EECS 1015: LAB #1 – Simple Python Program – Introduction and Hours to Minutes/Seconds Conversion solved


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– To get you familiar with code Python
– To get you familiar with your PyCharm IDE
– To write your own Python code
– To get you familiar with submitting your lab results through websubmit
Part 1: Start you code with comments that include this lab ID, your full name, email address, and student id as
# Lab 1
# Author: Michael S. Brown
# Email:
# Student ID: 10233030
Part 2: Introduction
Your program will print your name, your student ID, and where you currently live (city and country).
Part 3: Convert hours to minutes and to seconds
In the same program after part 2, you should prompt the user to provide a number of hours.
The user can input the hours as either an integer or float. You should then convert the number of hours into
(1) the number of minutes in the hour and (2) the number of seconds in the hour. The conversion should be
as floating point.
See an example of the output of your program below – part in red was typed in by the user:
My name is Mostafa Li
My York student id is 10230405
I currently live in Ammand, Jordan
Enter number of hours: 4.6
Converted to minutes
Converted to seconds
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3. GRADING SCHEME (Maximum number of points possible 10)
This is an easy lab. I expect everyone to get full marks. However, to get full marks you need to make sure you
follow the instructions correctly. The following will be our grading scheme for the Lab components specified
in Section 2 of this document.
Part 1: (0 points, but deduction if you skip this part)
 File name must be “” (all lowercase, no spaces)
 The Python comments at the beginning of your program must include your name, email, and York
student id (this is important for grading)
 If your file name is incorrect, your or do not put in the required information we will deduct -5 points
(Why are we so harsh? Because if you don’t put in your name and student id it can be very difficult for
the TAs to determine whose submission this is.)
Part 2: (5 points)
 Your program should correctly print your name, student id, and where you currently live.
Part 3: (5 points)
 Your code should run correctly, get input from the user and print out the conversion from hours to
minutes and then seconds.
-No submission – 0 points
-Any submission 1 week after the due date 50% off the total marks
-Any submission 2 weeks after the due date will not be marked and treated as no submission.
See pages below on how to submit your lab code.
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4. SUBMISSIONS (EECS web-submit)
You will submit your lab using the EECS web submit.
Click on the follow URL:
STEP 1 — If you don’t have an EECS account,
click here to use Passport York (everyone
has a passport York account).
If you do have an EECS account, enter here
and go to STEP 3.
STEP 1 — If you don’t have an EECS account,
click here to use Passport York (everyone
has a passport York account).
If you do have an EECS account, enter here
and go to STEP 3.
STEP 1 — If you don’t have an EECS account,
click here to use Passport York (everyone
has a passport York account).
If you do have an EECS account, enter here
and go to STEP 3.
STEP 2 – Enter your passport York
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STEP 3 – Select the correct menu option
as follows. Term “F”, Course “1015”,
Assignment “Lab1”.
STEP 3 cont’ – Select your file. The location
in PyCharm may be complicated. I
recommend you save your PyCharm Python
file to your desktop and select from there.
Remember, name your file
STEP 3 cont’ – once you have entered
everything above, click “Submit Files”.
STEP 4 – Confirm that you have entered
everything in correctly. If you make a
mistake here and submit to the wrong
course, or wrong lab, we won’t be able to
tell and will mark your lab as not submitted.
Please double check before clicking OK.
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For more details on websubmit, see EECS department instructions:
STEP 5 – After you submit, your webpage
will refresh and show that you have
submitted the files and the time.
I recommend you logout.
You can resubmit the file if you make
changes. However, if the TA has already
graded your lab, they will not grade it again,
so I recommend you only upload once you
have it work.