SE-441 Continuous Delivery and DevOps Homework 2 solved


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1. [10 points] Consider the following value stream map:
The typical work day is 8 hours per employee and they generally work 5 days per week. They
release updates to their software every 2 business weeks.
a. What is the total lead time in hours?
b. What is the total process time in hours?
c. What is the process cycle efficiency?
d. What is the %C&A for the process?
e. If the development team typically completes 100 story points per 2-week iteration, what
is the average takt time of each story point per hour?
2. [15 points] Using the provided Excel spreadsheet, perform the same simulation that we did in
a. Run the simulation using the spreadsheet by filling in the values in the ’roll’ row. You
can use a 6-sided die or some other random number generator that gives you reasonably
random numbers between 1 and 6. Save a copy of the worksheet as a PDF.
b. Experiment by changing the %C&A values for the various workstations. What is the
impact on workstation ’E’ of changing the %C&A values of the earlier workstations?
c. Plug in the %C&A values from problem 1 of this assignment into your simulation and
save a copy of the worksheet as a PDF. How do the deviations from the 3.5 mean differ
from that of the baseline you established in part a of this question?