Homework #2 MEMS 0051 – Introduction to Thermodynamics solved


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Problem #1
Given the following properties, determine the remaining properties (i.e. pressure, temperature, specific volume and
quality, if applicable), for water. Indicate if the water is existing as a compressed/subcooled liquid, saturated liquid
water, saturated vapor or superheated steam. Additionally, using the Matlab Script titled “Pv and Tv curves.m”,
plot and label each item on both a P − ν and T − ν diagram. Note: interpolation may be required multiple times.
(a) T = 145 [◦C], ν =0.2 [m3/kg]
(b) T = 255 [◦C], P = 3,000 [kPa]
(c) T = 370 [◦C], P = 15,000 [kPa]
(d) T = 100 [◦C], ν = 16.8 [m3/kg]
(e) T = 200 [◦C], P = 5,000 [kPa]
(f) P = 760 [kPa], x=0.72
(g) P = 125 [kPa], T=20 [◦C]
(h) P = 1,300 [kPa], ν = 0.254 [m3/kg]
(i) P = 1,250 [kPa], T =63 [◦C]
(j) T = 100 [◦C], P = 101.3 [kPa]
(k) T = 180 [◦C], P = 2,000 [kPa]
(l) T = 160 [◦C], P = 400 [kPa]
(m) T = 400 [◦C], P = 200 [kPa]
(n) T = 133.5 [◦C], P = 300 [kPa]
(o) T = 100 [◦C], P =800 [kPa]
(p) P = 100 [kPa], ν = 1.500 [m3/kg]
(q) P = 100 [kPa], ν = 2.500 [m3/kg]
(r) P = 500 [kPa], ν = 0.001070 [m3/kg]
(s) T = 50 [◦C], ν = 5.0 [m3/kg]
(t) T = 150 [◦C], ν = 1.5 [m3/kg]
(u) T = 100 [◦C], ν = 0.001043 [m3/kg]
(v) T = 320 [◦C], P = 200 [kPa]
(w) T = 105 [◦C], P = 2,000 [kPa]
(x) T = 60 [◦C], P = 200 [kPa]
(y) Saturated liquid at 400 [kPa]
(z) Saturated vapor at 125 ◦C