1) Consider the Turkish Super League database that has been e-mailed to you.
player (playerID: int, firstName: nvarchar(25), lastName: nvarchar(25), nationality: varchar(25), birthDate:
smalldatetime, age: smallint, position: varchar(25))
team (teamID: int, name: nvarchar(50), city: nvarchar(25))
player_team (playerID: int, teamID: int, season: varchar(5))
match (matchID: int, homeTeamID: int, visitingTeamID: int, dateOfMatch: smalldatetime, week: tinyint)
goals (matchID: int, playerID: int, isOwnGoal: bit, minute: tinyint)
Note that tables match and goals store data only for season 2013-2014.
1) [2 pts] Table creation and data insertion.
Run the following queries to create the table transactionLog in your database.
create table transactionLog (
logID int identity(1,1) primary key,
logTime datetime,
logType char(1),
beforeState nvarchar(500),
afterState nvarchar(500),
2) [58 pts] Implement a trigger trg_rearrange with the followings:
When a record is inserted into, deleted from or updated on the table goals (any change for
matchID, playerID and/or isOwnGoal) and insert a relevant record into the table
transactionLog.logTime is the time of operation.
transactionLog.logType is “I” for insertion, “D” for deletion and “U” for update
transactionLog.beforeState is null for insertion and transactionLog.afterState is null for
deletion. For update operation, beforeState is the one before the operation and afterState is
the one after the operation.
For the fields beforeState and afterState in table transactionLog, concatenate all the related
fields (matchID, playerID, isOwnGoal, minute) in table goals and separate them by a
semicolon (e.g. ’306;324;0;58’) and enter this data in the fields beforeState and afterState,
3) [10 pts]
a) [5 pts] Create view playerTeam_V as follows List player’s Name, surname and team name for all
b) [5 pts] Write the following query by using playerTeam_V view
List player’s Name, surname and the total number of distinct teams that they play. Results must be ordered
asc according to Name and surname.
Student ID: Student Name:
[30 pts] Consider the unnormalized relation R with six attributes ABCDEF and the following functional
a) [5 pts] What is the key(s) for the relation?
b) [5 pts] What is the normal form of this relation? Explain it.
c) [20 pts] Decompose R into 3NF relations step by step if it is not in 3NF.