Comp 261 The 3D Renderer solution


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The goal of this assignment is to write a program that implements a simple but complete pipeline
for rendering 3D shapes represented by polygons. This assignment is a lot larger than the previous
two, you should provision your time accordingly.
The assignment webpage also contains:
• An archive of template code (including a GUI you may use) and a small example class.
• An archive of model files and images of what they look like.
• A marksheet.
To Submit
You should submit four things:
• All the source code for your program, including the template code. Please make sure
you do this, without it we cannot give you any marks. Again: submit all your .java
• Any other files your program needs to run that aren’t the data files provided.
• A report on your program to help the marker understand the code. The report should:
– describe what your code does and doesn’t do.
– describe any bugs that you have not been able to resolve.
The report should be clear, but it does not have to be fancy – very plain formatting is all
that is needed. It must be either a txt or a pdf file. It does not need to be long, but you
need to help the marker see what you did.
A simple 3D rendering pipeline
3D graphics rendering ranges from fast approximate rendering, used for example in video games
and other real time rendering, through to complex ray tracing and sophisticated modelling, for
generating high quality images and animated films. There are a wide variety of data structures
and algorithms used in 3D rendering.
For this assignment, you must write a program that performs a simple rendering of shapes
represented by polygons, using a Z-buffer, using the algorithms described in the lectures.
The simplifications:
• All polygons are triangles.
• Only diffuse reflection will be required – no specular reflection.
• There will be a single directed light source, with a fixed intensity, placed at infinity in a
specified direction (so that the incident light is from the same direction at every point on
the shapes).
• The shapes will be automatically zoomed and translated to all fit in the image, so that no
objects need to be clipped.
• The polygon surfaces are assumed to be flat and have a uniform reflectance so that the
light reflected from every point on the polygon is the same (there is no need to interpolate
the reflected light intensity or the surface normals).
• The coordinate system is assumed to have the origin at the top left x increases to the right,
y increases down, z increases away from the viewer (this is a right handed system that is
also convenient for converting to a 2D image).
Outline of your renderer
Your program should implement the pipeline described in the lectures:
• Read the lightsource direction and all the polygons from the file
• Rotate all the polygons so that the view direction is along the z-axis. Rotate the lightsource
direction by the same amount.
• Compute the bounding box of the collection of polygons then translate and scale all the polygons so that they all fit within the image (ie, 0<=x<windowWidth and 0<=y<windowHeight).
• Mark all the polygons that are facing away from the viewer (ie, the Z component of their
normal vector is positive) as hidden.
• Compute the normal and the reflected light intensity (as a Color) of every non-hidden
polygon. The reflected light should be the sum of the reflected ambient light (independent
of the normal of the polygon) and the diffuse reflected light, which depends on the angle
between the polygon normal and the direction of the light source.
• Use a Z-buffer to render the image
– initialise the Z-buffer (eg, gray background, and an infinite depth at each point)
– For each non-hidden polygon
∗ Compute the EdgeLists for the polygon, specifying the left and right values for x
and z for each line of the image
∗ Compute the z values of all the pixels on the polygon (by stepping through each
row of the edgelists array, and interpolating from the left to the right values),
for each x and y, putting the z value (and the color value of the light from the
polygon) in the Z-buffer if the depth is less than the depth of the current value
in the Z-buffer.
• Turn the array of colors in the Z-buffer into an image and save it to a file and/or display
it in a window.
Some template code has been provided to get you started, along with a small test suite to help
track down bugs. Using the template code is entirely optional, there are many ways to design
a large program like this and you are welcome to take the approach you think is best. The test
suite is just there to help you isolate which parts of your pipeline are broken, you will not be
marked on whether tests pass or not.
Warning: Some tests might fail depending on how you’ve implemented the pipeline (especially
how you handle the edge cases of edge lists). This doesn’t necessarily mean your renderer is
Stages and marking
See the provided marking guide for a more detailed breakdown of the marks for different stages.
Stage 1 – Implement the rendering pipeline described above without steps 3 and 4, i.e. assume
that viewer is already looking along the Z axis and all the objects are within the window.
• Read polygons and light source from file.
• Mark hidden polygons.
• Compute shading of each polygon, using both the ambient light (set by the user) and
the positional light (from the file).
• Render with Z-buffer.
It can be quite hard to get all the glitches and off-by-one errors out of the edge lists and
the z-buffer rendering. Don’t worry about it. You can get the marks, even if there are still
little problems with your rendering.
Stage 2 – Get the rendering correct!
Stage 3 – Extend your pipeline to include steps 3 and 4.
• Store a viewing direction and modify it when the users presses movement keys (arrows
or WASD).
• Rotate the polygons (and the lightsource) so that the Z axis now corresponds to the
direction of the viewer.
Stage 4 – Make some difficult improvements to the program.
• Extend your program to allow multiple light sources in different directions, with different colours and intensities. The computation of the reflected light will become a
bit more complicated, and you will need to extend the class to support this
functionality, if you used it.
• Remove the assumption that the faces represent a shape with flat faces. The polygons
should be viewed as an approximation to a curved surface, so that the reflected light
(‘shading’) should not be uniform across each polygon, and should change smoothly
at the edges. Accomplish this by implementing Gouraud shading:
– At each vertex, compute the ‘vertex normal’ – the average of the normals of all
the polygons meeting at that vertex. This is an approximation to the normal of
the curved surface underneath the vertex.
– Compute the reflected light intensity at that vertex using that normal.
– Extend the EdgeLists computation to interpolate the reflected light intensity along
the edges, as well as the z value. You will need to extend the EdgeLists to hold
x, z, and shading values.
– Extend the final rendering computation to interpolate the reflected light along
the scanline from leftX to rightX, as well as interpolating the value of z.
For a completely over-the-top assignment, use Phong shading instead of Gouraud (it
interpolates the normals, along with the z value, then recomputes the shading at each
Data files
There are six files of polygons on which you can test your program:
• tetras.txt contains three tetrahedrons (4 triangles each) of about the same size and shape.
The middle tetrahedron is all green (and upside down), so that the only difference between
its faces should be due to the lighting. The other two have one green face each, but the
other faces are different.
• bigboxes.txt contains two large boxes, which will need to be scaleed and translated to fit
in the window.
• shapes.txt contains a collection of multicoloured blocks, some of which intersect with
each other.
• ball.txt which is a large ball shape made out of 321 triangles. The faces are slightly
different shades of blue/green
• car.txt is a old-timey car made out of 324 triangles, using 3 different colours.
• monkey.txt an ugly monkey head (courtesy of blender), in different shades of orange.
(Almost 1000 polygons.)
In each file, the first line gives the total number of triangular polygons. Then, each line represents
a polygon, specified by twelve numbers. The first three integer numbers specify the red, green,
and blue reflectivity of the surface (0 = does not reflect at all, 255 = reflects completely). The
following nine numbers specify the x, y, and z of each of the three vertices (in anti-clockwise
order). The last line is the light source (3D vector). The numbers are separated by comma.
For each data file, there is also an image file showing what the object would look like when
rendered (using the simple shading, not the challenge version).
Implementation hints
• Each polygon should be represented by three vertices, in order, such that the vertices are
in anti-clockwise order when viewed from the outward side. That means that the cross
product of the first edge (v2-v1) and the second edge (v3-v2) will be normal (right angles)
to the polygon face, in the outwards direction.
• Each polygon will also have the reflectivity of the surface, represented as three numbers –
the red, green, and blue reflectivity.
• You could use the provided java library files for representing and manipulating 3D vectors
( and matrix transformations (, if you find them helpful.
You do not need to use them.
• We have provided a template GUI ( that you can use to load files, display your
render, and so on. It has three methods that need implementing: onLoad, onKeyPress,
and render. You are free to use this class as-is, modify it, or ignore it.
• The Scene, Polygon, and EdgeList classes have been provided as data structures for the
renderer. These have method stubs that you’ll need to fill in.
• The Pipeline class provides method stubs for each step of the pipeline, which you should
fill in and then combine together in the Renderer class.
• The provided test suite should help you isolate which parts of the pipeline are bugged.
However, these tests were made with ‘perfect rendering’ in mind. It’s possible to have a
fully functioning renderer even with many tests failing.
• If using, the values of the sliders used to control ambient light can be retrieved
with the getAmbientLight method.
• If you are using the Vector3D class, then all floating point numbers should be float, not
double. (Literal float constants need an ‘f’ on the end: 3.145f is a float, 3.145 is a
• Stick with a right hand coordinate system in which the x axis goes from left to right, the y
axis goes from top to bottom, and the z axis goes from near to far. This will let you map
from the model space to the image space trivially.
• You will need to compute a unit normal of each polygon in order to render it (but do this
after rotating, translating, and scaling it).
• You should compute the bounding box of each polygon (max and min x and y, rounded
to integers). You will need to do this after rotating the polygons in order to work out the
translation and scaling. You will also need to do it again after the translation and scaling.
• I have provided sample code (in for turning a 2D array of Color
values into a jpg image and then saving it, and displaying it. You don’t need to use it, but
you may find it helpful.
• Start with a minimal pipeline that does not rotate, translate, or scale the polygons (ie,
leaves out steps 3 and 4 above).
• Include lots of debugging code (eg, that prints out the polygons and the edgelists) until
you have the code working – ie, assume that you will get it wrong at first and write the
debugging code as you go. It helps to write a toString method for each of your classes
(there are examples in,