EECS 1015 LAB #8 – Objects and Classes solved


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– To learn to use objects and classes
– To practice more general programming
– To practice list manipulation, including append, extend, and remove
Task 0: [This will be the same for all labs]: Start your code with comments that include this lab ID, your full
name, email address, and student id as follows:
# Lab 8
# Author: Michael S. Brown
# Email:
# Student ID: 10233030
This lab involves generating two classes with several methods. You will also need to keep a list of userdefined objects, something we didn’t discuss in the lecture.

This lab has only 1 task.
See the explanation of the lab on the next pages.
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Lab 8’s Task – Simulation of a Colony of Bacteria using User-Defined Objects
You are to write a program that simulates the growth pattern of a colony of bacteria. You will do this using
classes and objects. The following gives a high-level description of the types of objects that will be used, the
next page gives details to the classes/objects.
Bacteria – each bacteria will have the following properties:
(1) a maximum life span
– This is the maximum number of days a bacteria can live.
– Note that this is not the lifespan of a bacteria, but the maximum allowable life span.
– When you “create” a bacteria, its lifespan will be a random number between 1 and maximum life span
(2) a “chance to divide” property
– Each day your bacteria is alive, there is a probability that it will “divide” to create a new bacteria
– When a new bacteria is created, this bacteria will have the same maximum life span and “chance to divide”
(3) death
– When a bacteria has lived its life span, it will cease living and cannot produce any new bacteria.
Colony – a colony will have the following properties:
(1) The colony will start with a small number of bacteria (called the “seed”)
(2) Each day, the colony will keep track of all the new bacteria created and remove all bacteria that has died
(3) The colony will be able to print a daily report on the current colony size, the number of new bacteria added
(from existing bacteria dividing), and the number of bacteria that have died.
(4) The colony will print a status report on the total number of bacteria that were part of the colony, the
current number of bacteria still alive in the colony, and the total number of bacteria deceased.
(5) A colony will be able to “grow” for a number of days. It is possible that the colony will not survive if the
death rate outpaces the “birth” rate. If a colony has no more live bacteria, it will cease to grow.
Main program
Your program should run as follows:
(1) Ask the user to input
1. The number of days the colony is allowed to grow (i.e., how long to run the simulation)
2. The number of bacteria to “seed” the colony (i.e., the starting number of bacteria)
3. The maximum life span of the bacteria for this colony (number must be greater than 0)
4. The daily “chance” that a bacteria will divide (a number between [1-100])
[Note 3. and 4. will hold for all the bacteria in the colony.]
Based on the input from 1-4, you should create the seed bacteria.
The list of seed bacteria should be used to initialize the Colony.
For the number of days the colony is allowed to “grow”, a daily output should be printed.
STOPPING EARLY: If the colony has no more bacteria (i.e., all bacteria died), then stop early.
If the colony reaches 50,000 bacteria (i.e., it becomes too big), then stop early.
Print out a final report on the bacteria with the following information:
– Total number of days the colony was alive
– Current colony population (i.e., the current amount that is still alive)
– Total number of bacteria that existed (i.e., the total number of bacteria that lived)
– Total number of bacteria that died (i.e., the total number of bacteria that died)
Last step: Print out the total number of bacteria objects made. Then, ask the user they would like to do a new
simulation, if so, loop back to (1) and start again. Create a new colony object each time.
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Based on the description above, define your classes as follows: I will specify the exact method names;
however, you need to decide what data to use and how you want to implement the methods.
Bacteria class’ methods
(1) __init__(params: chance of dividing, max life span)
– The constructor should be implemented to keep track of the information needed for a Bacteria object. Keep
in mind that the max life span is used to compute the life span of a Bacteria; it is not the life span. The life span
is a random number between 1 and max life span. When you create an “offspring” Bacteria, make sure to
pass it the max life span.
(2) live_a_day() -> return either “None” or a Bacteria object
– This simulates the bacteria living for “one day.”
