
Assignment 1 Relational Databases, Expressing Queries and Constraints in SQL and in Tuple Relational Calculus (TRC)∗ solved

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1 Introduction
The goals for this assignment are to
1. become familiar with the PostgreSQL system1
2. create a relational database and populate it with data;
3. examine the side-effects on the state of the database caused by inserts and
deletes in the presence or absence of primary and foreign key constraints;
4. formulate some queries in SQL and evaluate them in PostgreSQL; and
5. translate TRC queries to SQL and formulate queries and constraints in
To turn in your assignment, you will need to upload to Canvas a single file
with name assignment1.sql which contains the necessary SQL statements that
solve the problems in this assignment. The assignment1.sql file must be such
that the AI’s can run it in their PostgreSQL environment. In addition, you
will need to upload a separate assignment1.txt file that contains the results of
running your queries. We have posted the exact requirements and an example
∗This assignment covers lectures 1 through 4
1To solve this assignment, you will need to download and install PostgreSQL (version 12
or higher) on your computer.
2To solve problems related to TRC, follow the syntax and semantics described in the
TRC SQL.pdf document in the module Tuple Relational Calculus and SQL (lecture 4). That
document contains multiple examples of TRC queries and constraints and how they can be
translated to SQL.
for uploading your solution files. (See the module Instructions for turning
in assignments.) Finally, you will need to upload an assignment1.pdf file
that contains the solutions for problems related to TRC.3
For the problems in this assignment we will use the following database
Person(pid, pname, city)
Company(cname, headquarter)
worksFor(pid, cname, salary)
companyLocation(cname, city)
personSkill(pid, skill)
hasManager(eid, mid)
In this database we maintain a set of persons (Person), a set of companies
(Company), and a set of (job) skills (Skill). The pname attribute in Person is
the name of the person. The city attribute in Person specifies the city in which
the person lives. The cname attribute in Company is the name of the company.
The headquarter attribute in Company is the name of the city wherein the
company has its headquarter. The skill attribute in Skill is the name of a
(job) skill.
A person can work for at most one company. This information is maintained
in the worksFor relation. (We permit that a person does not work for any
company.) The salary attribute in worksFor specifies the salary made by the
The city attribute in companyLocation indicates a city in which the company is located. (Companies may be located in multiple cities.)
A person can have multiple job skills. This information is maintained in the
personSkill relation. A job skill can be the job skill of multiple persons. (A
person may not have any job skills, and a job skill may have no persons with
that skill.)
A pair (e, m) in hasManager indicates that person e has person m as one of
his or her managers. We permit that an employee has multiple managers and
that a manager may manage multiple employees. (It is possible that an employee
has no manager and that an employee is not a manager.) We further require
that an employee and his or her managers must work for the same company.
The domain for the attributes pid, salary, eid, and mid is integer. The
domain for all other attributes is text.
It is strongly recommended that you use Latex to write TRC formulas and queries. For a good way to learn about Latex, look at online introduction to LaTeX (part 1). You
can also inspect the Latex source code for this assignment as well as the document
TRC SQL.tex provided in Module 4.
4The primary key, which may consist of one or more attributes, of each of these relations
is underlined.
We assume the following foreign key constraints:
• pid is a foreign key in worksFor referencing the primary key pid in
• cname is a foreign key in worksFor referencing the primary key cname in
• cname is a foreign key in companyLocation referencing the primary key
cname in Company;
• pid is a foreign key in personSkill referencing the primary key pid in
• skill is a foreign key in personSkill referencing the primary key skill
in Skill;
• eid is a foreign key in hasManager referencing the primary key pid in
Person; and
• mid is a foreign key in hasManager referencing the primary key pid in
The file data.sql contains the data supplied for this assignment.
2 Database creation and impact of constraints
on insert and delete statements.
Create a database in PostgreSQL that stores the data provided in the data.sql
file. Make sure to specify primary and foreign keys.
1. Provide 4 conceptually different examples that illustrate how the presence
or absence of primary and foreign keys affect insert and deletes in these
relations. To solve this problem, you will need to experiment with the
relation schemas and instances for this assignment. For example, you
should consider altering primary keys and foreign key constraints and then
consider various sequences of insert and delete operations. You may need
to change some of the relation instances to observe the desired effects.
Certain inserts and deletes should succeed but other should generate error
conditions. (Consider the lecture notes about keys, foreign keys, and
inserts and deletes as a guide to solve this problem.)
3 Formulating queries in SQL
For this assignment, you are required to use tuple variables in your SQL statements. For example, in formulating the query “Find the pid and pname of each
person who lives in Bloomington” you should write the query
SELECT, p.pname
FROM Person p
WHERE = ‘Bloomington’
rather than
SELECT pid, pname
FROM Person
WHERE city = ‘Bloomington’
Write SQL statements for the following queries. Make sure that each of your
queries returns a set but not a bag. In other words, make appropriate use of
the DISTINCT clause where necessary.
