
CS 18000 Homework 08: Inheritance and Exceptions solved

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● Become familiar with subclasses and superclasses
● Learn how to override methods
● Learn how to use inherited constructors and methods
The main advantage of inheritance is to reduce the amount of work and code needed by
reusing existing code in different classes. As the lab for inheritance and exceptions has stated,
this is achieved by saying one class extends another class, on which the former class inherits
all public and protected variables and methods of the latter class. Again, the subclass, the class
that inherits the methods and variables from the superclass, can override methods using the
same method name to provide its own implementation of that method.
Exceptions are events that disrupt the flow of a program and can be thrown unintentionally or
intentionally. Unintentional exceptions are usually runtime exceptions thrown by the JVM and
are unchecked at compile time. Some examples include ArithmeticException and
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. Intentional exceptions are exceptions that the user can
throw to indicate an error. These can be custom exceptions or existing runtime exceptions with
custom messages.
In this homework, you will create 3 classes: CollegeStudent, IUStudent, and PurdueStudent.
CollegeStudent will be the parent class and IUStudent and PurdueStudent will extend
CollegeStudent. At certain times, an IllegalArgumentException with a custom message with be
thrown. The details about the instance variables and methods of each class are detailed below.
Purdue University
CS 18000
Problem Solving And Object-Oriented Programming
Task 0: Residency Enum
Because we will only have three different residency statuses (in-state, out of state, and
international), it’s reasonable that we create an enum to represent these. Create an enum
named Residency with the values IN_STATE, OUT_OF_STATE, and INTERNATIONAL, listed in
that order.
Task 1: CollegeStudent
All fields are private and non static.
Name Type
dormCost double
tuition double
residency Residency
livesOffCampus boolean
Name Return Type Parameters
CollegeStudent() CollegeStudent – String residency
CollegeStudent() CollegeStudent – String residency
– boolean livesOffCampus
Name Return Type Parameters
setTuition() void – double tuition
setDormCost() void – double dormCost
calculateYearlyCost() double (None)
getTuition() double (None)
getDormCost() double (None)
Purdue University
CS 18000
Problem Solving And Object-Oriented Programming
getResidency() Residency (None)
isLivingOffCampus() boolean (None)
toString() String (None)
Information about Fields/Constructors/Methods
Name Description
tuition Corresponds to the cost of attending college for one year. By
default, international students’ tuition is $44,500, out of state
students’ tuition is $42,000, and in state students’ tuition is
residency Note that the field is an enum, but the parameter residency
in the constructors is a String. You should only accept
Strings that are spelled like the corresponding enum values
(case insensitive) with spaces instead of the underscores. Any
other Strings should result in an
IllegalArgumentException with the message “Student
residency must be one of the three specified statuses.”
dormCost The default cost of living on campus is $800 per month, and
off campus is $500 per month.
livesOffCampus If not specified in the constructor parameters, this will be
CollegeStudent() Responsible for initializing each of the student’s fields.
calculateYearlyCost() The total cost of tuition added with the dorm cost for one
getDormCost() Returns the monthly cost of living.
toString() Returns information about the class as a string. (See output
below). We will not grade the formatting of the String, but
rather the numbers given. Note that dorm costs are given as
the yearly cost.
Purdue University
CS 18000
Problem Solving And Object-Oriented Programming
Example toString() Output
Purdue University
CS 18000
Problem Solving And Object-Oriented Programming
Task 2: IUStudent
All fields are private and non static.
Name Type
bookFees double
transportationCost double
financialAid double
Name Return Type Parameters
IUStudent() IUStudent – String residency
– boolean livesOffcampus
– double GPA
Name Return
setTuition() void – double tuition
setDormCost() void – double dormCost
setTransportationCost() void – double transportationCost
setBookFees() void – double bookFees
setFinancialAid() void – double financialAid
getBookFees() double (None)
getFinancialAid() double (None)
getTransportationCost() double (None)
calculateYearlyCost() double (None)
toString() String (None)
Purdue University
CS 18000
Problem Solving And Object-Oriented Programming
Information about Fields/Constructors/Methods
Name Description
bookFees Books will cost $1,034 by default.
transportationCost If a student lives off campus, they will pay $500 in
transportation costs per year. Else, they will pay $100 in
transportation costs per year.
financialAid Set financialAid based on GPA. $4,500 is given for a
minimum GPA of 3.75, $3,500 for a minimum of 3.50, $2,750
for a minimum of 3.00, and $2,500 for a minimum of 2.50.
