
Introduction to Programming with Python Homework 5 solved

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  1. Conversions


  1. In IDLE or the Python development environment of your choice, edit the file.This script contains initializations of a str, a list, a tuple, a set, and a dict:


str1 = ‘This is a test of the emergency broadcast system.’


m1 = [4, 1, 5, 5, 1, 3, 8, 9, 7, 8, 2, 2, 6]


tup1 = (‘curiouser’, ‘and’, ‘curiouser’, ‘cried’, ‘Alice’)


set1 = {4, 7, ‘a’, True, 12.5, None}


d1 = {‘hello’: 5, ‘goodbye’: 3, ‘you’: 2, ‘say’: 8, ‘I’: 5, ‘why’: 4}


Run the script to confirm that it works, and confirm for yourself that the output makes sense.


  1. Using the appropriate conversion function, define the variable m2 to refer to a list of each of the 1-character strings from str1.  Display m2 with print(“m2:  “, m2).


  1. Using the appropriate conversion function, define the variable tup2 to refer to a tuple of each of the 1-character strings from str1.  Display tup2.


  1. Using the appropriate conversion function, define the variable set2 to refer to a set of each of the 1-character strings from str1.  Display set2.  Does set2 appear to be ordered?  Make a comment in your code file.


  1. Using the appropriate conversion function, define the variable m3 to refer to a list of each of the items from tup1.  Display m3.


  1. Using the appropriate conversion function, define the variable m4 to refer to a list of each of the items from set1.  Display m4.


  1. Using the appropriate conversion function, define the variable tup3 to refer to a tuple of each of the items from m1.  Display tup3.


    1. Using the appropriate conversion function, define the variable tup4 to refer to a tuple of each of the items from set1.  Display tup4.


  1. Using the appropriate conversion function, define the variable set3 to refer to a set of each of the items from tup1.  Display set3.  How does set3 compare with tup1?  Make a comment in your code file.


  1. Using the appropriate conversion function, define the variable listk1 to refer to a list of each of the keys from d1.  Display listk1.


  1. Using the appropriate conversion function, define the variable setk1 to refer to a set of each of the keys from d1.  Display setk1.  How do the items in listk1 compare with the items in setk1?  Are there the same number of items?  Is this just “luck”?


  1. Display the lengths of (number of items in)d1, listk1, and setk1.


  1. Using the appropriate conversion function, define the variable listv1 to refer to a list of each of the values from d1.  Display listv1.


  1. Using the appropriate conversion function, define the variable setv1 to refer to a set of each of the values from d1.  Display setv1.  How do the items in listv1 compare with the items in setv1?  Are there the same number of items?  Is this just “luck”?


  1. Display the lengths of (number of items in) d1.values(), listv1, and setv1.  What can you say about the number of unique keys in a dict vs. the number of unique values in a dict?


  1. m2 and tup2 contain the same item values in the same order.  Is m2 == tup2?  Is m2[7] == tup2[7]?  Test, and make a comment in your code file.


  1. Which of these assignments will work to create a list?


    1. mq1 = list(())
    2. mq2 = list((5))
    3. mq3 = list((9,))
    4. mq4 = list(1, 2, 3)
    5. mq5 = list({1, 1, 1})
    6. mq6 = list([5, 4, 3])
    7. mq7 = list(range(4))





  1. Comprehensions


  1. Using a listcomprehension, define the variable mc1 to refer to a list of 10 items with value 0.  Display mc1.


  1. Using a listcomprehension, define the variable mc2 to refer to a list of 10 items with values 0, 1, 2, 3, … 9.  Display mc2.


  1. Using a listcomprehension, define the variable mc3 to refer to a list of 10 items with values square root of 0, square root of 1, square root of 2, …, through square root of 9.  Display mc3.


  1. Using a listcomprehension, define the variable mc4 to refer to a list of 15 items with values 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, …, 2.  Display mc4.  (Hint: Remember the modulus operator, %)


  1. Using a listcomprehension, define the variable mc5 to refer to a list of 10 3-tuples, with values (0, 1, 4), (1, 2, 9), (2, 3, 16), …, (9, 10, 121).  Display mc5.  Do you agree that this is Pythonic?  Make a comment in your code.




  1. String Handling


  1. Define the variable str3a as a copy of str1 but with all characters converted to lower case.  Display str3a.


  1. Define the variable str3b as a copy of str3a but with the first character of each word converted to upper case.  Display str3b.


  1. Define the variable m3c as a list of the words in str1, in the same order as the words exist in str1.  Display m3c.


  1. Define the variable m3d to refer to a concatenation of slices of m3c:


m3d = m3c[:2] + m3c[5:7] + m3c[-1:]


Predict what m3d contains, then display m3d to see whether you were correct.


  1. Define the variable str3e to refer to a string (str) consisting of the items in m3d separated with individual space characters.  Display str3e.


  1. Define the variable str3f to refer to a string (str) consisting of the items in m3d separated with ‘+’ characters, and with ‘+’ characters at the beginning and end.  Display str3f.


  1. Define the variable str3g to refer to a copy of str3f converted to ALL UPPERCASE LETTERS!  Display str3g.


  1. Perform some experiments of your own with center(), ljust(), rjust(), strip(), lstrip(), rstrip(), islower(), isupper(), isalpha(), isnumeric(), and isalnum().