EE 316 LABORATORY 6 Custom Processor Design: Programmable Stopwatch/Timer solved


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In this final lab, a programmable stopwatch/timer design will be implemented using
RTL-design methodology. The design has two main modes: stopwatch (to determine
the time elapsed) and timer (to alert the user that a certain time has elapsed). Both the
stopwatch and the timer are further programmable with respect to the parameters (see
next page).
Since this is the final lab of the course, this manual provides only the specifications of
the design. The students are expected to work independently to develop their own
implementations. The students need to (1) formally capture their design using HLSM
formalism and the processor architecture, and (2) implement the design in Verilog,
demonstrating full functionality on Basys3 board.
● PC or compatible
● Digilent’s Basys3 FPGA Evaluation Board
● Xilinx Vivado Design Software Suite
Programmable Stopwatch/Timer
The stopwatch/timer should use the four 7-segment displays on the Basys 3 board to
display time. The two MSB digits should display seconds. The two LSB digits should
be used to display time with the resolution of 10 milliseconds: in other words, these
digits should go through the sequence 0…99 in one second.
The design should enable four programmable modes:
(i) Mode 1 (Counting Up from 00.00) – In this mode, the design acts as a
normal stopwatch. 1) It is initialized to 00.00, 2) It starts counting up after
the Start/Stop button is pressed, and counts to 99.99, where it stops if no
action is taken, 3) It stops counting when the Start/Stop is pressed again, 4)
It resumes counting if the Start/Stop is pressed again, 5) It resets to 00.00
if the Reset button is pressed.
(ii) Mode 2 (Counting Up from an Externally Loaded Value) – In this
mode, the design behaves the same way as in Mode 1 except that it allows
loading an initial value on to the stopwatch and counting up from that value.
Only the two most significant bits corresponding to “seconds” need to be
loaded. Eight switches on the Basys board should be used to define the
initial value (four switches for the tens digit corresponding to “seconds” and
four switches for the ones digit corresponding to “seconds” – also, both the
digits can take values only from 0 to 9, i.e., 0000 to 1001 and the case when
these switches are set to values greater than 1001 can be ignored).
(iii) Mode 3 (Counting Down from 99.99) – In this mode, the design acts
as a timer counting from “99.99” to “00.00”. 1) It is initialized to 99.99, 2)
It starts counting down after the Start/Stop button is pressed, and counts to
00.00, where it stops if no action is taken, 3) It stops counting down when
the Start/Stop is pressed again, 4) It resumes counting if the Start/Stop is
pressed again, 5) It resets to 99.99 if the Reset button is pressed.
(iv) Mode 4 (Counting Down from an Externally Loaded Value) – In
this mode, the design behaves the same way as in Mode 3 except that it
allows loading an initial value on to the timer and counting down from that
value. Only the two most significant bits corresponding to “seconds” need to
be loaded. Eight switches on the Basys board should be used to define the
initial value (four switches for the tens digit corresponding to “seconds” and
four switches for the ones digit corresponding to “seconds” – also, both the
digits can take values only from 0 to 9, i.e., 0000 to 1001 and the case when
these switches are set to values greater than 1001 can be ignored).
NOTE  For this lab, the students are free to use any style of Verilog, but for complex
systems like these, Behavioral modeling is generally preferred. To implement the
system, it would be a good idea to focus on Mode 1 first. After the Mode 1 works
correctly, the code can be re-used for the other modes.
Mapping Specifications
The following components are required:
– 2 buttons –
o First button should start or stop the stopwatch/timer when pressed
o Second button should reset the values (resetting in modes 3 and 4 means
loading the externally loaded values) when pressed
– 10 switches –
o 2 switches are required for mode selection – 00, 01, 10, 11 for the four
modes the design supports
o 8 switches are required for preset modes to specify the preset value for
two digits corresponding to seconds
– clock and seven segment displays
1. Report
a. HLSM describing the system.
b. Processor architecture with the datapath and controller FSM.
c. Verilog, constraint and bitstream files
2. Demonstration of design on Basys3