
CSE 241/505 Homework # 2 N-Puzzle Continued solved

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You will extend the C++ program that you wrote for the N-Puzzle problem. The new extensions are
as follows
– Your program will accept one optional file name as a command line option. The file name is a
text file that contains the shape and the initial configuration of the valid N-Puzzle board. This
shape contains the possible positions of the tiles with tile numbers and impossible positions
with ‘00’s. The blank tile is marked with ‘bb’. The following is a sample file. Note that your
board does not have to be square anymore. There are 40 possible positions for the following
board, which means tiles are numbered from 01 to 39. The solution always places the empty
tile at the lower right corner.
00 00 00 00 01 02 04 05 00
00 00 00 06 08 09 10 12 13
00 00 00 17 19 14 15 18 07
00 00 00 20 21 23 25 24 29
22 26 28 35 34 31 33 38 39
bb 30 31 34 32 36 03 11 16
– Your board game will be more intelligent. Sometimes behaving randomly is rational and this
strategy can beat other more “intelligent” behavior. As you have observed from your HW1,
making intelligent moves all the time often gets you stuck. Random moves will get you out!
You will mix random board moves with the “intelligent” moves that you implemented in
HW1. For example, you may make a few random moves and then a few intelligent moves
and continue until the solution is found. You may try different strategies such as more random
moves at the beginning of the game and then less random moves.
– You will add the following Input/Action pairs to your table
Input Action
V Solves the problem from the current configuration
using the new intelligent algorithm.
T Prints a report about how many moves have been
done and if the solution is found
E Asks a file name and saves the current board
configuration as a loadable shape file.
L Asks a file name and loads the current board
configuration from the shape file.
 Do not use any functions from the standard C library (like printf), use cout, cin, etc.
 Your program should have only functions and no classes other than enums.
 Do not use any C++ features that we did not learn during the lectures.
 You will use all the object oriented techniques that we learned in the class including const,
inline, declrtype, auto keywords.
 Do not use anything that we did not learn in the lectures.
 Do not forget to indent your code and provide comments.
 Check the validity of the user input.
 Test your programs very carefully at least with 10 different runs and submit your result
files for each.
 You should submit your work to the moodle page and follow all the submission rules that will
be posted.