CSE 1325-001 Homework #5 – Model, View, Controller solved


Category: You will receive a download link of the .ZIP file upon Payment


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In this homework assignment, you will be re-structuring your previous assignment (HW4) to fit the
Model, View, Controller (MVC) Software Pattern. Also, we will be incorporating the work we did in HW2
by incorporating files.
Part 1: MVC
For this part, you will need to re-structure your HW4 to fit MVC. This will be based off the full-credit
implementation. You may use the sample solution on Blackboard as a base if you do not wish to use
your own HW4 solution. You will need to modify some the existing functions in the Model to not use
cout, but return values dependent on the function’s purpose. All output statements must be handled by
the Controller and the View classes.
You will also need to modify the UML from HW4 to fit HW5. The HW4 UML is included in the HW4
solution. This homework will introduce the concept of design, so you can build the Controller and View
classes however you see fit. Also, if you wish to change anything in the existing classes, you may do so.
Just make sure any changes you make are present in the modified UML.
Part 2: Files
For any system, being able to save and load data from a file is important. That is what you will be doing
for the Transaction Management System.
You will need to add Save and Load functionalities to your program. The save file will contain the
contents of the list of transactions. When the file is loaded, it will read in the contents, create any
necessary objects, and add them to the list. When the file is saved, it will overwrite the contents of the
save file, if the file already exists. If the file does not exist, it will create the file and save to it. The name
of the save file must be “abc1234_save_file.txt”. You may format the save file however you want.
Bonus (5pts)
For the Files portion of this homework, you must override the >> operation so that the contents of the
save file directly into the contents of the Transaction_List, Trasaction, and Date objects. By this, I mean
that “ist >> date;” is a valid operation, where ist is a input stream and date is a Date object.

You will submit your code and screenshots via Blackboard. You will upload a zip file, named
“abc1234_HW5zip”, which contains 1 folder (2 if you did the bonus)
 full_credit
o abc1234_Date.h and abc1234_Date.cpp
o abc1234_Transaction.h and abc1234_Transaction.cpp
o abc1234_Transaction_List.h and abc1234_Transaction_List.cpp
o abc1234_View.h and abc1234_View.cpp
o abc1234_Controller.h and abc1234_Controller.cpp
o abc1234_main.cpp
o abc1234_save_file.txt
o makefile
o abc1234_main.png (or multiple if multiple screenshots were taken). These screenshots
will be picture of your code running in terminal.
o Instructions for compiling and running your code (either in comments in blackboard or
in a README file)
 bonus_1
o abc1234_Date.h and abc1234_Date.cpp
o abc1234_Transaction.h and abc1234_Transaction.cpp
o abc1234_Transaction_List.h and abc1234_Transaction_List.cpp
o abc1234_View.h and abc1234_View.cpp
o abc1234_Controller.h and abc1234_Controller.cpp
o abc1234_main.cpp
o abc1234_save_file.txt
o makefile
o abc1234_main.png (or multiple if multiple screenshots were taken). These screenshots
will be picture of your code running in terminal.
o Instructions for compiling and running your code (either in comments in blackboard or
in a README file)
Full credit files named incorrectly result in a loss of 5 points each.