TL;DR 1. Do twitter streaming analysis using Spark Streaming 2. Count hashtags and special words 3. Submit your codes and report to Canvas Abstract: In this assignment, you will implement a streaming analysis process. The architecture is as follows. A socket request data from twitter API and send data to spark streaming process. Spark read real time data and do analysis. It also save temp streaming results to Google Storage. After the streaming process terminate, it reads the final data from Google Storage and save it to BigQuery, and then clean the data in Storage. Fig 1. Twitter streaming architecture You will be asked to do two analysis tasks based on the tweets you get. And you need to figure out how to save temp steaming results to google storage. Tasks: 1. Calculate the accumulated hashtags count sum for 600 seconds and sort it by descending order of the count. Hashtag usually starts with “#” and followed by a series of alphanumeric. [40%] 2. Filter the chosen 5 words and calculate the appearance frequency of them every 60 seconds (no overlap). Collect the data for 600 seconds. The words are: ‘data’, ‘spark’, ‘ai’, ‘movie’, ‘good’. [40%] 3. Save results to google BigQuery. You only have to write code to save temp steaming results to google storage. [20%] Some important notes: 1. Remember to start the socket first (run and then the streaming process (run 2. You don’t need to restart the socket process every time you rerun the streaming process. When a streaming process stops, the connection socket will automatically close. And the listening socket will continue listening to the same IP and Port and wait for the next connection. That is, you can leave running and submit multiple times. 3. Remember to stop the socket program on cluster when you don’t want to stream data from it. 4. You will get “port already in use” error when you run socket program multiple times in a short time period, or you try to run multiple socket programs at the same time. 5. For tasks (2), it is ok if you don’t see all of the words in your results every time. 6. For tasks (3), create a table first before saving results to it. 7. You can stop your cluster instance in Computer Engine page and keep your cluster. If you stop your instance, you won’t pay too much for having that cluster. 8. You can use Jupyter Notebook, just copy and paste the code. But remember to create two different notebooks and paste the code of two files in separate notebooks. The steps to run the code is the same as you submit the file to dataproc. Steps: Step1: Register on Twitter Apps (Please do this step ASAP) 1. Go to and apply for a twitter developer account. 2. Login at 3. Click “Create New App”, fill out the form, and click “Create your Twitter application”. For the Website URL, you can put any URL here. You only need to fill in all the required places. 4. In the next page, click on “API keys” tab, and copy your “API key” and “API secret”. 5. Scroll down and click “Create my access token”, copy your “Access token” and “Access token secret”. Step2: Create a cluster and get streaming data 1. Use the following command to create a cluster. gcloud beta dataproc clusters create \ –optional-components=ANACONDA,JUPYTER \ –image-version=preview –enable-component-gateway \ –metadata ‘PIP_PACKAGES=requests_oauthlib google-cloud-bigquery tweepy’ \ –metadata gcs-connector-version=1.9.16 \ –metadata bigquery-connector-version=0.13.16 \ –project \ –bucket \ –initialization-actions=gs://dataproc-initialization-actions/pyth on/,gs://dataproc-initialization-actions/connectors/ \ –single-node 2. Download start code from canvas. 3. Open Replace the Twitter API credential with your own and run on dataproc. Remember to stop the job after you finish streaming. 4. Open You can first comment code from line 152 (words=…) to line 160 (wordCount.pprint()) and from line 178 (saveToBigQuery) to line 179 (saveToBigQuery). And then run it on dataproc. 5. To stream the data: a. submit (Jupyter Notebook: run the related cells in one notebook) b. submit (Jupyter Notebook: run the related cells in another notebook) c. You can test multiple times and leave running d. Stop You can go to job page of cluster and cancel it. Or you can use gcloud dataproc jobs kill JOB. (Jupyter Notebook: stop the cell) 6. You are expected to see a tweet stream printed out like this. Ignore all warnings while running. Step3: Analyse Stream data and store data in BigQuery 1. Once you successfully get the stream, you can start writing your own code. The analytics tasks are listed before. Tasks 2. You can first change the global variable “STREAMTIME” to a smaller value when testing your algorithm. And then collect the data for 600 seconds. 3. You can first set your streaming window size to a smaller value (less than 60 seconds). After you make sure your code is correct and then you can change it back to 60 seconds and start collecting the data. 4. To save the data, remember to: a. Replace the bucket global variable in the code with your own bucket. b. Create a BigQuery dataset first using bq mk . 5. You are expected to see the following tables created in your dataset Homework Submissions 1. A report includes: a. Screenshot of your code to do all the tasks. Tasks b. Screenshot of the preview of your data stored in BigQuery. You have to include two tables: hashtags and wordcount. 2. Your code Useful links: