
EECS 349 (Machine Learning) Homework 6 solved

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Building a GMM classifier
Load “gmm_test.csv” and “gmm_train.csv”. This contains two labeled samples of data: X_test
and X_train. The labels for each sample are contained in Y_test and Y_train. So Y_train(i)
contains the label for X_train(i). Each of these samples was drawn from data coming from two
different underlying populations, labeled as classes “1” and “2”.
In this homework, you will model each class in the training data, using a GMM for each class.
You will then design a classifier to classify X_test using your GMMs. You will evaluate your
classification results on the test data. You need to submit your source code of “” and
“” as described below.
Note: You are welcome to make your functions work for multivariate (a.k.a.
multidimensional) GMMs, but you are not required to do so.
1. (2 points) Implement the EM algorithm to estimate parameters (means, variances, weights) of
a 1-dimensional GMM.
We have provided starter code in that looks like this:
def gmm_est(X, mu_init, sigmasq_init, wt_init, its):
Input Parameters:
– X : N 1-dimensional data points (a 1-by-N np array)
– mu_init : initial means of K Gaussian components (a 1-by-K np array)
– sigmasq_init: init variances of K Gaussian components (a 1-by-K np array)
– wt_init : init weights of k Gaussian components (a 1-by-K np array)
(sums to 1)
– its : number of iterations for the EM algorithm
– mu : means of Gaussian components (a 1-by-K np array)
– sigmasq : variances of Gaussian components (a 1-by-K np array)
– wt : weights of Gaussian components (a 1-by-K np array, sums to 1)
– L : log likelihood
At this point your code in this part should not output anything, it should just be the
implementation of the EM algorithm. In part 2, you will use the gmm_est() function that you
have written.
2. (2 points) Test your function by building a mixture model for each of the two classes in
X_train. Choose an appropriate number of Gaussian components and initializations of
parameters. In your write up, include a plot the data log-likelihood values for the first 20
iterations. Do you think your program has converged? In your write up, report the final values of
the GMM parameters for class 1 and for class 2.
EECS 349 (Machine Learning) Homework 6
Your program should be runnable from the command line with the following command:
python In addition to your plots, your program should output the following, in this exact format, and
nothing else:
>> python gmm_test.csv
Class 1
mu = [ 0.0 1.0]
sigma^2 = [ 2.0 3.0]
w = [ 4.0 5.0]
Class 2
mu = [ 0.0 1.0]
sigma^2 = [ 2.0 3.0]
w = [ 4.0 5.0]
Note: These print statements have been provided for you in the starter code. [0.0 1.0], etc. are
dummy values to give you an idea of the output format.
Additionally, your plots should not pop up when running your program (as they would when
you call ), but rather they should be saved right next to your program (using
plt.savefig() ). Make sure to save them with names that make sense, like
Hint: To pick good initializations, visualize the histogram of each class of data. The ‘hist’ function
in matplotlib is a big help. So is the ‘nonzero’ function in numpy. Try this example code to get
started. (Y_test and X_test should be numpy arrays)
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class1 = X_test[np.nonzero(Y_test ==1)[0]]
class2 = X_test[np.nonzero(Y_test ==2)[0]]
bins = 50 # the number 50 is just an example.
plt.hist(class1, bins)
plt.hist(class2, bins)
EECS 349 (Machine Learning) Homework 6
3. (2 points) Implement a function to perform binary classification using your learned GMMs.
We have provided starter code in
The function should be called as
def gmm_classify(X, mu1, sigmasq1, wt1, mu2, sigmasq2, wt2, p1):
Input Parameters:
– X : N 1-dimensional data points (a 1-by-N numpy array)
– mu1 : means of Gaussian components of the 1st class
(1-by-K1 np array)
– sigmasq1 : variances of Gaussian components of the 1st class
(a 1-by-K1 np array)
– wt1 : weights of Gaussian components of the 1st class
(1-by-K1 np array, sums to 1)
– mu2 : means of Gaussian components of the 2nd class
(a 1-by-K2 np array)
– sigmasq2 : variances of Gaussian components of the 2nd class
(a 1-by-K2 np array)
– wt2 : weights of Gaussian components of the 2nd class
(a 1-by-K2 np array, sums to 1)
– p1 : the prior probability of class 1.
– class_pred : a numpy array containing results from the gmm classifier
(the results array should be in the same order as
the input data points)
Your code should make a prediction for each data point in the numpy array X, put them in a
numpy array with the same order, and return that numpy array containing the results. For
instance, if I have two Guassians with Class 1 centered around 0.0, and Class 2 centered around
4.5, when I input a numpy array like this to my function:
[0.3, 0.5, 4.0, 5.1, 4.5, -0.1]
I would expect my function to return a numpy array like this:
[1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1]
Where the i
th value of the output array is the class of the ith value of the input array.
Your program should be runnable from the command line with the following command:
python And it should output a list of the original data points that are in each class like this, in this exact
format, and nothing else:
>> python gmm_train.csv
Class 1
[0.3, 0.5, -0.1, 0.0, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1]
Class 2
[4.0, 5.1, 4.5, 4.6, 4.3, 4.5, 4.4, 4.5]
EECS 349 (Machine Learning) Homework 6
4. (2 points) Run gmm_classify on X_test with the two GMMs you learned and the class prior
probability p1 calculated from the training data. In your write up, report on the accuracy of your
classifier (Just a single number, no need to do n-fold validation or statistics on this problem).
Make a two-color histogram of the two classes in X_test, where the color indicates the groundtruth correct class for the data (see the example code in the hint above for a starting point). Then
show classes learned by your GMM on this same plot by putting a colored marker (where the
color indicates the class chosen by your classifier) on the horizontal axis for each classified data
point. These plots should also be in your write up.
Note: You may use your code from problem 3 do this problem, but make sure whatever edits you
do, do not interfere with the expected output of gmm_classify from problem 3 (this includes
popping up plots with matplotlib!).
About the math of GMMs
5. (1 point) Assume I have a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) with K Gaussians. Assume that
for every data point x in my data set X, I was told that exactly one Gaussian had generated it AND
which Gaussian was the one that generated it. Would I be able to use a closed-form solution to
find the parameters for the GMM that maximize the probability of the data without having to use
Expectation Maximization? If so, say how. If not, say why not.
6. (1 point) Again assume I have a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) with K Gaussians. This
time, I don’t know which Gaussian generated any particular data point or even if only a single
Gaussian was responsible for any data point. Must I use Expectation Maximization in this case?
Give an explanation of why, or why not.