CSE344 – System Programming – Final Project solved


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Context and objective
There is no denying the existence of cheating students. And unfortunately, the proliferation of
technology has widened their opportunities. More specifically, your greedy boss has come up with
an idea of an application focusing on getting together people that solve homeworks for money
(henceforth the providers), and cheating students that want to pay to get their homework done
(henceforth the clients).
The main idea is to have a server, with a pool of provider threads. Each provider thread is
associated with three numerical parameters: the provider’s price (a flat rate between 50 to 1000TL)
per homework, performance(quality) (between 1-worst and 5-best) and login duration (i.e. the
number of seconds the provider will be active). A provider thread solves all homeworks in its queue,
and waits otherwise, until eventually its login time is over.
A client on the other hand will connect to a server, send his/her homework through the socket and a
priority parameter (either cost C, quality Q or time T) to the server. Depending on the chosen
priority parameter, the server will forward the homework to either the cheapest, best performing
or least busy provider. Once the homework is done the client will collect the result of computation
and terminate.
– Some providers will logout earlier than others, so the provider ranks (in terms of cost and quality)
are not constant.
– Every client will submit her/his homework and wait for collecting its result. Careful with
– For the sake of simplicity all homeworks consist of an integer value (in degrees) whose cosine
must be calculated using the Taylor series.
– Your server is threaded, every new connection MUST be handled as a new thread. This new
thread will post the job to provider(if available) and wait for it to finish.
– All server/provider messages must be logged at a log file and printed on stderr.
– The task queue of every provider has size 2. If for instance the client prioritizes performance
and the best performing provider’s queue is full, then the server must forward the task to the
next best performing provider.
a) server
Admits as command line argument:
– the connection port for listening to clients
– file of providers
– and the log file
You are provided with a file data.dat containing the list of providers and their parameters.
e.g. Murat 2 200 360 means
Murat is his name, 2 is his performance (i.e. quality of homeworks solved), 200TL is his price and
he’ll remain logged in for 360 seconds in total.
Your server will read this file at startup, and create one thread per provider, and then wait for client
Once a client connects, your server will forward the homework to the corresponding provider. If no
provider is available an error message “NO PROVIDER IS AVAILABLE” will be sent to the client.
Your server will continue to work until a termination signal is received, in which case it will first
close up all client sockets by sending a polite message such as “SERVER SHUTDOWN” and
terminate all provider threads.
b) client
Every client will consist of a separate process with the following commandline arguments:
– client name as a string
– her/his priority ‘C’ for low cost or ‘Q’ for high quality/performance or ‘T’ for high speed
– the homework as an integer denoting degree
– server address
– server port address
and will connect to the server send a request in the form of a simple string:
e.g. “Hileci C 45” means the client’s name is Hileci, his priority is low cost and the homework is
“Hileci2 Q 55” means the client’s name is Hileci2, his priority is high performance and the
homework is cos(55)
“Hileci3 T 30” means the client’s name is Hileci3, his priority is high speed and the homework
is cos(30).
Sample output for a client console:
Client Hileci is requesting Q 45 from server
Hileci’s task completed by Ayse in 7.53 seconds, cos(45)=0.707, cost is 900TL,
total time spent 7.89 seconds.
c) provider
Every provider will wait for tasks in her/his queue, complete the task, sleep for a random duration
between 5-15 seconds (to simulate hard work…), and return its result to the client. Once the login
time is up, the provider will logout and her/his thread will be terminated.
Sample output for a provider processing a task:
Provider Ayse is waiting for a task
Provider Ayse is processing task number 1: 45
Provider Ayse completed task number 1: cos(45)=0.707 in 7.53 seconds.
Provider Ayse is processing task number 2: 55
Provider Ayse completed task number 2: cos(55)=0.573 in 9.71 seconds.
Provider Ayse is waiting for a task
If everything goes well your application should print on screen something like the following:
– server (together with providers)
$homeworkServer 5555 data.dat log.dat
Logs kept at log.dat
7 provider threads created
Name Performance Price Duration
Ayse 5 900 60
Fatma 3 500 180
Murat 2 200 360
Hakan 4 750 240
Cengiz 1 75 600
Nuray 3 450 90
Ertan 4 600 120
Provider Ayse waiting for tasks
Provider Fatma waiting for tasks
Provider Cengiz waiting for tasks
Provider Murat waiting for tasks
Provider Nuray waiting for tasks
Provider Ertan waiting for tasks
Provider Hakan waiting for tasks
Server is waiting for client connections at port 5555
Client Hileci2 (Q 45) connected, forwarded to provider Ayse
Provider Ayse is processing task number 1: 45
Client Hileci10 (Q 99) connected, forwarded to provider Ayse
Client Hileci10 (C 11) connected, forwarded to provider Cengiz
Provider Ayse completed task number 1: cos(45)=0.707 in 7.53 seconds.

Termination signal received
Terminating all clients
Terminating all providers
Name Number of clients served
Ayse 2
Fatma 1
Murat 0
Hakan 1
Cengiz 2
Nuray 1
Ertan 1
In order to simulate intensive client connections, use a shell script with a list of consecutive client
clientApp Hileci1 C 45 5555
clientApp Hileci2 Q 99 5555
clientApp Hileci3 T 11 5555
clientApp Hileci4 C 19 5555

Your code will be evaluated with a different data.dat file and our own script of client
a) Your program must handle eventual errors gracefully according to the POSIX traditions.
b) Your program must print usage information in case of incorrect or missing command line
c) “You are expected to submit a report explaining in detail how your project design provides
the required behavior and how you have solved any eventual problems you have
encountered.” Report format will be pdf.
d) Provide a makefile to compile your homework. Do not run your program inside makefile.
Just compile it.
e) Test your homework using the Virtual Machine given to you.
f) No late submissions.
g) Use POSIX and Standard C libraries. You can write your program using C11 standards.
Project format:
|→ Makefile
|→ Source files (.c .h)
|→ StudentID_FP_report.pdf
Good luck.