
Assignment 4  CSI2110 solved

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Paris Metro: Riding Paris Subway Network
The objective of this assignment is simply for you to find a shortest path in a real graph. For this, we
will use the metro (subway) of the City of Paris as an example of a relatively complex network.
For the purpose of this handout the word “lines” is used to refer to subway lines, which in the picture
below are lines of different colours.
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The information required to build the graph corresponding to the Paris subway network is contained
in the text file included here. This file is organized as follows:
• The file starts by specifying two integers the number of vertices and the number of edges in the
• The name of all metro stations is then listed and associated with a unique number. Note that
some stations appear more than once when they are associated with more than one metro line.
• The symbol $ denotes the end of the subway station list.
• The reminder of the file lists the edges of our graph, i.e. the existing connections between the
subway stations, and their weight which the time required (in seconds) to go from one station to
the other.
• This graph is directed in order to take into account for some cases where the link is only oneway.
• In some cases, it is possible to walk in order to switch from one line to another. These cases are
identified by the number -1 in place of their weight. For these cases, the weight must be
substituted by the estimated walk time which will be a constant chosen by the program.
Questions :
1. You must read the file and create a graph using the representation of your choice.
i) You should create a static method readMetro(filename) which will read the data.
ii) You should create a class ParisMetro which will contain graph of the Paris
2. Using this graph, we want you to produce a software tool that will allow to automatically:
Note: when we mention station in items below we mean the station number.
i) Identify all the stations belonging to the same line of a given station. These stations must
be listed in travel order (including the specified station) from one end of the line to the
other end of the line (the direction they are listed is not important).
ii) Find the shortest path between any two stations, printing all the stations of the path in
order, and printing the total travel time.
iii) Find the shortest path between two stations when we have the information that one given
line is not functioning (the line is identified by one of its endpoints). The same type of
information will be printed as in ii).
To specify a station, you must use its number. You must use 90 secs as the constant estimated
time to transfer from one line to another (time to walk between locations labeled with weight -1) .
Your program:
In order to run your program from the command line, the call should be as follows:
java ParisMetro N1 N2 N3
with N1, N2 and N3 being numbers identifying subway stations.
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• If only N1 is specified the program must answer question 2-i) where N1 is the given station
identifying the line to be printed.
• If N1and N2are specified the program must answer question 2-ii) where N1 is the departure
station and N2 is the arrival station.
• If N1, N2 and N3 are specified the program must answer question 2-iii) where N1 is the
departure station, N2 is the arrival station and N3 is the endpoint of a broken line (line that is
not functioning).
You must submit your Java code plus a document/report (pdf file) describing:
• Your chosen data structure (classes, attributes and methods).
• High level description of the algorithms you use to answer the questions in part 2.
• Examples of outputs for answering the questions of part 2.
Marking criteria:
30% Description of the algorithms (clarity of explanation, good level of abstraction)
30% Correctness of the solution
40% Programming and design
(comments, headers, clarity and code readability, conciseness of methods, did you design/use a
good algorithm? did you define the right methods? did your algorithms solve the right problem? Is
your solution unnecessarily complex? etc)
Important remarks:
For this assignment, you can use any code you find (online, textbook or from our labs) that can help
you solving this problem. However you must give a reference to any external resource you used
(e.g. provide the links where you download the code, or other references used). Even if you modify
a code after, you have to specify that you used certain code or certain library as a starting point,
even if you just consult it to guide you in your design. Failure to provide adequate references will be
considered academic fraud with serious consequences.
In the same way, since this assignment is individual, you must make sure that nobody uses your
code to write their solution. You can discuss general ideas with friends, but do not share or show
specific parts of your code: exchanging source codes also constitutes academic fraud. Note that all
submitted software will be subject to a plagiarism detection software that measures similarities in
the program structure.
Assignment inspired by :
Michel Couprie, Gilles Bertrand, ‘Graphes et algorithmes – TP 3’,, accessed Nov 14, 2017.