EE 5111: Estimation Mini Project 2 solved


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1 Performance of MLE
The aim of this exercise is to study the variation in the performance of MLE with increase in
the number of samples. Consider the following equation:
xi = A + ni i = 1, …, N (1)
where A is scalar and ni are the noise samples. Compute the maximum likelihood estimate of
A for the following cases:
1. ni ∼ N (0, 1). In this case, use the following expression derived in class:
Aˆ =
2. ni ∼ Lap(0, 1/

2), i.e., Laplace distribution with zero mean and unit variance. In this
case, the MLE is derived as:
Aˆ = median(xi).
3. ni ∼ Cauchy(0, γ). Use γ =
2Cg where Cg = 1.78. The closed form solution for MLE
is not available and hence, MLE should be computed through numerical evaluation. Use
Newton Raphson or any other appropriate numerical method.
Repeat the above experiments for N = 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000 and for A = 1 and A = 10. Here,
N is the number of samples considered for estimation.
Present the following for each noise distribution:
1. Tabulate the values of E[Aˆ] against the number of samples for both values of A. What
do you infer?
2. Tabulate the values of V ar(Aˆ) against the number of samples for both values of A. What
do you infer?
3. Plot the CDF of the estimate for N = 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000 samples for A = 1. Ensure
that you take enough realizations to get a smooth CDF. What can you say about the
CDF? Justify. Do you observe the following relation?

N(Aˆ − A0) ∼ N (0, I(A)
Here, I denotes the Fisher information.
4. Plot the PDF of the estimate for N = 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000 samples for A = 1. Ensure
that you take enough realizations to get a smooth PDF. What can you say about the
PDF convergence?
2 Submission
You are required submit this problem no later than 9th March 2020. The submission is by
showing the codes to one of the TA’s and running the code in front of them to produce the