You can not use the SQL JOIN operations or SQL aggregate functions such
as COUNT, SUM, MAX, MIN, etc in your solutions.
2. Find the pid, pname of each person who (a) lives in Bloomington, (b)
works for a company where he or she earn a salary that is higher than
30000, and (c) has at least one manager.
3. Find the pairs (c1, c2) of names of companies whose headquarters are located in the same city.
4. Find the pid and pname of each person who lives in a city that is different
than each city in which his or her managers live. (Persons who have no
manager should not be included in the answer.)
5. Find each skill that is the skill of at most 2 persons.
6. Find the pid, pname, and salary of each employee who has at least two
managers such that these managers have a common job skill but provided
that it is not the ‘Networks’ skill.
7. Find the cname of each company that not only employs persons who live
in MountainView. (In other words, there exists at least one employee of
such a company who does not live in MountainView.)
8. For each company, list its name along with the highest salary made by
employees who work for it.
9. Find the pid and pname of each employee who has a salary that is higher
than the salary of each of his or her managers. (Employees who have no
manager should not be included.)
4 Translating TRC queries to SQL
Consider the following queries formulated in TRC. Translate each of these
queries to an equivalent SQL query.5
You should note that this translating, modulo the handling of universal
quantifiers, is almost a syntactic rewrite of the way in which the queries are
formulated in TRC. This underscores the close correspondence between TRC
and SQL.
The SQL queries should be included in the assignment1.sql file and their
outputs should be reported in the assignment.txt file.
{, p.pname, w.cname, w.salary | P erson(p) ∧ worksF or(w) ∧ = = ‘Bloomington’ ∧ 40000 ≤ w.salary ∧ w.cname 6= ‘Apple’}.
{, p.pname | P erson(p)∧
∃c∃w(Company(c) ∧ worksF or(w) ∧ c.cname = w.cname ∧ = ∧ c.headquarter = ‘LosGatos’∧
∃hm∃m(hasManager(hm) ∧ P erson(m) ∧ hm.eid = ∧ hm.mid = ∧ 6= ‘LosGatos))}.
In abbreviated form,
{, p.pname | P erson(p)∧
∃c ∈ Company ∃w ∈ worksF or(c.cname = w.cname ∧ = ∧ c.headquarter = ‘LosGatos’∧
∃hm ∈ hasManager ∃m ∈ P erson(hm.eid = ∧ hm.mid = ∧ 6= ‘LosGatos))}.
{s.skill | Skill(s) ∧ ¬(∃p∃ps P erson(p) ∧ personSkill(ps) ∧ =∧
ps.skill = s.skill ∧ = ‘Bloomington’)}.
In abbreviated form,
{s.skill | Skill(s) ∧ ¬(∃p ∈ P erson ∃ps ∈ personSkill( =∧
ps.skill = s.skill ∧ = ‘Bloomington’)}.
{, m.pname | P erson(m)∧
∀hm((hasManager(hm) ∧ hm.mid = → ∃e(P erson(e) ∧ hm.eid = ∧ =}
In abbreviated form,
{, m.pname | P erson(m)∧
∀hm ∈ hasManager(hm.mid = → ∃e ∈ P erson(hm.eid = ∧ =}
5You can not use SQL JOIN operations or aggregate functions.
5 Formulating queries in the Tuple Relational
Formulate each of the queries in the even-numbered problems (i.e., problems 2,
4, 6, and 8) in Section 3 as TRC queries.
The solutions of these problems should be included in the assignment1.pdf
14. (Problem 2) Find the pid, pname of each person who (a) lives in Bloomington, (b) works for a company where he or she earn a salary that is
higher than 30000, and (c) has at least one manager.
15. (Problem 4) Find the pid and pname of each person who lives in a city
that is different than each city in which his or her managers live. (Persons
who have no manager should not be included in the answer.)
16. (Problem 6) Find the pid, pname, and salary of each employee who has
at least two managers such that these managers have a common job skill
but provided that it is not the ‘Networks’ skill.
17. (Problem 8) For each company, list its name along with the highest salary
made by employees who work for it.
6 Formulating constraints in the Tuple Relational
Formulate the following constraints in TRC and as boolean SQL queries.
The TRC solutions of these problems should be included in the assignment1.pdf
file and the SQL solutions should be included in the assignment1.sql file.
Here is an example of what is expected for your answers.
Example 1 Consider the constraint “ Each skill is the skill of a person.” In
TRC, this constraint can be formulated as follows:
∀s Skill(s) → ∃ps (personSkill(ps) ∧ ps.skill = s.skill)
or, alternatively
¬∃s(Skill(s) ∧ ¬∃ps(personSkill(ps) ∧ ps.skill = s.skill)).
This constraint can be specified using the following boolean SQL query.
select not exists (select 1
from Skill s
where not exists (select 1
from personSkill ps
where ps.skill = s.skill));
18. Each person works for a company and has at least two job skills.
19. Some person has a salary that is strictly higher than the salary of each of
his or her managers.
20. Each employee and his or her managers work for the same company.