
Cpt S 489 Sudoku Foundation Classes v1.5 solved

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The zip that contains these instructions also includes an HTML and JavaScript code file. The HTML page is set
up to reference the JavaScript code file and use it to run tests. Do not change anything in this file. The
JavaScript file is where you must write the code.
In this assignment, you will implement a set of classes relating to solving a Sudoku puzzle. The actual solving
logic will be implemented in the next assignment. This assignment is just about creating the following classes
(constructor functions), which will provide a foundation on top of which a solver can be built:
• Sudoku9x9 – Represents a full 9×9 Sudoku puzzle. Stores an array of 81 SudokuCells objects.
• SudokuCell – Represents a single, mutable cell in a Sudoku puzzle. Stores a list of numbers representing
possible values for the cell. Should this list have 1 item, the cell has a known, finalized value.
• SudokuCellCollection – Represents an immutable collection of SudokuCell objects.
• SudokuCellBlock – Represents a collection of cells that is either an entire row, an entire column, or a
3×3 box. In other words, a collection of 9 cells that must have values [1,9] among them when solved.
Inherits from SudokuCellCollection.
• Sudoku3x3Block – Represents one of the nine 3×3 box areas from a Sudoku9x9 puzzle. Inherits from
First familiarize yourself with the rules of classic Sudoku. Do a few practice puzzles from newspapers, online
apps, iOS or Android apps, or elsewhere. Although it’s more relevant for the next assignment, you may also
want to read some about the strategies for solving the puzzles. At a minimum, be familiar with the idea of
having each cell containing a list of possible values and removing items from that list based on logic rules until
only one item remains in the cell. This is the typical logic-based approach to solving a Sudoku puzzle.
Implement the members for each class according to the specifications that follow.
Sudoku9x9 Class
Member Description
function Sudoku9x9(arrOf81Values)
Constructor function that initializes the member array of 81 cells. Assume that the
arrOf81Values parameter is guaranteed to be an array with exactly 81 items. Each
item in arrOf81Values is either a numerical value (either as a number type or a
number string when .toString() is called on the entry) in the range [1,9] or anything
else. If it is a number in the range [1,9], this indicates that that cell has a known,
finalized value. If it is anything else, that means it represents a “blank” cell, with all
values in the range [1,9] being possible. Initialize the Cells member array
appropriately based on this input.
get3x3 function(rowIndex, colIndex)
Function that returns a Sudoku3x3Block for one of the 9 possible 3×3 boxes in the
puzzle. The row and column indices will be in the range [0,2].
getColumn function(colIndex)
Function that returns a SudokuCellBlock containing the 9 cells from the specified
column. The column index will be in the range [0,8].
getRow function(rowIndex)
Function that returns a SudokuCellBlock containing the 9 cells from the specified
row. The row index will be in the range [0,8].
toArray function()
Function that returns a deep copy of the array of cell references.
SudokuCell Class
Member Description
function SudokuCell(numPossibleValues)
Constructor function for a SudokuCell. You may assume that numValues is always
equal to 9. It exists only to allow for flexibility to support other types of Sudoku
puzzles that have potentially more or fewer possible values per cell. (Ex: There are
large 16×16 Sudoku puzzles that support 16 possible values per cell). Initialize the
cell such that all values in the range [1,9] are listed as possibilities for this cell.
containsPossibility function(value)
Returns true if the cell contains the specified value as a possibility, false otherwise.
finalizedValue Read/write numerical value property that represents the finalized value for the cell.
When getting the value, if isFinalized is false, then the return value is undefined.
Otherwise the finalized value for the cell is returned. When setting, all other
possibilities are removed from the cell and it becomes a cell with just one possible
getPossibilities function()
Gets a sorted array of numbers representing possible values for this cell.
isFinalized Read-only bool property that is true only if the cell has been narrowed down to 1
possible value. When the cell is in the finalized state it becomes immutable.
removePossibility function(value)
Removes a value from the list of possible values for this cell. This is OK to call even if
the value is not currently in the list of possible values for this cell.
If the cell is finalized, then no action is taken, even if the value is equal to the
finalized value in the cell.
Returns true if the value WAS a possibility in this cell and now it is not. Returns
false in all other cases.
removePossibilities function(arrOfValues)
Utility function that calls removePossibility for each value in arrOfValues.
toString function()
Returns the string version of the array built by getPossibilities.
