EECE 144 Lab 6 NAND / NOR Implementation solved


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• For this lab, only use the 74HC00 and 74HC02 ICs to implement your logic, the bar LEDs as outputs,
and the switches as inputs
• Find the minimal SOP expression of f using a Karnaugh map (you may draw the groups)
f (a, b, c, d) = Xm (0, 2, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15)
• Convert the minimal SOP expression of f to use only two-input NAND gates using Boolean algebra
• Implement f using only NAND (74HC00) gates and demonstrate it to your lab TA
• Find the minimal representation of f using only two-input NOR gates (you may draw the groups on
any Karnaugh map used)
– Describe how you found the representation
– Provide the final boolean expression using only two-input NOR gates
• Implement f using only NOR (74HC02) gates and demonstrate it to your lab TA
• Verify your two implementations of f yield the same outputs by using a truth table
The report for this lab should include the following sections:
1. Description/Objectives
2. Procedure, which must include
(a) The Karnaugh maps you used to minimize any expressions
(b) The boolean algebra to convert to only NAND/NOR
(c) The truth table you used to test your implementations
3. Observations
4. Conclusions