
EECS 1022 Lab6 (OOP Part 2) Classes, Reference-Typed Attributes, Methods, JUnit Tests solved

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1 Task 1: Complete Weekly Java Tutorial Videos
• For Lab6, you are assigned to study Week 7 Part A to Part C1 and Week 8 (available on March 5) of
the Java tutorial series: [ Week 7 only ] [ Week 8 only ]
To reference tutorial videos from the previous weeks, see: [ All Weeks ]
These Java tutorial videos assigned to you are meant for you to:
1. Obtain extra hands-on programming experience on Java, supplementing your weekly lectures.
2. Complete the lab assignment with the necessary skills and background.
Though we do not require the submission of the weekly Java tutorial project (like in Lab0), examples and
insights discussed in these tutorials will be covered in your (written and programming) tests
and exam: should you decide to skip the weekly tutorial videos, it would be your choice.
As you study through the example Java classes in the tutorial videos, you are advised to type them out
(but absolutely feel free to add new Java classes to experiment) on Eclipse.
• You can find the iPad notes of illustrations from the tutorial videos here:˜jackie/teaching/tutorials/notes/EECS1022%20Tutorial%20on%20Java.pdf
Important Notes to Read (New)
• See this notes on how to manipulate objects with reference-typed, multi-valued attributes:˜jackie/teaching/lectures/2021/W/EECS1022/notes/EECS1022_W21_Tracing_
Notes from Lab5
• See this notes on how to infer classes and methods from given JUnit tests:˜jackie/teaching/lectures/2021/W/EECS1022/notes/EECS1022_W21_Inferring_
• You can find here the example covered in the notes for practice:
– Starter:˜jackie/teaching/lectures/2021/W/EECS1022/notes/EECS1022_
– Solution:˜jackie/teaching/lectures/2021/W/EECS1022/notes/EECS1022_
Getting Prepared for Programming Test 3
• Your Programming Test 3 will cover classes and objects, and its format will be (virtually) identical to this
lab (and Lab5).
2 Task 2: Complete Programming Exercises
Starting Task 2 should mean that you have already completed the weekly Java tutorial videos (Section 1).
2.1 Step 1: Download and Import the Starter Project
1. Download the Eclipse Java project archive file from eClass: EECS1022 W21
2. Launch Eclipse and browse to EECS1022-W21-workspace as the Workspace then click on Launch, e.g.,
3. In Eclipse:
3.1 Choose File, then Import. 3.2 Under General, choose Existing Projects into Workspace.
3.3 Choose Select archive file. Make sure that the EECS1022 W21 Lab6 box is checked under Projects.
Then Finish.
2.2 Step 2: Programming Tasks
From the Package Explorer of Eclipse, your imported project has the following structure.
• The console apps package is empty. You may add new console application classes here to test the implemented methods if you wish. However, these added console application classes will not be graded.
• It is expected that the TestOnlineSchool JUnit class contains compilation errors. This is because that
declarations and definitions of the required class(es) and method(s) it references are missing.
• The model package is empty. Class(es) and method(s) derived from the given JUnit class must be added to
this package. Class(es) added to a package other than model will not be graded.
Therefore, your tasks are:
1. Inferring from the given JUnit tests, add the missing class(es) and method(s) into the model package.
For example, if you add class Foo in the model package, make sure that you write a line in the beginning
of the TestOnlineSchool class (after the line package junit tests;):
import model.Foo;
2. Pass all JUnit tests given to you (i.e., a green bar).
To run them, as shown in the Java tutorials on Week 1, right click on and run
it as JUnit tests. Of course, none of the given tests would pass to begin with.
You must not modify these given JUnit tests, as they suggest how the intended class(es) and
method(s) should be declared.
How to Deal with a Failed JUnit Test? From the JUnit panel from Eclipse, click on the failed test, then
double click on the first line underneath Failure Trace, then you can see the expected value versus the return
value from your implemented method.
2.3 The Online School Problem
You are required to develop an object-oriented program solving a (simplified) online school problem, where there
is a list of participants registered in courses taught by qualified instructors:
• Each instructor is characterized by their name, campus phone extension (e.g., 70310), and contact email.
• Each registration is characterized by its subject title, numerical marks, and instructor (who may not be
assigned when the course is first created).
