COSC 220 Project 3 – List, Stack, and Queue Libraries solved


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COSC 220 – Computer Science II
1 Description
You will develop generally-usable libraries that implement the List, Stack, and Queue functionality.
Recall that in Project 1, your task involved implementing the linked-list logic twice – once for Students,
and once for Courses. This project demonstrates, due to the useful abstraction mechanisms available in
C++, that was not necessary!
Your code will form not just a standalone program, but a library – a set of code that can be imported
and used for a vast number of different applications, include the situations of both Project 1 and 2.
You will implement, in total, five classes: SUList, SUQueueArr, SUQueueList, SUStackArr, and SUStackList.
As the names imply, they will represent a list, stacks and queues implemented with both arrays and linked
lists. What makes them generally usable is that they will also be template classes, meaning the datatype
stored in the list, stack, or queue is completely up to the programmer using them.
Lastly, this will optionally be a group assignment. You may choose to work with one other person on
the project. If you do, however, be very sure to work closely together, and to comment thoroughly, including
a @author segment to each subroutine.
2 Specifications
1. Your list class definition should follow:
class SUList{
struct ListNode{ // The nodes of the list
DataType data; // The data stored in the node
ListNode* next; // The next node in the list
ListNode* head; // The front of the list
ListNode* tail; // The last node of the list
SUList(); // Default ctor
SUList(const SUList&); // Copy ctor
~SUList(); // Destructor
DataType getFront(); // Remove & return the front
DataType getBack(); // Remove & return the back
void putFront(const DataType&);// Add to the front
void putBack(const DataType&); // Add to the back
int size() const; // Returns the number of elements
bool contains(const DataType&);// Tests for membership
SUList& operator=(const SUList&); // Overloaded assignment
(a) The putFront and putBack functions should add copies of the parameter into the list. This is to
ensure the List has full control of its data.
(b) The contains method only needs to determine if there is an element for which the == operator
returns true, when compared with the parameter.
2. Put the SUList definition in SUList.h and the implementation in SUList.cpp.
3. Your stack class definitions should follow:
class SUStackXXX{
* For the list-backed implementation:
* SUList list;
* For the array-based:
* DataType* arr; // The array of items
* int capacity; // The size of the current array
* int top; // The location of the top element
SUStackXXX(); // Constructor
SUStackXXX(const SUStackXXX &); // Copy Constructor
~SUStackXXX(); // Destructor
int size() const; // get the number of elements in the stack
bool isEmpty() const; // Check if the stack is empty
void push(const DataType&); // Pushes an object onto the stack
void pop(DataType&); // Pop an object off the stack and store it
void printStack() const; // Prints the stack from the top, down
SUStackXXX& operator=(const SUStackXXX&); // Assignment operator
where “XXX” Is replaced with either “Arr” or “List”.
4. Place both the array and list definitions in a file called SUStack.h and all the implementation in a file
called SUStack.cpp.
5. Your queue class definitions should follow:
class SUQueueXXX{
* For the list-backed implementation:
* SUList list;
* For the array-based:
* DataType* arr; // The array of items
* int capacity; // The size of the current array
* int front; // The location of the front element
* int rear; // The location of the rear element
SUQueueXXX(); // Constructor
SUQueueXXX(const SUQueueXXX &); // Copy Constructor
~SUQueueXXX(); // Destructor
int size() const; // get the number of elements in the queue
bool isEmpty() const; // Check if the queue is empty
void enqueue(const DataType&); // Enqueues some data
void dequeue(DataType&); // Get the front element and store it
void printQueue() const; // Prints the queue from the front to the rear
SUQueueXXX& operator=(const SUQueueXXX&); // Assignment operator
where “XXX” Is replaced with either “Arr” or “List”.
6. Place both the array and list definitions in a file called SUQueue.h and all the implementation in a file
called SUQueue.cpp.
7. You may include extra private members for convenience as you see fit, but be sure they work correctly
and don’t cause more bugs than they fix!
8. Any extra public members must be approved by the instructor.
9. Write a separate driver program to test your classes:
(a) Use the PayRoll class formally specified in Lab 8 and make stacks and queues using this class
as the data type. Write some tests to verify that they work as expected. Note that in order
for the data to be copied into the stack or queue, one must have appropriate copy constructors,
assignment operators, etc.
(b) You may try adapting your code from Project 1 or Project 2 to use your new libraries! For example,
the HanoiStack can now be simply replaced with Stack type, with extra external functions
to make sure one cannot push a larger disk onto a smaller one (pop the top disk, check if the
desired push is valid; if yes, push them both. If not, push only the original one and display an
10. Include a Readme file that explains your approach to the problem, and how you solved the various
issues. Be sure to mention whether you implemented the bonus features.
11. Submit a Makefile which compiles all the class code, as well as one or more driver programs. Make
sure it functions normally if the driver programs are replaced with other, valid, test programs.
(a) Each class, subroutine, and class variable should have thorough documentation.
(b) Be sure to include:
i. What the inputs and outputs are.
ii. For class member functions: whether the object remembers reference arguments beyond the
duration of the method call, and whether it will free them or not.
iii. If the function allocates memory that the caller must free.
iv. Whether any of the arguments can be a null pointer.
v. If there are any performance implications of how a function is used.
vi. The author of the described code.
3 Submission
Upload your project files (for this project only!) to the course canvas system.
If you are working as part of a group, you need to use the MyClasses system to assign yourself to a group.
Turn in (stapled) printouts of your source code, properly commented and formatted with your name,
course number, and complete description of the code.
Also turn in printouts reflecting several different runs of your program (you can copy/past from the
terminal). Be sure to test different situations, show how the program handles erroneous input and different
edge cases.
4 Bonus
You may or may not add the following features for a maximum of 5 extra points each:
• Write overloaded output stream operators for all classes
• Write an overloaded [] operator for SUList – you may even find it useful to allow the user to traverse
from the back by passing negative integers!
• Write a method to sort the SUList by using the comparison operator for DataType
• Write a small prototype of the re-implementation of Project1
– You may omit any user-interaction – only write the Student and StudentDB classes to utilize your
SUList instead of directly implementing the list logic. Then write a driver program to hard-code
some possible user-interaction and show that it behaves as intended.
• Re-write project 2, replacing your HanoiStack with SUStack.