1. Implement and run K-means clustering in Spark
2. Process data with Spark Dataframe and perform classification with Spark MLlib
3. Submit your codes and report to Canvas
The goals of this assignment are to (1) understand how to implement K-means
clustering algorithm in Spark by utilizing transformations and actions, (2) understand the
impact of using different distance measurements and initialization strategies in
clustering, (3) learn how to use the built-in Spark MLlib library to conduct supervised
and unsupervised learning, (4) have experience of processing data with ML Pipeline
and Dataframe.
In the first question, you will conduct document clustering. The dataset we’ll be using
is a set of vectorized text documents. In today’s world, you can see applications of
document clustering almost everywhere. For example, Flipboard uses LDA topic
modelling, approximate nearest neighbor search, and clustering to realize their “similar
stories / read more” recommendation feature. You can learn more by reading this blog
post. To conduct document clustering, you will implement the classic iterative K-means
clustering in Spark with different distance functions and initialization strategies.
In the second question, you will load data into Spark Dataframe and perform binary
classification with Spark MLlib. We will use logistic regression model as our classifier,
which is one of the foundational and widely used tools for making classifications. For
example, Facebook uses logistic regression as one of the components in its online
advertising system. You can read more in a publication here.
1. Iterative K-means clustering on Spark
The idea behind K-Means algorithm is straightforward: in each iteration, k centroids are
initialized, each point in the space is assigned to the nearest centroid, and the centroids
are re-computed based on the assignment of points to clusters. The pseudo code of
iterative K-means clustering is as follows:
Note the word nearest or closest, we have to define a way to measure it. In class, Prof.
Lin mentioned several distance functions. Here, we will use L2 (Euclidean) and L1
(Manhattan) distance as our similarity measurement.
Formally, say we have two points A and B in a d dimensional space, such that A =
[a1,a2, ···, ad] and B = [b1,b2, ···, bd], the Euclidean distance (L2 distance) between A
and B is defined as:
, and the Manhattan distance (L1 distance) between A and B is defined as:
A clustering algorithm aims to minimize within-cluster cost function, defined as:
for L2 and L1 distance.
Use the data provided to perform document clustering. A document is represented as a
58 dimensional vector of features. Each dimension (or feature) in the vector represents
the importance of a word in the document. The idea is that documents with similar sets
of word importance may be about the same topic.
The data contains 3 files: (in on Canvas)
(1) data.txt contains the vectorized version of documents, which has 4601 rows and
58 columns.
(2) c1.txt contains k initial cluster centroids. These centroids were chosen by
selecting k random points from the input data.
(3) c2.txt contains initial cluster centroids which are as far away as possible. You
could do this by choosing first centroid c1 randomly, and then finding the point c2
that is farthest from c1, then selecting c3 which is farthest from c1 and c2, and so
For the homework questions, set number of iterations to 20, and the number of clusters
k to 10.
Homework submission for question one: (60%)
Implement iterative K-means in Spark. We’ve provided you with starter code
on Canvas, which takes care of data loading. Complete the logic inside for loop, and run
the code with different initialization strategies and loss functions. Feel free to change the
code if needed, or paste the code into a Jupyter notebook. Take a screenshot of your
code and results in your report.
(1) Run clustering on data.txt with c1.txt and c2.txt as initial centroids and use L1
distance as similarity measurement. Compute and plot the within-cluster cost for
each iteration. You’ll need to submit two graphs here. (20%)
(2) Run clustering on data.txt with c1.txt and c2.txt as initial centroids and use L2
distance as similarity measurement. Compute and plot the within-cluster cost for
each iteration. You’ll need to submit two graphs here. (20%)
(3) t-SNE is a dimensionality reduction method particularly suitable for visualization
of high-dimensional data. Visualize your clustering assignment result of (2) by
reducing the dimension to a 2D space. You’ll need to submit two graphs here.
(4) For L2 and L1 distance, are random initialization of K-means using c1.txt better
than initialization using c2.txt in terms of cost? Explain your reasoning. (5%)
(5) What is the time complexity of the iterative K-means? (5%)
2. Binary classification with Spark MLlib
In this question, we are going to use the Adult dataset, which is publicly available at the
UCI Machine Learning Repository. You can download the from this link, and
add .csv extension to the download file.
This data derives from census data, and consists of information about 48k individuals
and their annual income. We are interested in using the information to predict if an
individual earns less than 50K or larger than 50k per year. It is natural to formulate the
problem into binary classification.
The model we use for binary classification is logistic regression, which is a classification
model (don’t be fooled by its name). It takes one more step than linear regression: apply
the sigmoid function to compress the output values to 0~1 and do the threshold. The
outputs of linear regression are continuous number values, while the outputs of logistic
regression are probability values which can then be mapped to two or more discrete
classes. You could learn more details like how do Spark perform optimization here.
Homework submission for question two: (40%)
Upload the csv file to GCP cloud storage, and finish the following steps. Provide
screenshots to your code and results. Feel free to do EDA, feature engineering, or try
other more complicated models.
(1) Data loading: (10%)
Read the csv file into a Dataframe. You could set “inferschema” to true and
rename the columns with the following information: “age”, “workclass”, “fnlwgt”,
“education”, “education_num”, “marital_status”, “occupation”, “relationship”,
“race”, “sex”, “capital_gain”, “capital_loss”, “hours_per_week”, “native_country”,
“income”. You could learn more about Dataframe from this doc.
(2) Data preprocessing: (10%)
Convert the categorical variables into numeric variables with ML Pipelines and
Feature Transformers. You will probably need OneHotEncoderEstimator,
StringIndexer, and VectorAssembler. Split your data into training set and test set
with ratio of 70% and 30% and set the seed to 100.
(3) Modelling: (10%)
Train a logistic regression model from Spark MLlib with train set. After training,
plot ROC curve and Precision-Recall curve of your training process.
(4) Evaluation: (10%)
Apply your trained model on the test set. Provide the value of area under ROC,
accuracy, and confusion matrix. You should expect the accuracy to be around