SudokuCellCollection Class
Member Description
function SudokuCellCollection(arrOfCells)
Constructs an immutable collection of cells. Here “immutable” means that no cells
can be added to or removed from the collection after instantiation. However, note
that it is a collection of SudokuCell objects, and each such object is mutable.
Makes a deep copy of the passed array.
containsCell function(cell)
Does a reference search for the specified cell. Returns true if it is contained within
this collection, false if it is not.
containsPossibility function(value)
Loops through all cells in this collection and returns true if any one of them contains
the specified value as a possibility.
count function(predicate)
Counts the number of cells that satisfy the specified predicate. Calls the predicate
function on each cell, and returns the number of times true is returned. Ex: If you
had a cell collection named ‘coll’ you could count the number of finalized cells in
this collection with the following statement:
coll.count(function(cell) { return cell.isFinalized; })
forEach function(functionThatTakes1CellParam[, startIndex])
Goes through cells in this collection and runs the functionThatTakes1CellParam
function on each one. Starts at the specified starting index if it is provided,
otherwise starts at index 0.
getFinalizedValues function()
Builds and returns array of numerical values, one for each finalized cell value in the
collection. Returns an empty array if no cells in the collection are finalized.
getPossibilities function()
Builds an array of distinct numerical values that represents all possible values
among all non-finalized cells. The returned array is sorted in ascending order.
length Read-only numerical property that returns the number of cells in the collection.
removeCell function(cell)
Returns a new cell collection that has all the cells that this collection has, minus the
specified cell. (Remember that the cell collection is immutable, hence the need for it
to build and return a new collection)
removeCells function(otherCellCollection)
Builds and returns the collection of cells that are only in this collection and not in
the other. If the otherCellCollection parameter is not a SudokuCellCollection object,
then a reference to this collection is returned.
removePossibility function(value)
Removes the value as a possibility from all cells in the collection. Returns the
number of cells that had the value as a possibility and had it removed.
SudokuCellBlock Class
Member Description
function SudokuCellBlock(arrOf9Cells)
Constructor function for a collection of cells that is either an entire row, an entire
column, or a 3×3 box. (Reminder: SudokuCellBlock inherits from
trySolve function()
Tries to solve this block. This function looks only at the values in the collection and
doesn’t involve the other 8/9 of the puzzle. This is a small piece of the logic needed
to solve an entire puzzle.
An object is returned that gives information about the attempt at solving. This
object has 2 properties: “changed” and “solved”, both of which are bool values. The
“changed” property is set to true if any changes were made to any of the cells in the
collection. This includes even just eliminating one possibility from one cell, and
leaving it unsolved with multiple possibilities left. If the state of any cell is changed
due to this call to trySolve, the “changed” value must be true. If no changes were
made, then “changed” must be false. The “solved” property is set to true only if all
cells in the collection have finalized values (meaning that this block is fully solved).
Sudoku3x3Block Class
Member Description
Sudoku3x3Block (constructor function) function Sudoku3x3Block(arrOf9Cells)
Constructs the 3×3 cell collection from a single-dimensional array
of 9 cells. The first 3 cells in arrOf9Cells are the first row of the 3×3
block, the next 3 the second row, and the last 3 the bottom row.
Reminder: Sudoku3x3CellColection inherits from SudokuCellBlock.
getPossibilitiesOnlyAvailableOnColumn function(colIndex)
Gets the possibilities within the 3×3 block that are unique to the
specified column within the block. No values in the returned array
will be possibilities for cells that aren’t in the specified column
within this 3×3 block. The column index must be in the range [0,2].
getPossibilitiesOnlyAvailableOnRow function(rowIndex)
Gets the possibilities within the 3×3 block that are unique to the
specified row within the block. No values in the returned array will
be possibilities for cells that aren’t in the specified row within this
3×3 block. The row index must be in the range [0,2].
isColumnFinalized function(columnIndex)
Function that returns true if all cells in the specified column are
finalized, false otherwise.
isRowFinalized function(rowIndex)
Function that returns true if all cells in the specified row are
finalized, false otherwise.
toString function()
(optional, may help with debugging) Function that returns a string
representing the contents of this 3×3 block. Example of format you
might want: “[4, 5, 1] [9, 2, 6] [7, 6, 8]”
You may add additional members to each class as needed, provided you don’t violate any rules of the class.
For example, if you add extra members to SudokuCellCollection or inheriting classes, the collections must
remain immutable.
All tests pass: 3/3
All tests from non-solving-oriented groups pass, but one or more other tests fail: 2/3
At least 50% of the tests from non-solving-oriented test groups pass: 1/3
Anything else: 0/3