
CS 4347:Assignment 2: Perceptual Features Extraction solved

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0. This assignment will use the same “music / speech” dataset that we used for assignments
1. Follow the following steps to complete this assignment:
• Read the ground truth music file.
• Load each wav file and splits the data into buffers of length 1024 with 50% overlap.
Only keep complete buffers.
• Calculate the MFCCs for each window as specified in the lecture notes. Here are
more detailed steps:
– Given input x(t) and output y(t), the pre-emphasis filter should be
y(t) = x(t) − 0.95x(t − 1).
– Use a Hamming window before the mag-spectrum calculation.
– Mel-scale of frequency f is:
Mel(f) = 1127 ln(1 + f
– Calculate 26 mel-frequency filters, covering the entire frequency range (from
0 Hz to the Nyquist limit). To calculate the filters,
∗ find the X-axis points of the filters (left side, top, right side). All points must
be convereted into integer FFT bins; the left side should use the floor()
operation; the top point should use round(); the right point should use
∗ assign the left bin to be 0, top bin to be 1.0, right bin to be 0; linearly
interpolate between the rest.
– the log step should be log base 10.
– scipy has DCT built-in: scipy.fftpack.dct()
– do not calculate any delta-features
• Calculate the mean and standard deviation for each MFCC bin over the entire file.
So if there are M MFCC bins in each buffer, you will end up with a feature vector
of length 2M for each song.
• Write the data to an ARFF file (each line should contain the 26 means, followed by
the 26 standard deviations, and finally the class).
• Make two plots: the overall range of the triangular windows, and the triangular
windows from 0 to 300 Hz. They should match the examples below.
2. Submit a zip file to IVLE containing your program’s source code ((a single .py file), the
ARFF file and 2 plots. Name the zip file using your student number (e.g.
Late submissions will receive no marks.
3. Note: You may use any python standard libraries, numpy (including pylab / matplotlib)
and scipy. No other libraries are permitted.
4. Grading scheme:
• 4/9 marks: correct ARFF file.
• 2/9 marks: 2 correct plots.
• 3/9 marks: readable source code (good variable names, clean functions, necessary