INFS 519 Programming Assignment 6 solved


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Write a program that implements a subset of the OrderedSymbolTable API using a binary tree. You will provide the implementation details in the BinarySearchTreeST. The provided main method IN will read in and execute a sequence of operations. The keys() method should return an Iterable that iterates through the keys in sorted order. You can use the provided List implementation (DynamicArray), e.g. public Iterable keys() { DynamicArray list = new DynamicArray(); keys( this.root, list ); return list; } private void keys( Node root, DynamicArray list ) { … } Grading Notes You must: • Use the template provided for you • Have a style (indentation, good variable names, etc.) • Comment your code well (no need to over do it, just do it well) You may not: • Make your program part of a package. • Use code from anywhere except your own brain. Submission Instructions: • Name a folder with your gmu username • Put your java files in the folder (but not your .class) • Zip the folder (not just the files) and name the zip “” • Submit to blackboard Grading Rubric No Credit: • Non-submitted assignments • Late assignments • Non-compiling assignments • Non-independent work 1pt Submission Format 1pt Style and Comments 1pt min and max 2pts put 1pt get 2pts deleteMin, deleteMax 2pt keys iterator Example Run > java BinarySearchTreeST operations.txt isEmpty?=true insert=[8->student8] insert=[4->student4, 8->student8] insert=[4->student4, 8->student8, 12->studentX] insert=[4->student4, 6->student6, 8->student8, 12->studentX] insert=[4->student4, 6->student6, 8->student8, 10->student10, 12->studentX] min=4 insert=[4->student4, 6->student6, 8->student8, 10->student10, 12->student12] insert=[2->student2, 4->student4, 6->student6, 8->student8, 10->student10, 12->student12] max=12 insert=[2->student2, 4->student4, 6->student6, 8->student8, 10->student10, 12->student12, 16->student16] insert=[1->student1, 2->student2, 4->student4, 6->student6, 8->student8, 10->student10, 12->student12, 16->student16] deleteMin deleteMin deleteMax isEmpty?=false size=5 Final symbol table=[4->student4, 6->student6, 8->student8, 10->student10, 12->student12]