GAM536-DPS936 Assignment One solved


Category: You will receive a download link of the .ZIP file upon Payment


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For this assignment, you are requested to create and apply texture to ONLY ONE of the following objects:

  • Airplane
  • Car
  • Ship
  • Train

The type of each model is up to you. However, keep in mind that the assignments for this course are designed to eventually guide you through completion of a final comprehensive project. For instance, when you select your model to be a car, for your last assignment, you will develop a short movie clip that your car model can be applied, e.g. in a race track, in the street, etc. As a result, pick the model based on your personal interest for your final project.


  • You need to select ONLY ONE Your model should be your own work. You are not allowed to use/import any of pre-built models, else, you will receive a zero grade for this assignment.


  • Keep in mind that simply fulfilling the requirements of this assignment and future assignments does not guarantee a full grade. Instead, the quality of your work defines your grade. For instance, if you simply use a simple box as a car and apply a low-resolution texture to it and consider it as a car, you will receive a low mark and vice versa.



  • 3D-Model (10 marks)
  • Texture (10 marks)



  • Your .max file
  • Your texture file(s)
  • Three images of your rendered models from different perspectives
  • Please do NOT zip your files, instead, submit your files individually


Late submissions will receive zero grade