Given a registration object:
– A grade report may be returned as an array of length 2, e.g., {“B”, “Good”}, where the first element
stores the letter grade and the second element stores its qualitative description. Consider the following
table summarizing how each numerical marks (assumed to range between 0 and 100) maps to its grade,
description (whose spellings should be exact), and grade point:
Range of Raw Marks Letter Grade Qualitative Description Grade Point
90 – 100 A+ Exceptional 9
80 – 89 A Excellent 8
70 – 79 B Good 7
60 – 69 C Competent 6
50 – 59 D Passing 5
0 – 49 F Failing 0
– A string information object may be returned. There are two cases to consider, depending on whether
or not the course instructor has been assigned. In the case where the instructor is present, the returned
string should contain the course title, instructor name, the marks, and its corresponding grade and
description (see the above mapping table).
• Each participant object is characterized by the name of student and the list of added registrations.
Given a participant object, we may:
– Add a new registration, either by an input registration object, or by the name of course (from which
a registration object may be created accordingly). The maximum number of registrations allowed for
a participant is 5: attempting to add registrations beyond this limit will have no impact (i.e., the list
of registrations remains the same). Furthermore, there is no need to check if there are duplicated
registrations added (e.g., two registrations with the same course name).
– Retrieve its list of registrations as an array (i.e., Registration[]), whose length is less than or equal to
the maximum allowable number (i.e., 5).
– Clear its list of registrations (e.g., allowing further registrations to be added).
– Retrieve the marks of a course with the given name. If the name of a non-registered course is given,
then return -1 as its marks.
– Update the marks of a course with the given name. If the name of a non-registered course is given, then
nothing should be changed.
– Obtain a report of the GPA (grade point average) over the list of added registrations.
• Each online school object is characterized by its list of participants.
Given an online school object, we may:
– Add a new participant by an input participant object. The maximum number of participants allowed
for a school is 100: attempting to add participants beyond this limit will have no impact (i.e., the
list of participants remains the same). Furthermore, there is no need to check if there are duplicated
participants added (e.g., two participants with the same name).
– Retrieve the list of participants of a course, given its name, as an array. If the input name denotes a
non-existing course, then an empty array is returned.
• Other intended functionalities of above kinds of objects can be inferred from the given JUnit
test class TestOnlineSchool.
2.4 Hints and Requirements
• See this notes on how to declare and manipulate reference-typed, multi-valued attributes:˜jackie/teaching/lectures/2021/W/EECS1022/notes/EECS1022_W21_Tracing_
Try to finish the above notes before Week 8 Java Tutorials are released (March 5).
• See this notes on how to infer classes and methods from given JUnit tests:˜jackie/teaching/lectures/2021/W/EECS1022/notes/EECS1022_Inferring_
Programming IDEs such as Eclipse are able to fix such compilation errors for you. However, you are advised to follow the guidance as specified in the notes to fix these compilation errors manually,
because: 1) it helps you better understand how the intended classes and methods work together; and 2) you may be tested in a written test or exam without the assistance of IDEs.
• Any new class(es) you add must reside in the model package.
– Once the necessary class(es) and method(s) are declared, you can add as many attributes as necessary
to implement the body of each method.
– Study carefully example instances as specified in they suggest the how the
intended class(es) and method(s) should be declared and implemented.
– Focus on gradually passing one test at a time.
– You cannot use any Java library classes (e.g., ArrayList) or methods for implementation. That is,
there must not be any import statement in the class(es) you add to the model package.
2.5 Step 3: Exporting the Completed Project
You are required to submit a Java project archive file (.zip) consisting all subfolders.
In Eclipse:
1. Right click on project EECS1022 W21 Lab6. 2. Under General, choose Archive File.
Then click Export
3. Check the top-level EECS1022 W21 Lab6
Make sure that all subfolders are checked: .settings, bin, and src.
Under To archive file: browse to, e.g., desktop, and save it as EECS1022 W21 (case-sensitive)
Then Finish.
Note. In case you have concerns about exporting and submitting the .setting subfolder: it will be kept
confidential and access-protected on eClass.
3 Submission
1. Before you submit, you must make sure that the Problems panel on your Eclipse shows no errors (warnings
are acceptable). In case you do not see the Problems panel: click on Window, then Show View, then Problems.
Submitting programs with errors (meaning that it cannot be run for grading) will result in
possible partial, but low, marks.
2. Section 2.5 asks you to export the Java project as an archive file:
EECS1022 W21
3. Go to the eClass site for Sections M,N,O:
4. Under the Lab Submissions section, click on Lab6 to submit the Java archive file: EECS1022 W21
• You may upload as many draft versions as you like before the deadline.
• You must explicitly submit the draft version for grading before the deadline.
• Once you click on the submit button, you can no longer upload another draft version.