EECS 440: Machine Learning Written Problems Week 8 solved


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33. Consider a modified SVM formulation derived using the plus-plane at wx+b=c1 and the minusplane at wx+b=c2, c1>0, c2<0. Explain the relationship between the decision surfaces obtained when (i) |c1|>|c2|, (ii) |c1|<|c2|, (iii) |c1|=|c2|. When would we prefer one over the other? 34. Explain why the margin of classification in an SVM (w,b) is independent of b. 35. Two classifiers A and B are evaluated on samples of size n and found to have error rates eA and eB such that eA−eB=0.1. If the true error rates of A and B are indeed different, how large does n have to be to guarantee we can establish the difference at a 95% confidence level? 36. A revolutionary new classifier, the Deep Bayesian Logistic Neural Tree Kernel Network, has been invented. Professors Bayesian Bob and Neural Nan have independently evaluated such a classifier on two datasets from a learning problem, obtaining 95% confidence intervals of (xB, yB) and (xN, yN) respectively. Over dinner, they share their findings with each other. Unfortunately, they are overheard by Professor Scoop, who wants to publish the result without doing the experiment. Find an expression for the best 95% confidence interval that Scoop could derive from Bob and Nan’s findings. You can assume the 95% CI multiplier for the Gaussian distribution to be 2 for convenience.