
Project 4 COMP301 solved

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5/5 - (1 vote)

In this project, you will work in groups of two or three. To create your group, use the Google
Sheet file in the following link: Link to Google Sheets for Choosing Group Members.
Note: You need to self-enroll to your Project 4 group on BlackBoard (please only enroll to
the same group number as your group in the Sheets), please make sure that you are enrolled
to Project 4 – Group #YourGroup.
This project contains 2 main parts about 2 different topics, namely: Parameter Passing and
Continuation Passing Style.
Submit a report containing your answers to the written questions in PDF format and Racket
files for the coding questions to Blackboard as a zip. Include a brief explanation of your team’s
workload breakdown in the pdf file. Name your submission files as:
Important Notice: If your submitted code is not working properly, i.e. throws error or fails
in all test cases, your submission will be graded as 0 directly. Please comment out parts that
cause to throw error and indicate both which parts work and which parts do not work in your
report explicitly.
Please use Project 4 Discussion Forum on Blackboard for all your questions. The deadline for
this project is Due: January 8, 2021 – 23:59 (GMT+3 : Istanbul Time). Read your task
requirements carefully. Good luck!
Table 1. Grade Breakdown for Project 4
Question Grade Possible
1. Parameter Passing
Task 1 10 points
Task 2 15 points
Task 3 25 points
2. Continuation Passing Style
Task 4 8 points
Task 5 42 points
1. Parameter Passing
Task 1: Why do these pairs below may give different results sometimes for the same expression:
• Call-by-value and call-by-reference
• Call-by-need and call-by-name
What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
Task 2: To use call-by-need parameter passing variation, some specific changes and additions
have to be made to the IREF implementation. 2 of these are given below:
; Change
(var-exp (var)
(let ((ref1 (apply-env env var)))
(let ((w (deref ref1)))
(if (expval? w)
(let ((val1 (value-of-thunk w)))
(setref! ref1 val1)
; Addition
(define value-of-thunk
(lambda (th)
(cases thunk th
(a-thunk (exp1 saved-env)
(value-of exp1 saved-env))))
Explain why these code pieces are needed. Analyze how these codes work line by line in detail
and state in which file(s) of the IREF implementation code they should be added.
Task 3: Write an expression that gives different results in:
(1) Call-by-reference and call-by-need
(2) Call-by-reference and call-by-name
(3) Call-by-value and call-by-need
(4) Call-by-value and call-by-name
In total, 4 expressions should be written (one for each case). As reference, in the Parameter
Passing directory of the Project Assignment zip, codes for all of these 4 parameter passing
variations are already provided. Please do not change any files except tests.scm! In all
of their tests.scm files, a place is reserved for you to add your expression. Please keep in mind
that you should add the same expression in both of the parameter passing variations. In other
words, if you wrote an expression that gives different outcomes for instance in call-by-value and
call-by-need, please add this expression in both of their tests.scm files.
• If your code gives any error, then you will directly receive 0 points from this task.
• For simplicity, assign-exp and begin-exp are also added to the call-by-value codes.
• In call-by-value codes, some expressions and structures such as mutable pairs are not
defined. Keep these differences in mind while trying to write your expression.
2. Continuation Passing Style
Task 4: Using Scheme1
, implement a function fibonacci, that takes a parameter n and
returns the n
th Fibonacci number, with Continuation Passing Style. The Fibonacci sequence
goes like:
F = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, . . .]
where F[1] = 1, F[2] = 1 and F[n] = F[n − 1] + F[n − 2].
Task 5: You are given a LETREC implementation that has CPS with data-structural representations for continuations. Extend this language to include list and map.
Important: Your implementations must use CPS. Furthermore, in your CPS implementations your value-of calls should be tail calls only. In particular, you must see “End of
Computation” message appear only once when you run your program. See page 144 of EOPL
book for more detail. Here is an example of diff expression continuation with a good CPS
and bad CPS usage:
; good usage, value-of is in a tail call
(diff1-cont (exp2 saved-env saved-cont)
(value-of/k exp2
saved-env (diff2-cont val saved-cont)))
(diff2-cont (val1 saved-cont)
(let ((num1 (expval->num val1))
(num2 (expval->num val)))
(apply-cont saved-cont
(num-val (- num1 num2)))))
; bad usage, value-of is not in a tail call
(diff1-cont (exp2 saved-env saved-cont)
(apply-cont saved-cont
(num-val (-
(expval->num val)
(expval->num (value-of/k exp2 saved-env (end-cont)))))))
We have provided test cases for you in tests.scm, and also a few hints can be found within
the code as comments. In particular, we have marked where you should write your code in each
file as as:
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; TASK 5 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; some comments
Do not change anything in the tests.scm file! If you would like to run your own
code, write it in the console under top.scm.
List Implementation. Your list implementation will be similar to how we construct arrays
from mutable pairs, or how a Scheme list is constructed as pairs. In fact, this part of the task
is very similar to exercise 5.6 of EOPL book, at page 153. You will add two new values to the
• pair value
• emptylist value
1You do not need to extend a language or anything, just write a plain Scheme code.
In some mathematical contexts the sequence starts with 0 instead of 1, but this way is a bit easier to
3Hint: You will need to make changes in interp.scm, data-structures.scm and lang.scm.
A list expression looks like:
list(exp1, exp2, …, expN)
The list is composed of pairs. Here is an example:
> (run “list(1,2)”)
End of computation.
(pair-val (num-val 1) (pair-val (num-val 2) (emptylist-val)))
The basic list operations you will implement are:
• car(expression) returns the left part of the pair value.
• cdr(expression) returns the right part of the pair value.
• null?(expression) returns true if the expression is an emptylist value.
• emptylist actually creates an empty list, with the value emptylist.
You will also need to implement 2 extractors and a predicate:
• expval->car extracts the car of the expressed pair value.
• expval->cdr extracts the cdr of the expressed pair value.
• expval-null? returns true if the expressed value is an emptylist value.
There are several examples in tests.scm, but here is one that covers most of these operations.
> (run “let x = 3 in let arr = list(x, -(x,1)) in
let y = if null?(arr) then 0 else car(cdr(arr)) in y”)
End of computation.
(num-val 2)
Note that in this example, just cdr(arr) does not yield 2, but rather we have to do car(cdr(arr)).
This is because in fact the first cdr yields a:
(pair-val (num-val 2) (emptylist-val))
Map Implementation. The map expression looks like:
map(expression, expression)
Here, the first expression will be treated like a proc expression with one parameter, and the
second expression will be treated like a list expression. As an example, here is subtracting 5
from each element of the list:
> (run “map(proc (v) -(v,5), list(5, 10, 2))”)
End of computation.
(pair-val (num-val 0) (pair-val (num-val 5) (pair-val (num-val -3) (emptylist-val))))
When you run top.scm the tests will run automatically. If everything works
fine, you will see “no bugs found” message at the bottom of the console. Even if
no bugs are found, if for some test you see more than one “End of Computation.”
message, then there is something wrong with how you implemented CPS.