
EEN 218 Lab 4 Linked Lists – A Movie Repository I: The Movies and Ratings solved

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In this assignment, you are to implement a repository for movies as the first part of
an online movie streaming service. This first part will implement the list of Movies
and the Ratings of each movie, each as single-link linked lists.
You need to provide a report that shows: (10)
1. Your class designs
2. The algorithms used adding/deleting movies and reviews
a. This should be in pseudo-code or flowcharts, not just the code you
ended up writing
3. Compiling instructions
4. Sample runs (screenshots are fine)

Part1a: A Rating Class (5)
1. Design a class, Rating, to hold the rating information.
a. Private:
i. Should have at least: rating (int), comment (string)
b. Public:
i. Constructor(s)/Destructor as needed
ii. Setters to set the data
iii. Method to print the objecti
2. Test these to make sure this works.
Part1b: A RatingList Class (20)
1. Design a class, RatingList, which implements a single-link linked list of
a. A RatingNode struct
i. Private:
1. rating (Rating), *next (RatingNode)
b. Private:
i. Should have at least: *front (RatingNode)
c. Public:
i. Constructor(s)/Destructor
ii. addRating(Rating &r) method
1. adds the Rating r at the end of the list
iii. deleteRating(Rating &r)
1. finds and deletes the rating r from the list
iv. Method to print the entire listi
2. Test to make sure this works
Figure 1 RatingList Linked List

Part 2a: A RTime Class (5)
1. Design a class, RTime, to hold time information. This will be used to hold the
running time of a movie.
a. Private:
i. Should have at least: hours (int), minutes (int)
b. Public:
i. Constructor(s)/Destructor as needed
ii. Setters to set the data
iii. Method to print the objecti
2. Test this to make sure this works.
Part 2b: A Movie Class (10)
1. Design a class, Movie, to hold movie information.
a. Private:
i. Should have at least: title (string), runtime (RTime), *ratings
b. Public:
i. Constructor(s)/Destructor as needed
ii. Setters to set the data
iii. addRating(Rating &r) method to add a rating
iv. deleteRating(Rating &r) method to delete a rating
v. deleteAllRatings() method to delete all ratings
vi. compare(Movie *m) compare current with m, -1=less than,
0=equal. 1=greater than
vii. Method to print the objecti
2. Test this to make sure this works.
Part2c: A MovieList Class (35)
1. Design a class, MovieList, which implements a single-link linked list of Movies
sorted by title.
a. A MovieNode struct
i. Private:
1. *movie (Movie), *next (MovieNode)
b. Private:
i. Should have at least: *front (MovieNode)
c. Public:
i. Constructor(s)/Destructor
ii. addMovie(Movie *m) adds a movie to the list sorted by title
iii. removeMovie(string t) removes movie with title t
iv. deleteAllMovies() removes all movies

v. addRating(string t, Rating &r) method
1. adds the Rating r to the movie of title t
vi. deleteRating(string t, Rating &r)
1. finds and deletes the rating r from the movie title t
vii. printMovie(string t) print movie and ratings with title t
viii. Method to print the entire listi
2. Test to make sure this works
Figure 2 MovieList Linked List
Figure 3 Detail of MovieList (shows separate RatingList in each Movie)

Part 3: A MovieNet Class (15)
1. Design a class, MovieNet, which acts as the entry for our online movie
streaming system
a. Private:
i. name (string), *movies (MovieList)
b. Public:
i. Constructor(s)/Destructor as needed
ii. loadData(string file) loads the movie list from a file
iii. storeData(string file) stores the movie list to a file
iv. Print method to print out the objecti
Figure 4 MovieNet detail structure showing MovieList inside

File Format:
Movie title
Runtime (in minutes)
Movie title
Runtime (in minutes)
i All print functions should allow for specification of the output stream and output in a format
compatible with the File Format described at the end of the document.