– When this method is called, you should generate a random number between 1-100. If that random number
is less than the “chance of dividing,” then you should create a new bacteria object with the same “chance of
dividing” and “max life span”.
Note, calling the method live_a_day() will be counted as one day in the life of the bacteria. If a Bacteria
object’s life span is 10, then if live_a_day() was called more than 10 times, the bacteria should not be able
to divide anymore.
This method will return either the None keyword, (if no Bacteria was created), otherwise, you should return
your newly created Bacteria.
is_alive() -> True or False
This method returns True or False. If this bacteria can live another day (True – is alive), or has it reached the
end of its life span (False – not alive).
Colony class’ methods
__init__(param: – seed)
A list of Bacteria objects that “seed” this colony.
live_a_day(printDailyReport=True) -> None
This method will simulate 1 (one) day in the life of the colony.
This method will loop through all the Bacteria objects in the colony (stored as a list).
For each Bacteria object, its live_a_day() method should be called. Recall that a Bacteria method
live_a_day() returns either a None literal or a new Bateria object. All new Bacteria should be added to the
colony’s list of live bacteria. After you call live_a_day(), you should check if the bacteria object is still
alive. If it is not, then you should remove it from the colony.
If you use a list to store your colony, you can use the “remove()” method to remove any item from a list.
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When the Colony’s live_a_day() method is called, you should also print out a daily report using the
following formatted string:
“Day %5d Colony Size %6d New Members %6d Expired Members %6d”
The “%Xd” ensures that each printed item has X characters. This will make the formatting much easier to read.
print_colony_status() -> None
This method prints out a more detailed output than the daily output did.
See description in “Task” and example below from the actual output.
Returns the size of the colony (i.e., how many bacteria are currently alive)
Max num of days to let the colony grow: 100
Number of starting bacteria: 5
% chance of daily division [1-100]: 25
Maximum lifespan for a bacteria (1 or greater): 5
Day 1 Colony Size 5 New Members 1 Expired Members 1
Day 2 Colony Size 5 New Members 1 Expired Members 1
Day 3 Colony Size 8 New Members 3 Expired Members 0
Day 4 Colony Size 4 New Members 2 Expired Members 6
Day 5 Colony Size 6 New Members 2 Expired Members 0
Day 6 Colony Size 6 New Members 2 Expired Members 2
Day 7 Colony Size 8 New Members 3 Expired Members 1
Day 8 Colony Size 6 New Members 2 Expired Members 4
Day 9 Colony Size 7 New Members 3 Expired Members 2
Day 10 Colony Size 11 New Members 4 Expired Members 0
Day 11 Colony Size 5 New Members 0 Expired Members 6
Day 12 Colony Size 6 New Members 1 Expired Members 0
Day 13 Colony Size 4 New Members 1 Expired Members 3
Day 14 Colony Size 4 New Members 2 Expired Members 2
Day 15 Colony Size 3 New Members 0 Expired Members 1
Day 16 Colony Size 2 New Members 1 Expired Members 2
Day 17 Colony Size 3 New Members 1 Expired Members 0
Day 18 Colony Size 2 New Members 0 Expired Members 1
Day 19 Colony Size 2 New Members 1 Expired Members 1
Day 20 Colony Size 2 New Members 0 Expired Members 0
Day 21 Colony Size 0 New Members 0 Expired Members 2
Experiment Stopped
Colony report at DAY 21
Current colony population 0
Total number of bacteria 35
Total deceased bacteria 35
Total number of Bateria objects created so far 35
Try another experiment? (Y/N) y
Max num of days to let colony grow: 20
Number of starting bacteria: 5
% chance of daily division [1-100]: 50
Maximum lifespan for a bacteria (1 or greater): 5
Day 1 Colony Size 9 New Members 5 Expired Members 1
Day 2 Colony Size 11 New Members 5 Expired Members 3
Day 3 Colony Size 15 New Members 5 Expired Members 1
Day 4 Colony Size 15 New Members 6 Expired Members 6
Day 5 Colony Size 17 New Members 8 Expired Members 6
Day 6 Colony Size 19 New Members 6 Expired Members 4
Day 7 Colony Size 22 New Members 10 Expired Members 7
