STAT480 Homework 6 solved


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For this assignment, submit one .pig script file containing all the necessary Pig code to generate your
results and one text-based report file (Word doc, pdf, or .txt file). The Pig script file should be an
executable .pig file (If using the Hue editor or run your code in steps at command line, you may copy
the code and paste it into a Notepad++ file with extension .pig.).
To show results, write the necessary relation to a file from Pig using STORE within your code. This will
make it easier to show results, and would also allow you to do exercises in different scripts if desired (by
loading the stored results from a previous exercise). You can then run the necessary cat commands at
command line to show the results, copy the command line commands and results into a text-based file
and add comments to explain results.
Any code based on code from elsewhere (e.g. code provided with the text) must reference in comments
the source of the original code.
Use Pig for all exercises. All exercises are based on processed variations of the weather data we have
worked with. The data files are available in the course space.
Be sure to state units for results. (You do not need to convert from tenths of degrees Celsius, but you do
need to comment on the units when presenting your results.)
The Data1920s.txt file is a tab-delimited file containing usaf identifier, wban identifier, and
temperature for observations from 1920 to 1929.
The StationCodes.txt file contains the usaf identifier, wban identifier, and location name for the
weather stations in the metadata from the text set (see input/ncdc/metadata/stationsfixed-width.txt in the Hadoop Book source files). UNKNOWN* names have been substituted for
locations with names missing in the original data and locations with numbers for names in the original
data have been renamed CODEDLOCATION* where * is the number in the original data.
To get the data into the virtual machine, you can upload through the File Browser in the Hue web
interface and move the files as needed.
Exercises for All Students
Exercise 1:
Create a relation that joins the observed temperature data with the station name data, so the location
name will be included within each observation in the relation.
Rather than show the entire relation, use the LIMIT keyword to show 5 entries from the relation (see
the end of the Sorting Data section on page 408 of the text to see how to use LIMIT).
Exercise 2:
Obtain the number of trusted temperature observations and the minimum, average, and maximum
temperatures by station for each station from in the data. Show the first 10 results.
Note: The data has already been filtered for missing temperatures and bad quality codes, so you do not
need to do filtering to get trusted observations.
Exercise 3:
For the station with the lowest minimum temperature, obtain the name, the minimum, average, and
maximum temperatures for each year from 1920 to 1929, and show your results.
Note: Not all stations have temperature observations for every year, thus the station with largest
temperature might not have results for every year.
Additional Exercise for Graduate Students
Exercise 4:
Obtain the maximum temperature deviation above the average (max temperature – average
temperature) and the maximum temperature deviation below the average (average temperature – min
temperature) for each recorded station location for the period from 1920 to 1929 (you do not need to
show this result).
Programmatically find the station name and maximum temperature deviation above the average for the
station with the largest maximum deviation above the average for the time period (ORDER and LIMIT
should be useful for getting this information from the range data). Then obtain that station’s maximum
temperature deviation below the average by year for each year from 1920 to 1929.
Note: Again, not all stations have temperature observations for every year, thus the station with largest
temperature range might not have results for every year.