CS4495 Problem Set 6: Particle Tracking solved


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CS4495 — Computer Vision
Here you are going to experiment with a particle filter tracker such as was described in class.
Recall that we need a variety of elements: (1) A model – this is the “thing” that is actually being
tracked. Maybe it’s a patch, a contour, or some other description of an entity; (2) a representation
of state xt that describes the state of the model at time t; (3) a dynamics model p(xt
|xt−1) that
describes the distribution of the state at time t given the state at t − 1; (4) a measurement zt
that some how captures the data of the current image; and finally (5) a sensor model p(zt
|xt) that
gives the likelihood of a measurement given the state. For Bayesian-based tracking, we assume
that at time t − 1 we have a belief about the state represented as a density p(xt−1), and that
given some measurements zt at time t we update our Belief by computing the posterior density
Bel(xt) ∝ p(zt
, xt−1)Bel(xt−1).
Kalman filter provided an analytic method for doing this under the assumption that density representing the belief at time t, the noise component of the dynamics and the sensor model were
all simple Gaussian distributions. Particle filters provide a sample-based method of representing
densities that removes that restriction and also is tolerant of occasional large deviations from the
well-behaved model. In this assignment, you will be implementing a particle filter to track entities
in video.
As a reminder as to what you hand in: A Zip file that has
1. Images (either as JPG or PNG or some other easy to recognize format) clearly labeled using
the convention PS hnumberi–hquestion numberi–hquestion subi–counter.jpg
2. Code you used for each question. It should be clear how to run your code to generate the
results. Code should be in different folders for each main part with names like PS1-1-code.
For some parts – especially if using Matlab – the entire code might be just a few lines.
3. Finally a PDF file that shows all the results you need for the problem set. This will include
the images appropriately labeled so it is clear which section they are for and the small number
of written responses necessary to answer some of the questions. Also, for each main section,
if it is not obvious how to run your code please provide brief but clear instructions. If there
is no Zip file you will lose at least 50%!
This project uses files stored in the directory http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~afb/classes/CS4495-Fall2013/
ProblemSets/PS6 There are three video (.avi) files there: pres debate.avi, which shows two candidates in a 2012 town hall debate, noisy debate.avi, which is the same video overlaid with fluctuating
Gaussian noise, and pedestrians.avi, which shows a group of people crossing a street in London.
For each video file, there is a text file that contains the object bounding box at the first frame that
you can use for initialization. The format of the text file is: the top-left coordinate (not center)
and the size (width & height) of the bounding box. You can define your own initialization setting
(for example using Matlab function imrect() and wait()).
1 Particle Filter Tracking
In class we discussed both the theory of and the implementation specifics behind particle filtering.
The algorithm sketch is provided in the notes and it describes a single update of the particle filter.
What is left up to the implementor are several details including what is the model, what is the state,
the number of particles, the dynamics/control function p(xt
|xt−1, ut), the measurement function
|xt), and the initial distribution of particles.
For this question, you will to need track an image patch template (a face) taken from the first frame
of the video. For this assignment the model is simply going to be the image patch, and the state
will be only the 2D center location of the patch. Thus each particle will be a (u,v) pixel location
representing a proposed location for the center of the template window. We will be using a basic
function to estimate the dissimilarity between the image patch and a window of equal size in the
current image, the Mean Squared Error:
MSE(up, vp) = 1
(T emplate(u, v) − Imaget
(u + up − m/2, v + vp − n/2))2
The funny indexing is just because (u, v) are indexed from 1 to M (or N) but the state hup, vpi is
the location of the center. MSE, however, only indicates how dissimilar the image patch is whereas
we need a similarity measure so that more similar patches are more likely. Thus, we will use a
squared exponential equation (Gaussian) to convert this into a usable measurement function:
|xt) ∝ exp(−

To start out, you might use a value of σMSE = 10 but you are welcome to change this value.
For the dynamics we’re going to use normally distributed noise since head movements can be
unpredictable and often current velocity isn’t indicative of future motion; so our dynamics model
is merely
xt = xt−1 + δt
, where δt ∼ N(0, Σd), Σp =

