Problem 1 Multiclass Logistic Regression Classifier (5 pts, 5 pts, 5 pts, 2 pts)
In this problem, you will derive and implement a multiclass linear classifier based on logistic regression (LR,
see Section 9.3 of UML). For binary classification, LR has two interpretations. The first, which is given in
UML, is that it performs ERM with the logistic loss, i.e., using
`(hw,(x, y)) = log
1 + e
T x)
where x, w ∈ R
, y ∈ {−1, 1}, and
hw(x) = sign
T x
This results in the ERM objective function
J1(w) = 1
1 + e
T xi)
. (1)
The second interpretation of (binary) LR is that it models/learns the conditional distribution P[Y = y | x]
and then uses this model to estimate the Bayes classifier. In particular, LR assumes that
P[Y = y | x, w] ≈ σ(w
T x)
σ(t) = 1
1 + e−t
is called the sigmoid or logistic function. You can check that σ(w
T x) ∈ [0, 1] and goes to 1 when w
T x is
large and 0 when w
T x is small. The vector w can be learned using maximum likelihood estimation, which
results in minimizing the negative log-likelihood
J2(w) = −
T xi)
+ (1 − yi) log
1 − σ(w
T xi)
, (2)
where now we set yi ∈ {0, 1}. The learned w is then used in σ(t) above to estimate the Bayes classifier.
The other benefit of the probabilistic interpretation of LR is that it easily extends to the multiclass case.
In this case, the conditional probability is modeled as
P[Y = k | x, w1, . . . , wK] ≈ softmax(k, wT
1 x, . . . , wT
softmax(k, t1, . . . , tK) = e
j=1 e
is the softmax function, which is the generalization of the sigmoid to multiple classes. We learn K weight
vectors (one for each class) by minimizing the cost function
J(w1, . . . , wK) = −
1 {yi = k} log
softmax(k, wT
1 xi
, . . . , wT
. (3
Homework 2 2
The above is minimized using (stochastic) gradient descent and is known as multiclass LR/multinomial
LR/softmax regression.
(a) Verify that (1) and (2) are equivalent cost functions. Hint: Start with (2) and use algebraic manipulations
to show that it is equivalent to (1).
(b) Verify that the gradient of (3) with respect to one weight vector is
∇wk J(w1, . . . , wK) = Xm
softmax(k, wT
1 x, . . . , wT
Kx) − 1 {yi = k}
(c) Complete the script by minimizing (3) using stochastic gradient descent and then using the
learned weight vectors to predict on the MNIST dataset (use the data from Homework 1). Use a learning
rate of µ = 10−2 and run ten full passes through the data (you can play with these if you want). Turn
in your code, as well as the classification error on the training and test sets. Hint: I’ve given you code to
create a smaller dataset for debugging that selects only three digits. Your final training and test errors
should both be below 10%.
(d) What do you notice about the differences between LR and the multiclass ridge regression classifier from
Homework 1?
Problem 2 DSS: Visualizing Data (3 pts, 5 pts, 5 pts)
(DSS rules apply.) Another important tool for any data scientist is knowing how to visualize results. Two
popular approaches to visualizing high-dimensional datasets are t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding
(t-SNE) and Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection for Dimension Reduction (UMAP). In this
problem, you will use UMAP to embed the MNIST test dataset and create an interactive plot showing
which digits were misclassified. To complete this problem, you will hack the tutorial here, which requires
the following packages: pandas, seaborn, bokeh, umap.
Hint: Start by grabbing a subset of the digits to reduce computation time while debugging.
(a) Use UMAP to create a scatter plot of the MNIST test dataset embedded into two dimensions, with the
color of each point in your plot corresponding to the true class of the image. Note that the ‘Digits’
dataset is not the same as the MNIST dataset. Turn in your plot.
(b) Hack the code in the linked tutorial to create an interactive plot that allows you to view the image and
true class of each point in the MNIST test dataset when you hover over it. Turn in a screenshot of your
plot with your mouse hovering over a point to show the tooltip.
(c) An important method for troubleshooting and displaying results is understanding what types of examples
are misclassified by your predictor. First, classify the MNIST test dataset using LogisticRegression
from sklearn. Next, hack the code from part (b) so that the points are colored based on whether they
are classified correctly. Turn in your code, a screenshot of your plot with your mouse hovering over a
point to show the tooltip, and some observations of what you learned about which types of points are
incorrectly classified.
Problem 3 SLT (10 pts)
(SLT rules apply.) UML, Ch. 3, Exercise 7. State how long you worked on the problem before looking at
the solution.
Problem 4 SLT (10 pts)
(SLT rules apply.) UML, Ch. 4, Exercise 2. State how long you worked on the problem before looking at
the solution