Part B – Metro Madness solved


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Continuing your work as software contractors, you have been contacted by the head of the Melbourne Metro
Rail Redevelopment Project to help them out of a tricky spot. Melbourne Metro had previously hired the
Shoddy Software Development Company to build a simulation of their train network to aid in the decisions
around where new stations are build and how to scale existing infrastructure to meet Melbourne’s growing
transport needs.
Unfortunately Shoddy Software Development Company has done a rather. . . Shoddy job. They have provided
a poorly designed system which, although it functions as a metro train simulation, is not flexible or easily
modifiable. The developers did not follow good design principles when they implemented their simulation, nor
did they consider the future requirements of the simulation.
Your task is to first provide a detailed analysis of the existing software package, highlighting inappropriate
design decisions and providing documentation of the existing Train state simulation. Having completed this
design, you will then be required to redesign the existing package applying good design principles and patterns
to improve the flexibility of the simulation platform to cope with Melbourne Metro’s changing needs. Finally,
having improved the design, you are to extend the design to support some additional functionality and modify
the existing simulation to match your modified design.
The Existing Simulation
The current simulation provides the following features:
• Reading Train Maps from XML to setup simulation.
• Simulating Multiple Lines with Multiple Stations and Trains.
• Simulating Trains travelling on the network.
• Simulating Trains entering and leaving Stations.
• Simulating Single and Double tracks (with locks on access).
• Simulating Passengers entering and exiting the network at Active Stations.
• Simulating Passengers travelling on a single line journey.
• Detailed log output describing behaviour of Trains and Passengers
• 2D render of the train network at any given point in time (see details later).
This is good enough for Metro Melbourne’s current needs, however it unfortunately cannot model some
constraints on trains stopping at stations. Further, the existing simulation only allows one of two types of
• A train that can carry 10 passengers.
• A train that can carry 80 passengers.
This does not allow Metro Melbourne to vary the train sizes to simulate behaviour of passengers on the
network with varying train sizes.
The current simulation provides camera controls to navigate around the train network. Specifically, it supports
the following desktop controls:
• Arrow keys to pan around (up, down, left and right).
• Zooming in and out using Q and A respectively.
• Exit using E.
The previous developers have built the existing simulation using the LibGDX game development framework.
They did this for two reasons: first LibGDX allows for easy visualisation of the train network for demonstration
purposes, and second it allows for compilation on Android and iOS so that Metro representatives can
demonstrate on the go.
LibGDX as a framework is mainly used for gaming purposes, but in this case, it is only being used for its
OpenGL rendering support. The simulation does not use any of the networking, controller or audio libraries.
As already noted, the current simulation provides a 2D render of the train network at any given point in time.
The provided simulation makes use of Gradle as a build and dependency management tool. Using Gradle
avoids the need to manually link any of the libraries or dependencies within the project, and it is much easier
to migrate between development environments and IDEs. In order to use Gradle within Eclipse, you must do
two things:
• Install the Eclipse Gradle integration by following the installation guide at listed here.
• Import the Gradle project into Eclipse using the following LibGDX Guide.
Once imported you should see three projects: Metro Madness, Metro Madness-core and Metro
Madness-desktop. These three projects combine to make the one simulation. Metro Madness contains the
Gradle build scripts for the entire simulation. Metro Madness-core contains the core simulation logic within
6 packages. Finally, Metro Madness-desktop contains the Desktop launch configuration along with the fonts
and maps required for the simulation.
Your first task should be to import the project and build the application to ensure that you have the existing
simulation running without issue. When you first run the simulation, you may need to adjust the view: try
using the A key to zoom out, and then the arrow keys to pan or the Q key to zoom in.
The Task
There are three main components to your task, first an analysis of the existing design, second a new improved
and extended design for the simulation system, and third an implementation of that new design. We will now
break these components down in detail.
Analysis of Existing Simulation
You are required to complete two tasks as part of your existing design analysis.
First, the design documents provided by Shoddy Software Development Company unfortunately lack a state
diagram for the Train class. This makes it quite difficult to understand the behaviour of this Train class and
therefore more difficult to modify. Metro Melbourne would like you to do is to provide a State Machine diagram
that reflects the current implementation of the Train class so that they may more accurately understand the
provided implementation. This must reflect all states of the train, and all transitions the train can take.
