EECS E6893 Big Data Analytics Homework 4 solved


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In this homework, you are required to use the data from previous homework to do some visualization
with d3.js.
Part 1
In this part you are going to answer some basic problems of D3 first. Then you should modified a
sample code to get a simple bar chart.
Problem 1 (35 pt)
1. Answer these questions in simple words. (These ideas will help you to finish the followering
problems). (4*5pt)
1.1 What’s the difference between SVG Coordinate Space and Mathematical / Graph
Coordinate Space?
1.2. What is enter() and exit() in d3.js?
1.3 What is transform and translate in SVG?
1.4 Try to understand the idea of anonymous function and its use in d3.js. If there is a list a =
[a,c,b,d,e] , what is the return value of this anonymous function:,i)
{return i+5}) (It should be a list)
2. Modify the sample code to get the same figure as below: (15pt)
You must have the same width and paddings of 5px as this given bar-chart.
Hint: As the svg_width and bar_padding is given, you can divide the width equally to get
the width of bar.
The label must locate 2px above the middle of each bar.
You must use transform to display the bars instead of the attr(x),(y) in sample code.
You can use attr(x),(y) to display the text, but it is recommend to use transform to do this
You should write the javascript in a single file ( .js ), separated with the structure file (
.html ).(You can get this idea from problem 2,3)
Hint: add another elements “text” to display the labels.
(you can use any color you like).
Submission requirement: Your answer should include both screenshots of your codes and the output
Part 2
After finishing problem 1, you will get some basic ideas of d3.js. Now have a look at the
big_data_tutorial_hw4_part2 tutorial to get a brief idea of Django. Then you are required to query the
data you got from hw3 and use django to build a simple web application for visualization.
You can either do this on you computer or create a VM (compute engine) on GCP or even use App
Engine to do this. However, the tutorial is for localhost and there is no additional tutorials for finishing
this homework on Google cloud, you should search for how to do this on cloud by yourself if you want.
Problem 2 (30 pt)
In this problem you are required to process the data you got from HW3, create a django project and
finish the missing code to draw a dashboard.
Step 1: Data pocessing: (5 pt)
Process the wordcount table to required format below(You use any method to do this, such as
create a new table):
It must contain 6 columns: time and the 5 words; more than 8 rows. You should combine the
data which have the same time, and fill the missing value with 0.
You can use any way to process the data, no matter Pandas or SQL.
Submission requirement: screenshot of your code of data processing and the preview of the
table in BigQuery like above.
Step 2: Create Django project. (5pt)
Follow the tutorial big_data_tutorial_hw4_part2 in files-tutorials of canvas and create a
Django project. If you create a project named hw4_tutorial , the Directory Structure should
looks like below:
Submission requirement: screenshot of Directory Structure of your project and a screenshot to show
the helloworld page.
Step 3: Finish the code (20pt)
Replace/ Copy and pase the content in / to the same files in your project.
Put the 3 files: dashboard.html , dashboard.css and dashboard.js to the corresponding
documents. Modified the code to draw a dashboard like below:
In , you need to finish a SQL to query the data, the data is limited to 8 rows.
(1pt) Then you should modified the data to the required format. (5pt)
There are 8 blanks in dashboard.js to finish. (8*1pt)
Result (6pt)
Submission requirement: screenshot of your code (Please only capture the part of code that
you are required to finish, like below) and the output result.
Problem 3 (35 pt)
In this problem you are required to process the data from HW2 and upload it to BigQuery, then also
finish the missing code to draw a dashboard.
Step 1: Data pocessing: (10 pt)
In HW2 Question 2.2, you are required to provide a list of top 10 clusters . The result is like
Here, you are required to collect the nodes in component 103079215141, which have 25
nodes and save it as a table in Bigquery. (You can save it as .csv first and create a
table based on the data) (4 pt)
Then, you should get the edges (source, target) whose source is the nodes you get
above. Then re-label them from 0 to 24 (mapping the 25 nodes to 0~24) and save it into
another table in Bigquery. (6 pt)
Submission requirement: screenshot of your code and the 2 table in BigQuery.
Step 2: Finish the code (25 pt)
Modified the code to draw a figure like below:
In , you need to finish 2 SQL to query the 2 table to get data. (2*1 pt) Then
modified them to the required format. Notice that there may be some deplicates of
edges’ data and you are required to remove them. The number of unique edges are
452. (5 pt)
There is a typo of the format, please have a look at the correction in Piazza
Finish the blanks in connection.js . (12*1 pt)
Result (6 pt)
Submission requirement: screenshot of your code and the output result.