
Assignment 1 Recursion solved

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Write a recursive function that takes a string as an argument and
returns a TRUE if the string is a palindrome otherwise FALSE is
returned. A palindrome is a string that reads the same forward
and backward (dad, mom, radar). Test with a main program that
calls the function. The main function could solicit for input and
terminate after receiving an EOF or one can store the strings in a
vector or array.
The recursive function should ignore white spaces, capital letters
(case insensitive), and punctuation. For example: “A man a plan a
canal Panama” would be a palindrome.
Use paragraphing and comment each logical block of source code.
Do not use global variables. Your output should be descriptive.
Use the following input:
A man a plan a canal Panama
The rain in Spain
No lemon, no melon
Was it a cat I saw?
Due January 22