These values are not cumulative (a student with a 3.10 will
not receive $2,750 AND $2,500).
tuition Out of state students’ tuition is $34,846 and in state
students’ tuition is $10,534.
dormCosts The default cost of living on campus is $800 per month, and
off campus is $400 per month.
IUStudent() Sets the fields for both this class and the parent class. If GPA
is a negative number, an IllegalArgumentException is
thrown with the message: “GPA needs to be above or equal
to 0”. If a student’s residency is international or any other
value,an IllegalArgumentException is thrown with the
message: “Student must be in state or out of state”.
calculateYearlyCost() Sums tuition, book fees, transportation costs, dorm costs,
and deducts financial aid.
toString() Returns information about the class as a string. (See output
Purdue University
CS 18000
Problem Solving And Object-Oriented Programming
Example Output of toString()
Task 3: PurdueStudent
All fields are private and non static.
Name Type
bookFees double
financialAid double
major String
Name Return Type Parameters
PurdueStudent() PurdueStudent – String residency
– String major
– boolean livesOffCampus
– double GPA
Name Return
setTuition() void – double tuition
setBookFees() void – double bookFees
Purdue University
CS 18000
Problem Solving And Object-Oriented Programming
setFinancialAid() void – double financialAid
getBookFees() double (None)
getFinancialAid() double (None)
getMajor() String (None)
calculateYearlyCost() double (None)
toString() String (None)
Information about Fields/Constructors/Methods
Name Description
tuition International students’ tuition is $30,954, out
of state students’ tuition is $28,794 and in
state students’ tuition is $9,992.
bookFees Set bookFees based on major (case
insensitive). “Computer Science” students
pay $200, “Engineering” students pay $500,
“Liberal Arts” students pay $750, and any
other students pay $100.
financialAid Sets financialAid based on GPA. $5,000 is
given at a minimum GPA of 3.75, $4,500 for a
minimum of 3.50, $3,000 for a minimum of
3.00, and $2,500 for a minimum of 2.50.
These values are not cumulative.
dormCosts dormCosts should behave similarly to
CollegeStudent’s dorm costs.
PurdueStudent() Sets the fields for both this class and the
parent class. If GPA is a less than 2, an
IllegalArgumentException is thrown
with the message: “GPA needs to be above or
equal to a 2.00”.
calculateYearlyCost() Sums book fees, tuition, dorm costs and
deducts the amount of given by financial aid.
Purdue University
CS 18000
Problem Solving And Object-Oriented Programming
toString() Returns information about the class as a
string. (See output below). We will be looking
for the values in the String rather than the
format of the String.
Example Output of toString()
Note: It is a good idea to create a main method and create objects of CollegeStudent,
IUStudent, and PurdueStudent to test your code.
Skeleton Code
There will be no starter code for this homework assignment.
Submit the following files to BlackBoard:
Keep in mind that only your latest submission will be considered.
● Static and non-private variables: If you use a static or non-private variable, you will
receive 0 points.
● CollegeStudent class – 40 points total
-Correct constructors that initialize the instance variables – 15 points
-Throws an IllegalArgumentException when necessary – 5 points
-Correct calculation of total expenses – 15 points
-Correct toString() – 5 points
● IUStudent class – 30 points total
-Correctly inherits from CollegeStudent – 5 points
-Correct constructors that initialize the instance variables – 5 points
-Correct calculation of total expenses – 5 points
-Correct setter methods – 5 points
-Throws an IllegalArgumentException when necessary – 5 points
-Correct toString() – 5 points
Purdue University
CS 18000
Problem Solving And Object-Oriented Programming
● PurdueStudent class – 30 points total
-Correctly inherits from CollegeStudent – 5 points
-Correct constructors that initialize the instance variables – 5 points
-Correct calculation of total expenses – 5 points
-Correct setter methods – 5 points
-Throws an IllegalArgumentException when necessary – 5 points
-Correct toString() – 5 points