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Day 8 Colony Size 18 New Members 7 Expired Members 11
Day 9 Colony Size 24 New Members 13 Expired Members 7
Day 10 Colony Size 30 New Members 14 Expired Members 8
Day 11 Colony Size 36 New Members 16 Expired Members 10
Day 12 Colony Size 40 New Members 16 Expired Members 12
Day 13 Colony Size 56 New Members 22 Expired Members 6
Day 14 Colony Size 66 New Members 25 Expired Members 15
Day 15 Colony Size 78 New Members 32 Expired Members 20
Day 16 Colony Size 92 New Members 37 Expired Members 23
Day 17 Colony Size 117 New Members 48 Expired Members 23
Day 18 Colony Size 138 New Members 63 Expired Members 42
Day 19 Colony Size 169 New Members 64 Expired Members 33
Day 20 Colony Size 207 New Members 91 Expired Members 53
Experiment Stopped
Colony report at DAY 20
Current colony population 207
Total number of bacteria 498
Total deceased bacteria 291
Total number of Bateria objects created so far 533
Try another experiment? (Y/N)
See accompanying video:
FINAL COMMENT: This program may slow your computer down. So do be prepared to hit “stop” in
PyCharm. Even for my laptop, when the population gets close to 50000 my machine slows down.
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3. GRADING SCHEME (Maximum number of points possible 10)
To get full marks you need to make sure you follow the instructions correctly. The following will be our
grading scheme for the Lab components specified in Section 2 of this document.
Task 0: (0 points, but deduction if you skip this part)
 Filename must be “” (all lowercase, no spaces)
 The Python comments at the beginning of your program must include your name, email, and York
student id (this is important for grading)
 If your file name is incorrect, or you do not put in the required information we will deduct -5 points
(Why are we so harsh? Because if you don’t put in your name and student id it can be very difficult for
the TAs to determine whose submission this is.)
Main Tasks :
 2 points for trying
 5 points for almost correct
 10 points for correct solution
-No submission – 0 points
-Any submission 1 week after the due date 50% off the total marks
-Any submission 2 weeks after the due date will not be marked and treated as no submission.
See pages below on how to submit your lab code.
MAKE SURE TO SELECT Lab8 with websubmit
Note, if you use the new experimental testing platform it can perform websubmit for you!
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4. SUBMISSIONS (EECS web-submit)
You will submit your lab using the EECS web submit.
Click on the following URL:
STEP 1 — If you don’t have an EECS account,
click here to use Passport York (everyone
has a passport York account).
If you do have an EECS account, enter here
and go to STEP 3.
STEP 1 — If you don’t have an EECS account,
click here to use Passport York (everyone
has a passport York account).
If you do have an EECS account, enter here
and go to STEP 3.
STEP 1 — If you don’t have an EECS account,
click here to use Passport York (everyone
has a passport York account).
If you do have an EECS account, enter here
and go to STEP 3.
STEP 2 – Enter your passport York
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STEP 3 – Select the correct menu option
as follows. Term “F”, Course “1015”,
Assignment “Lab8”.
STEP 3 cont’ – Select your file. The location
in PyCharm may be complicated. I
recommend you save your PyCharm Python
file to your desktop and select from there.
Remember, name your file
STEP 3 cont’ – once you have entered
everything above, click “Submit Files”.
STEP 4 – Confirm that you have entered
everything in correctly. If you make a
mistake here and submit to the wrong
course, or wrong lab, we won’t be able to
tell and will mark your lab as not submitted.
Please double check before clicking OK.
Lab 6
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For more details on websubmit, see EECS department instructions:
STEP 5 – After you submit, your webpage
will refresh and show that you have
submitted the files and the time.
I recommend you logout.
You can resubmit the file if you make
changes. However, if the TA has already
graded your lab, they will not grade it again,
so I recommend you only upload once you
have it work.