JAC444 Assignment 1 solved


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The first assignment contains two parts. It gives you the opportunity to practice basic Java
concepts by implementing known structures from C++ such as singly linked list
Part A – 2 marks
Create an interface called Shape with the method getPerimeter that determines the
perimeter of a geometrical shape. Develop classes such as Circle, Square,
Rectangle, and Triangle that implements the Shape interface.
Every class must have methods such as: toString(), equals(), hashCode() and must
have javadoc style documentation.
Part B – 8 marks
Develop a Java class named ShapeLinkedList that implements a single linked list. It must
be capable of storing geometrical shapes.
* Link list containing geometrical Shapes
public class ShapeLinkedList {
public Node head; // Head is first node in linked list
public ShapeLinkedList() { }
public ShapeLinkedList(Node head) {
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public boolean isEmpty() {
return length() == 0;
public void insertAtEnd(Shape data) {
// TODO to be implemented
public void insertAtBeginning(Shape data) {
// TODO to be implemented
public Node tail() {
// TODO to be implemented
// returns the last node
public int length() {
// TODO to be implemented
void insertAtIndex(int idx, Shape data) {
// TODO to be implemented
Node findAtIndex(int idx) {
// TODO to be implemented
void deleteAtIndex(int idx) {
// TODO to be implemented
public String toString() {
void deleteData(Shape s) {
// TODO to be implemented
public int hashCode() {
// TODO to be implemented
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
// TODO to be implemented
// Node is nested class because it only exists along with linked list
public static class Node {
private Shape data;
private Node next;
// TODO develop all the methods that are needed
// such as constructors, setters, getters
// toString, equals, hashCode
Your task is to create geometrical shapes, to store them in the link list and to calculate their
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Task 1: Try to create the following shapes and store them in ShapeLinkedList .
For example, given the integer array:
int[] values = {2,1,3,5,1,4,5,3,5,7,1,2,8,9};
ShapeLinkedList sll = new ShapeLinkedList();
Circle c1 = new Circle(values[0]);
Circle c2 = new Circle(values[1]);
Square sq1 = new Square(values[2]);
Square sq2 = new Square(values[3]);
Triangle t1 = new Triangle(values[4],values[5],values[6]);
Triangle t2 = new Triangle(values[7],values[8],values[9]);
Rectangle r1 = new Rectangle(values[10],values[11]);
Rectangle r2 = new Rectangle(values[12],values[13]);
Then print all the shapes and their perimeters from the list.
(For example: Circle{r=1} has perimeter: 6.28318)
Task 2: Delete the list tail and print the list.
Task 3: Delete the shape called sq2 and print the list.
Marking criteria:
1. Every class must be properly documented using javadoc style created in a package
having your Last Name followed by the first 3 digits of your student ID.
2. Every class must implement toString, equals, and hashCode
3. The implementation of all linked list methods
4. The mandatory usage of the data given in the task1 to 3.
Deliverables (both mandatory):
1. Zip only the Java files to file with a special name. The file should be named after your
Last Name followed by the first 3 digits of your student ID. For example, if your last
name is Savage and your ID is 354874345 then the file should be called Savage354.zip
Upload the zip file to Blackboard
2. On your course page at the end you will find a section called Assessment. There you will
find a codeboard.io project called Assignment 1 with the skeleton of your assignment.
Cut and paste your code with documentation (it must be the same as in your zip file). The
code must completely compile and run on codeboard.io