0 σ

which is just a fancy way to say you add a little bit of Gaussian noise to both u and v independently.
The number of particles and initial distribution are up to you to figure out. You may need to tune
your parameters for these to get better tracking/performance.
In order to visualize the tracker’s behavior you will need to overlay each successive frame with the
following visualizations:
1. Every particle’s (u,v) location in the distribution should be plotted by drawing a colored dot
point on the image. Remember that this should be the center of the window, not the corner.
2. Draw the rectangle of the tracking window associated with the Bayesian estimate for the
current location which is simply the weighted mean of the (u,v) of the particles.
3. Finally we need to get some sense of the standard deviation or spread of the distribution.
First, find the distance of every particle to the weighted mean. Next, take the weighted sum
of these distances and plot a circle centered at the weighted mean with this radius.
You will have to produce these visuals for select frames but you will not have to submit the entire
For reading the frames Matlab users should look at VideoReader and OpenCV users should look
at the class VideoCapture. For sampling, Matlab folks might look at randsample whereas Python
users, I might suggest looking at the function numpy.random.multinomial. For C++ users, I
suggest getting a life. And then looking at the function boost::random::discrete distribution or
std::discrete distribution.
1.1 Implement the particle filter and run it on the pres debate.avi clip. You should begin by
attempting to track Romney’s face. Tweak the parameters including window size until you can
get the tracker to follow his face faithfully (5-15 pixels) up until he turns his face significantly.
Run the tracker and save the video frames 28, 84, and 144 with the visualizations overlaid.
Output: The code, the 3 image frames with overlaid visualizations, and the image patch used
for tracking.
1.2 Experiment with different dimensions for the window image patch you are trying to track.
Decrease the window size until the performance of the tracker degrades significantly. Try
significantly larger windows than what worked in 1.1. Discuss the trade-offs of window size
and what makes some image patches work better than others for tracking.
Output: Discussion in the pdf. Indicate 2-3 advantages of larger window size and 2-3 advantages of smaller window size.
1.3 Adjust the σMSE parameter to higher and lower values and run the tracker. Discuss how
changing this parameter alters the results and attempt to explain why.
Output: Discussion in the pdf.
1.4 Try and optimize the number of particles needed to track the target. Discuss the trade-offs of
using a larger number of particles to represent the distribution.
Output: Optimized particle number and discussion in the pdf.
1.5 Run your tracker on noisy debate.avi and see what happens. Tune your parameters so that the
cluster is able to latch back onto his face after the noise disappears. Include varying σMSE.
Report how the particles respond to increasing and decreasing noise. Save the video frames
14, 32, and 46 with the visualizations overlaid.
Output: The code, the 3 image frames with overlaid visualizations, and discussion in the pdf.
2 Appearance Model Update
Let’s say we’d now like to track Romney’s left hand (the one not holding the mic). You might find
that it’s difficult to keep up using the na¨ıve tracker you wrote in question 1. The issue is that while
making rapid hand gestures, the appearance of the hand significantly changes as it rotates and
changes perspective. However, if we make the assumption that the appearance changes smoothly
over time, we can update our appearance model over time.
Modify your existing tracker to include a step which uses the history to update the tracking window
model. We can accomplish this using what’s called an Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filter. The
concept is simple: we first find the best tracking window for the current particle distribution as
displayed in the visualizations. Then we just update the current window model to be a weighted
sum of the last model and the current best estimate.
T emplate(t) = α Best(t) + (1 − α)T emplate(t − 1)
where Best(t) is the patch of the best estimate or mean estimate. It’s easy to see that by recursively
updating this sum, the window implements an exponentially decaying weighted sum of (all) the
past windows.
2.1 Implement the appearance model update. Run the tracker on pres debate.avi and adjust
parameters until you can track Romney’s hand up to frame 140. Run the tracker and save
the video frames 15, 50, and 140 with the visualizations overlaid.
Output: The code, the 3 image frames with overlaid visualizations, and the image patch used
for tracking.
2.2 Try running the tracker on noisy debate.avi. Adjust the parameters until you are able to track
the hand all the way to frame 140. Indicate what parameters you had to change to get this
to work on the noisy video and discuss why this would be the case.
Output: The code, the 3 image frames with overlaid visualizations, the discussion in the pdf,
and the image patch used for tracking.
3 Incorporating More Dynamics
For this question we will work with a much more difficult video to perform tracking with, pedestrians.avi. For this problem, we’d like to be able to track the blond-haired woman as she crosses
the road. If you try applying your adaptive tracker to this video, you will probably find that you
will have difficulty dealing simultaneously with occlusion and the perspective shift as the woman
walks away from the camera. Thus, we need some way of relying less on updating our appearance
model from previous frames and more on a more sophisticated model of the dynamics of the figure
we want to track.
For this problem, expand your appearance model to include window size as another parameter.
This will change the representation of your particles (how?). You are highly recommended to use
the imresize method in matlab for your implementation.
3.1 Run the tracker and save the video frames 40, 100, and 240 with the visualizations overlaid.
You will receive partial credit if you can show the tracking size estimate (illustrate this with
the rectangle outline) up to frame 100. You will receive full credit if you can reliably track all
the way to the end of the street and deal gracefully with the occlusions (reasonable tracking
at frame 240).
Output: The code, the 3 image frames with overlaid visualizations, and the image patch used
for tracking.
3.2 Try and optimize the number of particles needed to track the model in this video. Compare
that to the number you found in problem 1.4. Why is this number different?
Output: The number of particles you found to be optimal and discussion in the pdf.