CSE355 Database Systems Homework #5 solved


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1) Consider the Turkish Super League database that has been e-mailed to you.
player (playerID: int, firstName: nvarchar(25), lastName: nvarchar(25), nationality: varchar(25), birthDate:
smalldatetime, age: smallint, position: varchar(25))
team (teamID: int, name: nvarchar(50), city: nvarchar(25))
player_team (playerID: int, teamID: int, season: varchar(5))
match (matchID: int, homeTeamID: int, visitingTeamID: int, dateOfMatch: smalldatetime, week: tinyint)
goals (matchID: int, playerID: int, isOwnGoal: bit, minute: tinyint)
 Note that tables match and goals store data only for season 2013-2014.
1) [2 pts] Table creation and data insertion.
Run the following queries to create the table transactionLog in your database.
create table transactionLog (
logID int identity(1,1) primary key,
logTime datetime,
logType char(1),
beforeState nvarchar(500),
afterState nvarchar(500),
2) [58 pts] Implement a trigger trg_rearrange with the followings:
 When a record is inserted into, deleted from or updated on the table goals (any change for
matchID, playerID and/or isOwnGoal) and insert a relevant record into the table
 transactionLog.logTime is the time of operation.
 transactionLog.logType is “I” for insertion, “D” for deletion and “U” for update
 transactionLog.beforeState is null for insertion and transactionLog.afterState is null for
deletion. For update operation, beforeState is the one before the operation and afterState is
the one after the operation.
 For the fields beforeState and afterState in table transactionLog, concatenate all the related
fields (matchID, playerID, isOwnGoal, minute) in table goals and separate them by a
semicolon (e.g. ’306;324;0;58’) and enter this data in the fields beforeState and afterState,
3) [10 pts]
a) [5 pts] Create view playerTeam_V as follows List player’s Name, surname and team name for all
b) [5 pts] Write the following query by using playerTeam_V view 
List player’s Name, surname and the total number of distinct teams that they play. Results must be ordered
asc according to Name and surname.
Student ID: Student Name:
[30 pts] Consider the unnormalized relation R with six attributes ABCDEF and the following functional
B  F
C  D
a) [5 pts] What is the key(s) for the relation?
b) [5 pts] What is the normal form of this relation? Explain it.
c) [20 pts] Decompose R into 3NF relations step by step if it is not in 3NF.