COMP 7745/8745 Predicting Ratings from Text project solved


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Course Project: COMP 7745/8745
In this project, you will predict rating scores (1 – 5) from the text in online reviews. You are
given a dataset with reviews and their rating scores. The task is to take as input the review text
and predict what is the rating score for that review. You will experiment with several supervised
learning algorithms using this dataset. It is recommended that you use python for this project
There are 2 files, training.txt and test.txt. Each file contains review-text and the score separated
by a tab. There are 10K reviews in training.txt and 1K reviews in test.txt. These reviews were
taken from outlier detection datasets (
Pre-Processing and Feature Extraction
You will need to first extract features from the review text. You will implement the bag-ofwords model we discussed in class. To do this, you will need to use packages in python sklearn.
These packages convert documents into vectors after pre-processing the document (e.g.
removing stop words, etc.) automatically. You should use the TF-IDF vectorization here.
Supervised learners
You will experiment with the following learners. All of them have similar interface for learning
and classification (e.g. fit() for learning and predict() for classification)
i) Neural networks (MLPClassifier in sklearn)
ii) Naïve Bayes (MultinomialNB in sklearn)
iii) Logistic Regression (LogisticRegression in sklearn)
iv) AdaBoosting (AdaBoostClassifier in sklearn)
v) SVM (svm.svc in sklearn)
Tasks to perform
i. Run 5-fold Cross Validation on the training.txt using the 5 learning algorithms.
Report the average-precision, average-recall and average-F1-scores. You can do this
quite easily using the cross_val_score() function in sklearn
In each algorithm, try to explore different settings of the parameters to achieve best
possible results (this step is largely experimental, try to automate as much as
possible). Parameters that you should try to change include
a. In neural networks change the number of hidden layers and number of units in
each layer
b. In SVMs, change the penalty parameter C and the kernel type
c. In Adaboosting change the number of estimators (n_estimators)
d. In Logistic regression change the penalty: L1 regularization that can also perform
feature selection and L2. Also change the regularization strength parameter ( C )
ii. Include some additional knowledge into your model. Specifically, not all words are
useful in predicting rating scores. Words that express sentiments are more likely to
be useful. Use the sentiment words in pos_words.txt and neg_words.txt to filter
words from the review text, and then evaluate the algorithms once again. These
sentiment words are taken from What changes did you observe?
iii. Perform evaluation on the test dataset using the optimal parameter settings that
were obtained from the training set. How did each algorithm perform? Report its
precision, recall and f-scores. Which types of reviews were the hardest to predict?
To answer this, for the best performing algorithm, compute precision and recall for
every rating score separately (e.g. rating score 1 precision/recall, rating score 2
precision/recall, etc.).
iv. Discuss some ideas that could help improve your predictions (even if you did not
implement this it is fine)
What to submit on dropbox?
1. A report that describes your experimental results (I would expect this to be around 2
or 3 pages at most)
2. Source code
Please do not plagiarize from the internet, etc. You can discuss with other groups but please do
not share any code. Plagiarism is treated very seriously by the department and the university
and are subject to harsh penalties.