assignment, including a
README file that explains how to run it. When run your code should produce all the results and
plots as requested above. Your code should assume that the data files will have names as specified
above and will reside in sub-directory pp4data/ of the directory where the code is executed. We
will read your code as part of the grading – please make sure the code is well structured and easy
to follow (i.e., document it as needed). This portion can be a single file or multiple files.
(2) One PDF “printout” of all contents in 1a,1b: call this YourName-pp4-everything.pdf. One
PDF file which includes the report, a printout of the code and the README file. We will use
this file as a primary point for reading your submission and providing feedback so please include
anything pertinent here.
Your assignment will be graded based on (1) the clarity of the code, (2) its correctness, (3) the
presentation and discussion of the results, (4) our ability to run the code on SICE servers.