Your second analysis task is a design analysis report on the provided simulation. You should focus on the
design patterns used (if any) along with general object oriented code quality. You should use the analysis
exercises from workshop 4 as a guideline and focus on the GRASP patterns, on how well the provided code
follows these patterns, and on where it does not.
In this report you should be critical of the existing software, but ensure that you backup your claims and
statements with reasoned arguments about the design. Simply stating something is bad is not sufficient for
this task. Neither is saying that your modified code (see below) is better. You should aim for between 1200
and 1500 words for this report.
Updated Design
Having now critically analysed the provided package, your next task is to provide a refactored software design
that addresses the concerns listed in your report. Further to this, Metro Melbourne have asked you implement
an additional feature, based on issues with passengers traveling with significant amounts of cargo. The system
needs to be able to support a new kind of train, a CargoTrain. These trains will only be able to stop at
cargo stations (which have the required facilities), and will pick up passengers up their passenger capacity (as
usual), and accompanied cargo up to their cargo capacity: SmallCargoTrains have the passenger capacity of a
SmallPassengerTrain with a max cargo capacity (set to 200kg for testing purposes) and LargeCargoTrains
have the passenger capacity of a LargePassengerTrain with a max cargo capacity (set to 1000kg for testing
purposes). Passengers at cargo stations will have a random amount of cargo up to 50kg, and will have a cargo
station as their destination. Passengers at non-cargo stations will not have any cargo.
As part of your updated design you are to complete this new feature. This new feature (including relevant
methods and data structures) should be included in your new design documents. You will be provided with
sample log output to further illustrate the required changes; you need to ensure that the log output for your
revised system is consistent with the sample log output. You are welcome to modify the visualisation to
represent cargo trains, however this is optional.
You will also need to modify the XML map (Metro Madness\desktop\assets\maps\melbourne.xml) to
change the type of some stations to “cargo” for testing purposes. The XML map already includes a cargo
train, as this was a planned feature.
Your should provide, as part of your new design, the following diagrams:
• A design class diagram of all components, complete with visibility modifiers, associations and all
• A design sequence diagram showing the behaviour of a train entering and leaving a station, covering
both the case where it stops and the new case where it doesn’t stop because the station is not a cargo
These diagrams should be consistent with each other, and with the updated implementation (see below).
Finally, you must provide an updated Simulation that corresponds to your new design. This new implementation
must be entirely consistent with your new design, and will be marked on code quality, so should include all
appropriate comments, visibility modifiers and functional decomposition.
Building and Running Your Program
Your program must be importable using the same instructions we have provided you to run the project. We
will be testing your application using the desktop environment.
Note Your program must run on the University lab computers. It is your responsibility to
ensure you have tested in this environment before your submit your project.
Submission Checklist
1. State Machine Diagram demonstrating the operation of the Train class.
2. Design Analysis Report.
3. New Class Diagram reflecting new design for the Train simulation.
4. New Sequence Diagrams reflecting the new design for the Train simulation.
5. An updated source code package reflecting your new design.
Marking Criteria
This project will account for 10 marks out of the total 100 available for this subject. These will be broken
down as follows:
Criterion Mark
Correct State Machine Diagram for the provided Train class 1 mark
Design Analysis Report for Provided Simulation 4 mark
Updated and Improved Design Documentation including new cargo feature 3 marks
Implementation of new design 2 marks
We also reserve the right to award or deduct marks for clever or poor implementations on a case by case basis
outside of the prescribed marking scheme.
Further, we expect to see good variable names, well commented functions, inline comments for complicated
code. We also expect good object oriented design principles and functional decomposition.
Finally, you are expected to follow UML 2.1+ syntax. You will lose marks for incorrect UML diagram
If we find any significant issues with code quality we may deduct further marks.
On Plagiarism
We take plagiarism very seriously in this subject. You are not permitted to submit the work of
others under your own name. This is a group project. More information can be found here:
You should submit one zip file containing both the updated code package and the report and state machine
diagram. Your reports should be submitted as a PDF. You must include your group number in all of your pdf
submissions, and as a comment in all source code files provided as part of your project.
Only one member from your group should submit your project. Detailed submission instructions will be
provided separately.
Submission Date
This project is due at 11:59 p.m. on Tue 25th of April. Any late submissions will incur a 1 mark penalty
per day unless you have supporting documents. If you have any issues with submission, please email William
at, before the submission deadline.