SE-441 Continuous Delivery and DevOps Homework 4 solved


Category: You will receive a download link of the .ZIP file upon Payment


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Log in to Github. Follow the link below and accept the assignment:
Accepting the link will create a new repository in the classroom called:
You may not see this repository in your normal Github account, but you will be able to access it
at the URL:
Note: The creation of the repository may take some time. Do not wait until the last minute to
start the assignment. I have also experience the progress bar hanging on the “import starter code”
section. If you’ve sat for more than a few minutes, got look and see if your repository has been
created – chances are it has been. You should receive an email once it’s done creating the repository
if you don’t want to wait for it.
The repository contains two directories, hello-world and tools. The hello-world directory
contains some simple Java code and some skeleton build scripts for Ant+Ivy, Maven, and Gradle.
Within each of the four files are TODO comments. Complete the tasks identified by these comments to complete the build scripts.
The tools directory contains an Ant build file. That build file will be used to download Ivy and
test the integration of it’s tasks into your Ant installation.
Note: The scripts are heavily based on the notes, so they will be a good reference.
All of the deliverables are documented in the and files. For D2L, please
submit a link to your Github repository – I can’t always guess who the repository belongs to based
on its name alone.